All the movies you must see

I disagree. This seemed like a propaganda film to the max. Progs will sell all war movies as American propaganda. This movie was not that good except it was feel good for an ending of a terrible time. And it won awards because of it.
What propaganda? Vets returning home from WWII did have adjustment problems, jobs, family, and changes in America. What is different than other wars to come were numbers, 16 million Vets and most returning home to civilian life within 2 years after the war. I think one of the reasons this movie was so popular, is that audiences could easily identify with the characters.
I prefer the original version (1949). The 2006 version is disjointed and the script is terrible. Rotten Tomatoes gave a it a charitable 11% and audiences 40%. the original movie won 3 Oscars which included Best Picture and Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 96% and the audience 78%.

The movies are based on the novel of the same name written by Robert Penn Warren. The book was inspired by the real-life story of Louisiana governor Huey P. Long, who was assassinated in 1935.

I doubt many people today know anything about Huey P. Long and what he did in Louisiana. Although Donald Trump captivated his audience in much the same way as Long did, he was much different once in office. Unlike Trump, he was a champion of the poor building highways, huge bridges, bringing free healthcare to his people, free schools, free textbooks, free lunches, etc. Tax the rich to feed to poor was his goal and violating the law was just routine business for Long. He was the most hated man in Louisiana and the most Loved.

In the movie and book, the main character, Willie Stark deviates from Huey Long in order to capitate the viewer or reader but the most important events in Long's life are factually portrayed. The 1949 version is worth seeing for it's fine acting and script and for a glimpse of political history of a charlatan and conman that might have made it to the presidency if not stopped by an assassin's bullet.

The moral of both the book and movie is "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely".

I will see the original sooner or later. This version wasn't terrible, everything was solid from a film point of view, nothing stuck out about it as being substandard, a bunch of Oscar level actors not going the extra mile with TV movie level dialogue, professionally shot on nice cameras, nothing artful or ambitious about any of it visually. Sort of like boring, cant wait for it to end but nothing makes you wince. Thats why I rate it right in the middle down the center, could be the measure to determine all the others, better is a 6 worse is a 4.

Like sitting in a nice waiting room forever and theres nothing to keep you occupied, its nice in there, the temperature is perfect, nobody else shows up.
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I will see the original sooner or later. This version wasn't terrible, everything was solid from a film point of view, nothing stuck out about it as being substandard, a bunch of Oscar level actors not going the extra mile with TV movie level dialogue, professionally shot on nice cameras, nothing artful or ambitious about any of it visually. Sort of like boring, cant wait for it to end but nothing makes you wince. Thats why I rate it right in the middle down the center, could be the measure to determine all the others, better is a 6 worse is a 4.

Like sitting in a nice waiting room forever and theres nothing to keep you occupied, its nice in there, the temperature is perfect, nobody else shows up.
If found the whole movie a bit boring due to either the script or direction, maybe both. Stark was so charismatic in the 1949 movie he could convince a blind man to walk a tightrope but Penn just didn't have it.. I lived in Louisiana for some years and I always found the Long's fascination thus I was really expecting a lot from the movie and got nothing but a few wasted hours.
If found the whole movie a bit boring due to either the script or direction, maybe both. Stark was so charismatic in the 1949 movie he could convince a blind man to walk a tightrope but Penn just didn't have it.. I lived in Louisiana for some years and I always found the Long's fascination thus I was really expecting a lot from the movie and got nothing but a few wasted hours.
Well it goes to show how much it takes to make a truly great movie.
" I was nineteen" with english subtitles
Gregor is a young soldier entering Germany with the victorious Soviet troops at the end of WWII. But he is also the child of left-wing Germans who fled from Hitler and spent the war in the Soviet Union. As a result, his return to Germany is ambivalent; he finds he is a stranger in his own land.
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The Trial (1962)

This film isn't available to rent on Amazon or Netflix or anywhere else in the US, but its available on Roku as a FREEVEE gift. I guess one free movie a year won't hurt. I really want to see this one, I can relate to the premise being a man is on trial without being informed of his charges. So, how do you defend yourself when you dont know what you are accused of? Orson Welles said this was the best film he ever made. If its so good how come it isnt avalable? I dont know but maybe I can tell why when I watch it. Heres the FREEVEE link if youd like to do so yourself.

Happy Veterans Day

Forgive the commercials.
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The Trial (1962)

This film isn't available to rent on Amazon or Netflix or anywhere else in the US, but its available on Roku as a FREEVEE gift. I guess one free movie a year won't hurt. I really want to see this one, I can relate to the premise being a man is on trial without being informed of his charges. So, how do you defend yourself when you dont know what you are accused of? Orson Welles said this was the best film he ever made. If its so good how come it isnt avalable? I dont know but maybe I can tell why when I watch it. Heres the FREEVEE link if youd like to do so yourself.

