Al Franken 2000 on McCain: I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured

15 years ago Franken was a comedian making political humor
Yesterday, Trump was the leading Republican presidential candidate

I guess that is the same thing
Number 2 .

rw's post is right-on. the bathroom is down the hall to the right...
You are so damn ignorant, you don't realize when you defend something right after you say the opposite. I defended McCain and was against anyone questioning his military career. Two seconds later Franken was just making political satire while making fun of McCain's military career. Lol
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday
I bet you $20 if Franken said that again tomorrow it wouldn't shoot him to #1 among Democrat candidates the way it did for Trump. You nutters are a sick bunch.
We don't kiss the ass of a president who closed a war monument to veterans, but opened it up for an illegal immigrant march. You are the sick ones.
It was closed because of the GOP and your former leader Rafael Cruz. In fact Obama had many of the illegal immigrants at that protest arrested, while leaving the veterans be.

But if it makes you feel better to play pretend, then go ahead. It's been a rough few years for you nutters. :itsok:
Lol, come back from fairy land.
Yet everything I said was true! :laugh:

Maybe if I say it while wearing a shitty toupee you'll believe me. :rofl:
The Obama administration let the protest proceed, but wouldn't allow veterans visit. You supported it.
Lol no you supported the shutdown so you supported the closing. And quite gleefully at that. You guys lost that argument long ago, as evidenced by the GOP folding over like they always do a few days later. I'm amused you're bringing it back up! :laugh:
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday

He's a U.S. Senator, dumbfuck.
I bet you $20 if Franken said that again tomorrow it wouldn't shoot him to #1 among Democrat candidates the way it did for Trump. You nutters are a sick bunch.

I bet you $20 if Franken said this tomorrow Democrats would applaud him and back him and the state of Minnesota shows they would vote for him. You libs are a sick bunch.
Lol I bet they wouldn't. But we'll never find out, because only a nutjob who's courting other nutjobs would say that in the middle of an election.
Over 15 years ago comedian Al Franken mocked and made fun of the logic and thought process that were needed to make the statements Donald Trump made a day ago. At the time he made them those who heard the joke understood only a very stupid individual could think this was and hence it was funny. That is what comedians do. They make funny comments. Retarded Trump supporters see the as a defense of Trump's stupid and repugnant comments and example of Democrats saying the same thing Trump said. Lets see if Trump uses the excuse and mentions the Franken joke.
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday

He's a U.S. Senator, dumbfuck.

Would you kindly tell us where Franken was when he made that comment 15 years ago?

Thank you.
al franken is a comedian and what he said was tongue-in-cheek political satire.

"McCain but I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them.
As far as I’m concerned he sat out the war

not sure which liberals actually defended that statement, do you have a link?

anyone old enough to remember knows in 2000 most liberals were quite respectful of john mccain.

Did the RWnuts around here defend it? The ones who are defending Trump...
Actually, the Democrats have a history of attempting to deprive the people who dedicate their lives to defending our freedom of their rights...

Remember Florida in 2000???
COUNTING THE VOTE - THE ABSENTEE BALLOTS - Review Military Votes Florida Attorney General Says -
TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Nov. 20—Retreating under fire from Republicans, Florida's attorney general, a top ally of Vice President Al Gore, said today that local officials should count absentee ballots from overseas military voters that were thrown out because they lacked postmarks.

But the statement by Attorney General Robert A. Butterworth, Mr. Gore's state campaign chairman, may have less to do with votes than with cutting Democrats' losses in what they concede has been a losing public relations war. Republicans have accused Democrats of mounting a concerted effort to throw out as many military ballots as possible, because most of those votes were presumed to be for Gov. George W. Bush of Texas, not Mr. Gore.

County election officials who tabulated overseas ballots on Friday and Saturday rejected hundreds of military ballots for a variety of reasons. Republican criticism, though, focused particularly on what election officials said was the most common problem, failure to have a postmark. That seemed particularly galling to critics, since military mail can be sent without a postmark.

And yet the Democrats don't hesitate to use military service (primarily by Republicans, who serve in higher numbers than Democrats) in an attempt to further Democrat goals......

That's pathetic!!!!
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday

He's a U.S. Senator, dumbfuck.

Really? What did Senator Franken say about McCain yesterday?

We know what the leading Republican contender for president said yesterday
We don't kiss the ass of a president who closed a war monument to veterans, but opened it up for an illegal immigrant march. You are the sick ones.
It was closed because of the GOP and your former leader Rafael Cruz. In fact Obama had many of the illegal immigrants at that protest arrested, while leaving the veterans be.

