alt right whining about the economy


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Somehow the alt right whining about the economy just does not hold water.

Amazing market gains today.
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They're trying to set it up so Trump can look good if he comes into office and the economy continues the strong course Obama set or - he comes into office and it crashes, they can blame it on Obama.
Great news for the energy sector....and disastrous news for the eco nut jobs on the well as the globull warming loons.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump will pick an ardent opponent of President Barack Obama's measures to stem climate change to head the Environmental Protection Agency, a Trump transition team source said on Wednesday.

Trump's choice, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, has enraged environmental activists, but he fits with the Republican president-elect's promise to cut the agency back and eliminate regulation that he says is stifling oil and gas drilling.

Trump to pick foe of Obama climate agenda to run EPA: source
Great news for the energy sector....and disastrous news for the eco nut jobs on the well as the globull warming loons.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump will pick an ardent opponent of President Barack Obama's measures to stem climate change to head the Environmental Protection Agency, a Trump transition team source said on Wednesday.

Trump's choice, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, has enraged environmental activists, but he fits with the Republican president-elect's promise to cut the agency back and eliminate regulation that he says is stifling oil and gas drilling.

Trump to pick foe of Obama climate agenda to run EPA: source
I originally thought we could live with Drumpf until his 4 years were over. After 4 years of his stupidity it may be too late for the planet.
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Great news for the energy sector....and disastrous news for the eco nut jobs on the well as the globull warming loons.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump will pick an ardent opponent of President Barack Obama's measures to stem climate change to head the Environmental Protection Agency, a Trump transition team source said on Wednesday.

Trump's choice, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, has enraged environmental activists, but he fits with the Republican president-elect's promise to cut the agency back and eliminate regulation that he says is stifling oil and gas drilling.

Trump to pick foe of Obama climate agenda to run EPA: source
So let us see if the Dems can get three Pubs on their side in case the Pub's end the cloture rule.
They're trying to set it up so Trump can look good if he comes into office and the economy continues the strong course Obama set or - he comes into office and it crashes, they can blame it on Obama.
Who is they?

A market of 50 million independent people is a conspiracy?

More like herd behavior. Everyone is mooing and baaing at the moment.
Somehow the alt right whining about the economy just does not hold water.

Amazing market gains today.
  • DJIA19507.21
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  • 5381.98
Yes, all of that is since Trump won! My 401k has lost thousands and now, it's back where it was and climbing! Keep lying.
Somehow the alt right whining about the economy just does not hold water.

Amazing market gains today.
  • DJIA19507.21
  • +255.43+1.33%

    S&P 5002233.42

  • 5381.98

Silly Jake- thinking a high stock market means a good or healthy economy. Ask low wage earnings how great this economy is. Here is a bit of education you should appreciate. Those invested in the market and real estate have done well, thank you very much. Unfortunately the anemic growth has further increased the wealth/income gap. That's not a great economy sport.

Relationship between stock market and economy | Economics Help

Profits as a share of GDP. Since the 2008 credit crunch, we have seen company profit become a bigger share of national income. Despite low economic growth, firms have been able to increase profitability. In short, real wage growth has been muted, but many companies have seen a rise in profits and cash reserves. This is due to factors, such as the monopoly power of large IT firms, such as Apple, Google and Microsoft. Therefore, despite relatively weak economic growth, publically listed companies, are still attractive to shareholders because they have retained their profitability, and even increased it faster than GDP growth.

Ultra low interest rates. In 2016, we have seen a rise in government bonds with negative yields. This means investors are buying bonds – even though, they lose money because of negative interest rates. This is because in the current climate, investors are pessimistic about the fortunes of the economy. With great uncertainty in the economy, investors are happy to buy bonds for the security they offer – even though they have very poor returns. Because of ultra-low interest rates, shares become relatively more attractive. Investors are willing to buy shares, despite threat of recession, because they at least have a good yield compared to bonds.

Ironically, the stock market can do relatively well because there is a poor choice of investment opportunities.
Alt right? what a joke. Why do libs feel the need to label? White, Black, Hispanic, Dreamer, Progressive, Undocumented worker, LGBT, Bi, now Alt Right, all kinds of labels. What happened to last election seasons label? You know Tea Bagger. So from Tea Bagger to Alt Right....hmmmmmm I guess Alt Right sounds better....Okay you can call us that.

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