Happy Veterans Day

Forgive the commercials.
The Trial is a lesson in communist behavior and is uncomfortable to watch as the main character, a man of the freeworld, stuck in the 50s mode of living, is being courted by a communist regime. Thats what I gather from it and the commie themes are probably why the American movie rentals dont carry it. Not a movie you must see unless you want to see how commies act. I am sorry I subjected myself to this.

Not the best Orson Welles movie as he claimed. The second half of the movie gets crazier and makes less sense. I don't want to see this again.
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The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

I believe Best Years of Our Lives is probably the best movie every made about GI's returning home from war. The movie takes place in the small midwestern town of Boon City but if could be any small town in American in 1945. The movie follows three veterans returning home from war. There's Fred (Dana Andrews), a war hero who, unable to compete with more highly skilled workers, has to return to his low-wage soda jerk job. There's Bank executive Al (Fredric March) who gets into trouble for offering favorable loans to veterans. After losing both hands in the war, Homer (Harold Russell) who returns to his loving fiancée, but must struggle to adjust. Thanks William Wyler Director, Robert E. Sherwood, Screenwriter, and a great cast, by the end of the movie you will feel you know these guys and you'll want know more.

The movie won 8 academy awards and is number 37 on the America Film Institute's The 100 Greatest American Films of All Times.

Happy Veterans Day
"I ain't selling nothing but plain old fashioned Americanism." Great movie with a realistic story.
View attachment 724064
The Trial (1962)

This film isn't available to rent on Amazon or Netflix or anywhere else in the US, but its available on Roku as a FREEVEE gift. I guess one free movie a year won't hurt. I really want to see this one, I can relate to the premise being a man is on trial without being informed of his charges. So, how do you defend yourself when you dont know what you are accused of? Orson Welles said this was the best film he ever made. If its so good how come it isnt avalable? I dont know but maybe I can tell why when I watch it. Heres the FREEVEE link if youd like to do so yourself.

Happy Veterans Day

Forgive the commercials.
For whatever reason the film is without copywrite so it is in public domain. It's available on YouTube. The link is below. Is it good or bad? Well that depends on what you like. Wells said it was his greatest movie. I disagree. The Cinematography is great. However the premise of movie is not that great. In 1962, it would be considered an art movie that played Art movie houses . You be judge as to whether it is good or bad.
For whatever reason the film is without copywrite so it is in public domain. It's available on YouTube. The link is below. Is it good or bad? Well that depends on what you like. Wells said it was his greatest movie. I disagree. The Cinematography is great. However the premise of movie is not that great. In 1962, it would be considered an art movie that played Art movie houses . You be judge as to whether it is good or bad.

What happens to the reels when a copyright expires?
The Trial is a lesson in communist behavior and is uncomfortable to watch as the main character, a man of the freeworld, stuck in the 50s mode of living, is being courted by a communist regime. Thats what I gather from it and the commie themes are probably why the American movie rentals dont carry it. Not a movie you must see unless you want to see how commies act. I am sorry I subjected myself to this.

Not the best Orson Welles movie as he claimed. The second half of the movie gets crazier and makes less sense. I don't want to see this again.
I don't see this movie is as communistic. Our central character stands accused of an unknown crime, and his trial is supposedly required for justice to be served. However, there seems to be little justice in the treatment Josef receives.
Anthony Perkins makes any movie better. He was an excellent actor .I like the movie it is an art film not something you see at a regular movie house. All the actors were excellent, the movie all around was well put together . A man caught in a confusing situation lost in a strange and unforgiving man made environment. Thanks for posting. :thup:
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I don't see this movie is as communistic. Our central character stands accused of an unknown crime, and his trial is supposedly required for justice to be served. However, there seems to be little justice in the treatment Josef receives.

His accusers appear to be communists and they draw him into their world, they dont present any identification as to who they are and do not serve him a warrant, but they seem to be trying to make him commit to the idea he is guilty although they never say of what. His interractions with his accusers seem to be symbolic displays of communist mannerisms and behaviors, all of which he tries to reject and is obviously put off with. Many of them have slight russian accents. I mean, it doesnt take much imagination to see whats going on here.
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His accusers appear to be communists and they draw him into their world, they dont present any identification as to who they are and do not serve him a warrant, but they seem to be trying to make him commit to the idea he is guilty although they never say of what.
I think that might be any fictious totalitarian state.
When the copywrite expires, the work is in public domain which places streamers like Youtube can make the film available without paying royalties or fees. I'm not sure this move was every copywrite in the US.

Well then what about the reels?
Well then what about the reels?
If you mean the movie reels, they have probably been trashed. This movie was released 54 years ago and it was far from being a blockbuster. The master has obviously been made available on DVD and now it is out being streamed. Probably somewhere in some warehouse, the masters are stored with the chemicals being eroded which is typical of movies that are not big hits. According to to Library of Congress only 14% of commercial films made are still around today. Half the films made before 1950 are gone and 90% of silent films are gone.
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