But if it makes you feel better to play pretend, then go ahead. It's been a rough few years for you nutters. :itsok:
Lol, come back from fairy land.
Yet everything I said was true! :laugh:

Maybe if I say it while wearing a shitty toupee you'll believe me. :rofl:
The Obama administration let the protest proceed, but wouldn't allow veterans visit. You supported it.
Lol no you supported the shutdown so you supported the closing. And quite gleefully at that. You guys lost that argument long ago, as evidenced by the GOP folding over like they always do a few days later. I'm amused you're bringing it back up! :laugh:
I could care less if the government shuts down. It did and Obama chose to close the memorial down for the vets, but opened it up for an illegal immigrant protest. He is a piece if shit. Before you say something, Clinton didn't shut it down. When the government shut down when he was president. Trump said something about a veteran "which I don't like or support", but Obama used an action to hurt many veterans. He is your man too.
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday
Yeah and liberals went after Paula Deen for using the n word 40 years ago. Your point is?
This one hit the RW echo chamber hard! It's a great nutter deflection wave! Look out!

Where was Franken when he said that?

The inability of conservatives to understand equivalencies has always baffled me

What a comedian said 15 years ago is the same thing as what the leading republican for president said yesterday
Yeah and liberals went after Paula Deen for using the n word 40 years ago. Your point is?

Hello. Are you deflecting from a deflection thread?

Go ahead and go after Franken. See if you can get him booted from the senate for a joke he made while being a professional comedian. It should be fun.
Here is absolute proof that Dims are the world's biggest hypocrites:

So the media, liberal hacks and so called Republicans have been bashing Donald Trump all day for speaking the truth about songbird John McCain, the often referred to ‘war-hero.’ Funny, Al Franken, a far left liberal Democrat said something very similar about McCain when he first ran for president in 2000.

I doubt I could cross the line and vote Republican. I have tremendous respect for McCain but I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them. As far as I’m concerned he sat out the war.

That’s actually worse than what Donald Trump said earlier today. Yet, did you hear the media or GOP go nuts and bash Al Franken for his comments about John McCain in 2000? Of course you didn’t, because they were just shrugged off by a left wing lunatic who would eventually become a Senator in the nutball state the call Minnesota.

WELL done!
I for one could give two shits about McCant. He is a warmongering military industrial complex loving interventionist tell me why is the Left suddenly sticking up for him?
Here is absolute proof that Dims are the world's biggest hypocrites:

So the media, liberal hacks and so called Republicans have been bashing Donald Trump all day for speaking the truth about songbird John McCain, the often referred to ‘war-hero.’ Funny, Al Franken, a far left liberal Democrat said something very similar about McCain when he first ran for president in 2000.

I doubt I could cross the line and vote Republican. I have tremendous respect for McCain but I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them. As far as I’m concerned he sat out the war.

That’s actually worse than what Donald Trump said earlier today. Yet, did you hear the media or GOP go nuts and bash Al Franken for his comments about John McCain in 2000? Of course you didn’t, because they were just shrugged off by a left wing lunatic who would eventually become a Senator in the nutball state the call Minnesota.
there's a thing called "double standard'

when a leftist shits on a Vet, it's ok to leftist filth b/c he's leftist filth, cons are just happy to not be leftist filth.
when a con shits on a Vet, every con should fucking punch that pile of shit in the nuts, failure to want to do so make you no better than leftist filth.

just sayin, filth ball
Actually, the Democrats have a history of attempting to deprive the people who dedicate their lives to defending our freedom of their rights...

Remember Florida in 2000???
COUNTING THE VOTE - THE ABSENTEE BALLOTS - Review Military Votes Florida Attorney General Says -
TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Nov. 20—Retreating under fire from Republicans, Florida's attorney general, a top ally of Vice President Al Gore, said today that local officials should count absentee ballots from overseas military voters that were thrown out because they lacked postmarks.

But the statement by Attorney General Robert A. Butterworth, Mr. Gore's state campaign chairman, may have less to do with votes than with cutting Democrats' losses in what they concede has been a losing public relations war. Republicans have accused Democrats of mounting a concerted effort to throw out as many military ballots as possible, because most of those votes were presumed to be for Gov. George W. Bush of Texas, not Mr. Gore.

County election officials who tabulated overseas ballots on Friday and Saturday rejected hundreds of military ballots for a variety of reasons. Republican criticism, though, focused particularly on what election officials said was the most common problem, failure to have a postmark. That seemed particularly galling to critics, since military mail can be sent without a postmark.

And yet the Democrats don't hesitate to use military service (primarily by Republicans, who serve in higher numbers than Democrats) in an attempt to further Democrat goals......

That's pathetic!!!!

So you like the idea of counting votes that don't comply with the law when you think they might help Republicans?

I for one could give two shits about McCant. He is a warmongering military industrial complex loving interventionist tell me why is the Left suddenly sticking up for him?

We're helping you conservatives get a guaranteed loser out of the presidential race.

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