Alex Acosta Pedophile Defender: Trump Cabinet Member


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
So serial pedophile rapist Epstein gets a slap on the wrist and now we find out that his lawyer acted illegally in getting that ruling.

So what happens?

Trump puts Acosta in his friggin Cabinet.

The Swamp is GROWING with the Orange Criminal in the White House folks
So serial pedophile rapist Epstein gets a slap on the wrist and now we find out that his lawyer acted illegally in getting that ruling.

So what happens?

Trump puts Acosta in his friggin Cabinet.

The Swamp is GROWING with the Orange Criminal in the White House folks

Google it moron
Obviously the plea agreement was a bad deal for the victims but Acosta was the prosecutor in that case, he wasn't representing Epstein so maybe you should get your facts straight.
So serial pedophile rapist Epstein gets a slap on the wrist and now we find out that his lawyer acted illegally in getting that ruling.

So what happens?

Trump puts Acosta in his friggin Cabinet.

The Swamp is GROWING with the Orange Criminal in the White House folks

Google it moron

When you make specific accusations, it helps to know which source you used for them, as there are often may sources with many different spins on a given story.

It lets us know what actual source you used to reach your conclusions.

Ok, so now we know you didn't read the whole story. Acosta wasn't his lawyer, he was in charge of the prosecutors as a US district attorney a decade ago when the deal was made. And this isn't something he will be prosecuted for, it is a legal proceeding where the judge has ruled that there may be some new trials or at least a re-sentencing ordered.

See? This is why we ask for sources.
If you want to play gotcha politics and guilt by association remember that Bill Clinton visited Epstein's private island over 20 times...
Obviously the plea agreement was a bad deal for the victims but Acosta was the prosecutor in that case, he wasn't representing Epstein so maybe you should get your facts straight.
Pardon my phrasing. That's WORSE.

The Prosecutor acted illegally to benefit this rich rapist pedophile...and now he's in Trump's cabinet.

Happy now?
If you want to play gotcha politics and guilt by association remember that Bill Clinton visited Epstein's private island over 20 times...
Sorry but that was a PeeWee Herman Defense FAIL.

Clinton didn't act illegally to get this guy a slap on the wrist and he wasn't promoted to Trump's cabinet.

If Clinton did anything illegal he should be prosecuted...but that has ZERO to do with this Swamp Creature in the Trump Admin
So serial pedophile rapist Epstein gets a slap on the wrist and now we find out that his lawyer acted illegally in getting that ruling.

So what happens?

Trump puts Acosta in his friggin Cabinet.

The Swamp is GROWING with the Orange Criminal in the White House folks

You're defending a pedophile by screaming


Did SHE get this creep off?
If you want to play gotcha politics and guilt by association remember that Bill Clinton visited Epstein's private island over 20 times...
Sorry but that was a PeeWee Herman Defense FAIL.

Clinton didn't act illegally to get this guy a slap on the wrist and he wasn't promoted to Trump's cabinet.

If Clinton did anything illegal he should be prosecuted...but that has ZERO to do with this Swamp Creature in the Trump Admin

Acosta's illegal activity was only brought to light yesterday, fuckhead. It's not like Trump wants this kind of negative publicity and I'm certain the guy will be looking for a new job real soon.
Epstein needs to spend the rest of his life in a jail cell and Acosta should have the cell right next to him. And Trump should apologize for HIRING this fucking corrupt asshole.

Full Stop

You disagree?
Epstein needs to spend the rest of his life in a jail cell and Acosta should have the cell right next to him. And Trump should apologize for HIRING this fucking corrupt asshole.

Full Stop

You disagree?

Sure, other than Trump apologizing. Why should he?
If you want to play gotcha politics and guilt by association remember that Bill Clinton visited Epstein's private island over 20 times...
And Clinton also pardoned a convicted child molester-

While he represented inner-city Chicago, Reynolds was a good friend of the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan. They were such close friends that Reynolds had no problem spouting some of Farrakhan’s various anti-Semitic incantations against Jews while in office.
But all of this vicious hate couldn’t help Reynolds when he helped himself to regular illegal sexual relations with a 16-year-old “campaign worker,” Beverly T. Heard. A tape of an explicit June 6, 1994, phone conversation between Heard and Reynolds was exhibit number TR-1 in People v. Melvin Reynolds, a trial that ended in Reynolds’ conviction. Reynolds was sentenced to several years in federal prison for this and fraud and corruption convictions; his wife and three children went on welfare in Boston.

A sampling of Reynolds’ phone conversation rivals the lurid detail of Clinton’s lewd behavior in the Starr Report. Various underwear choices and sex acts are graphically described by Reynolds to his youthful female target. This includes a planned threesome with a 15-year-old Catholic schoolgirl named Theresa. Awestruck with the prospect, Reynolds rhetorically asks, “Did I win the Lotto?” It’s enough to make Reynolds’ pardoner, Monica’s boyfriend, blush.

And not only was Reynolds pardoned by Clinton, but he was hired by Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Operation PUSH to decrease the number of young blacks going to prison. Given its new employee — teen “romance” king Reynolds — it’s ironic that Jackson founded PUSH to persuade minority students to avoid, among other things, teen-age pregnancy. Until Clinton’s pardon, Reynolds, like any other convicted child molester, was required to register as a sex offender in each place he lived.

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