Alex Jones Ordered To Pay $4.1 Million In Compensatory Damages. Punitive Damage Amount To Come Tomorrow. Bad Week For Conservatives Only Gets Worse

I find it kinda funny that the left can want Alex Jones sued into oblivion for "pushing a hoax" yet when you ask them who should be sued first for pushing the Russian collusion hoax against a sitting president you get crickets.

Double standards are the only standards liberals have.
Trump files as many lawsuits as he eats cheeseburgers
Why hasn’t he sued over Russian collusion?
This is fantastic news!

I'm Loving It. That loud mouth bully and his shit show conspiracy theories have hit rock bottom.

The look Jones face when he found out his attorney's frrom the law firm of Fumble, Stumple and Regroup had accidently sent opposing counsel all of Jones texts for past several years was priceless, he knew he was screwed.

The Sand Hook Parent's attorney has already said he would cooperate with the 01-06 Committee and send copies of the texts they received. Count on the DOJ to want those texts as well.

Next up is the Ex-Mrs. Jones, she is offering up what she knows as well, which does not bode well for lying fat ass is her former husband.

Let's see that lying Sack-O-Shit eating day old baloney sandwiches and drinking warm milk for rest of his life.
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Before Roe vs Wade there were abortionists on back streets of every town in America.
WRONG in the Extreme.My Proof the Movie :
- Love with the Proper Stranger - { circa 1963 } Starring mega
stars Steve McQueen and Natalie Wood.
The setting is only in't get any bigger.
F-head.One of the locations was 131 East 10th street,Manhattan.
It demonstrates the delicasies of attempting to go about
getting one them back door Abortions.
Ya blistering F-head.
Now run along back to yer hovel of a bedroom in yer Aunt's
house and rethink yer untold degree of habitually Lying.
1. You dont know what he believes. Im not saying he does believe it Im saying neither you nor I have any idea what he actually believes to say otherwise is silly.

2. The political rhetoric (from both sides) makes shit up all the time. The Hand Maids Tale, women will be dying in the streets for lack of abortions if you overturn Roe. etc etc. Has any of that happened? Have people been harassed as a result of that rhetoric? So Im assuming you would support Kavanaugh suing Joe Reid and MSNBC then right? Or how about Kavanaugh's wife? She didnt have anything to do with the Roe decision, but she certainly suffered due to false claims made by political pundits.
Give it a chance

Yes there ABSOLUTELY could be women DYING because of this stupid ruling
It does not matter if the Traitor has his sycophantic followers. His recent Golf Tourmanent at Bedmister and Ivana Burial site, the tickets were sold of $1.00 and Tiger Woods turned down $7000,00 -$800,000 just to play.
Glad Tiger turned it down
WRONG in the Extreme.My Proof the Movie :
- Love with the Proper Stranger - { circa 1963 } Starring mega
stars Steve McQueen and Natalie Wood.
The setting is only in't get any bigger.
F-head.One of the locations was 131 East 10th street,Manhattan.
It demonstrates the delicasies of attempting to go about
getting one them back door Abortions.
Ya blistering F-head.
Now run along back to yer hovel of a bedroom in yer Aunt's
house and rethink yer untold degree of habitually Lying.

You were educated at the movies. How pitiful. Every small town had an abortionist on the wrong side of the tracks.
Let's face facts, Jack
Here comes the bullshit...
the only reason this case is there at all is because Jones is just another hated rightwing person pursued and vilified by the out of control marxist Left
Right on cue. You really are a good for nothing partisan hack moron. Apparently, this magaturd worm Jones created a right wing podcast based upon lies, conspiracies and propaganda (The site is literally called 'InfoWars', for fucks sake). He used this vehicle to consistently lie about and defame the entire Sandy Hook situation, including the parents of victims. His magaturd audience, being the deplorable worms they are, consistently defamed, harassed and even threatened said parents of victims.

Since we have a constitution, and a first amendment right to free speech, it's not kosher to take someone like this and just have the victims beat the sorry motherfucker to death. Thus, the only route to justice is monetary, and it's done through the court. With me thus far, magaturd? So, this is where accountability for free speech happens. If magaturd worms like Jones want to make a living by lying, creating conspiracy and distilling propaganda to the masses, they get sued. If a jury finds him guilty, as they correctly did, he gets fined. If said fines eventually bankrupt him, oh well. Maybe he should have kept his fucking mouth shut.

The fine is up to 45 million now. There are more lawsuits coming.
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