al gore doesn't care about 3rd World Poverty...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
And as he lives the 1% of the 1% lifestyle...he pushes an agenda that condemns the people of the 3rd World to perpetual poverty and misery.........and he doesn't care...

Why People Like Al Gore Hate The World’s Poor

As Gore prepares for the release of An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, his highly anticipated sequel to his Academy Award winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, people will continue to buy into the idea that the crisis of energy poverty comes second to climate change. This is entirely unacceptable.

Many of the world’s issues of poverty can be solved with the implementation of policies that advocate for energy affordability. However, this only can be achieved through legacy methods of energy generation—not forcing the reliance on energy production on intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar.

You may have heard this sentiment before, but manufacturing wind turbines, specifically, is expensive and requires raw and finished materials created by petroleum products, fossil fuels, and rare earth metals. Plus, wind turbines are unreliable as a source of primary electrical generation. When they don’t spin, there is no power. When the wind picks up and the turbines spin too fast, they’re shut off. Unless there is some place in the world where the wind blows 8 to 12 mph, maybe higher, at a constant, a switch to totally renewable energy will be unsustainable on this basis.

Though a mixture of all types of energy generation can be beneficial overall, the truth of the matter is that sources like wind and solar do not generate enough power to provide adequate delivery for the world’s energy crisis as primary methods of delivery.

Billions of people are without reliable sources of electricity or heat (for warmth, cooking, etc.). And, through the narrative that this massive commitment for energy can be met by intermittent energy sources is entirely misguided, false, and ignorant. If you can get past my credentials, my affiliations, and my beliefs, this is a question of common sense. Nothing else.

Energy poverty is a greater threat to the world than a sudden climate disaster. Here’s why. According to the International Energy Agency, 1.2 billion people lack access to modern sources of electricity. 2.7 billion lack consumer access to natural gas, petrol products, propane, and kerosene. Rather, they’re dependent on biomass. Though most biomass meant for cooking, like wood and coal, aren’t invalid ways to cook; burning gas and electricity would do wonders for the impoverished populations of the world and, yes, even the environment.
We've given billions to 3rd World shit holes for 40 years and they're still shit holes.
Al Gore is the Bernie Madoff of the "climate change" folly. Why isn't he in prison by now?

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