Alex Jones Ordered To Pay $4.1 Million In Compensatory Damages. Punitive Damage Amount To Come Tomorrow. Bad Week For Conservatives Only Gets Worse

Were the parents chained to a chair and forced to listen to it? Someone saying things that hurt your feelings doesn’t entitle you to millions of dollars.
There you go with that feeling shit again. No they were not chined to a chair, but there is no way that there were not exposed to it like everyone else was unless they live of a deserted island with no internet

Now I see what your problem is. You have a need to take the most obnoxious, idiotic and extreme positions on evry issue just to push buttons and get attention-negative attention because it is the only way that you know of to get attentipon and its better that no attention at all. That is an illness.
Not unless he somehow forced them to listen to it or directed his listeners to harass them.
Actually he did..

He might not have told them dirrectly to threaten them, but he knows his audiance and knew what they would do. That is common fucking sense, something that you clearly lack
There you go with that feeling shit again. No they were not chined to a chair, but there is no way that there were not exposed to it like everyone else was unless they live of a deserted island with no internet

Now I see what your problem is. You have a need to take the most obnoxious, idiotic and extreme positions on evry issue just to push buttons and get attention-negative attention because it is the only way that you know of to get attentipon and its better that no attention at all. That is an illness.
I’ve never heard the man‘s voice. Ever. Not on his show or otherwise. Prior to this thread I wouldn’t have known him had he walked past me in the street.

Now if I’m able to to avoid having ever even heard this moron“s voice how were they unable to not listen to his show? You have to WANT to listen to it to hear it. They arent playing it as background at Walmart or your local grocery. If you’re tuning in to get your feelings hurt on purpose that’s on you.
Actually he did..

He might not have told them dirrectly to threaten them, but he knows his audiance and knew what they would do. That is common fucking sense, something that you clearly lack
So now we are holding people accountable for shit people they’ve never even met are doing without their direction. Got it
I’ve never heard the man‘s voice. Ever. Not on his show or otherwise. Prior to this thread I wouldn’t have known him had he walked past me in the street.

Now if I’m able to to avoid having ever even heard this moron“s voice how were they unable to not listen to his show? You have to WANT to listen to it to hear it. They arent playing it as background at Walmart or your local grocery. If you’re tuning in to get your feelings hurt on purpose that’s on you.
Thank you for admitting that you are totally out of touch with the world around you. You can crawl back under your rock now
These desperate cultists act like they have never heard of defamation and don't understand why we are such an unfair country, the moment one of their high priests pays the price for their behavior.

It's an act. They are bad actors.

Grow up
It's called slander, look it up. How the fuck does iy matter whether or not they met them? Once again I doubt that you believe your own bullshit.
You might want to look up the definition of the word slander.

You cant hold Jones accountable for what his idiot listeners did or said.

Jones saying Sandyhook was a hoax doesnt slander the parents of the kids who were killed.
What Jones said about grieving families was reprehensible
He made money off of his lies

The Jury is making him pay
Jones never mentioned grieving families. He said he didn't even know their names until the trial. If you have a good link to support what you claim, post it.
Texas law limits punitive damages to twice the compensitory damages. Twice the 4.1 million is all he will be required to pay of that 45 million. Texas republicans have pandered to the rich, at the expense of the rest of us for a long time. This is just another example of that.
Texas law limits punitive damages to twice the compensitory damages. Twice the 4.1 million is all he will be required to pay of that 45 million. Texas republicans have pandered to the rich, at the expense of the rest of us for a long time. This is just another example of that.

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