Al Franken 2000 on McCain: I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured

I bet you $20 if Franken said that again tomorrow it wouldn't shoot him to #1 among Democrat candidates the way it did for Trump. You nutters are a sick bunch.
okay baby killer
What have you ever done to stop an abortion? Volunteer anywhere? Talk to kids? Or do you just demonize scared pregnant women and demand that sex ed not be taught to kids?

You can go through every post I've ever written on this site you little shit and you won't find a SINGLE one advocating for abortion. I worked at one of the nations largest pro-life pacs for years, I've walked the March for Life more times than I can remember since I was a freshman in high school. After leaving the pac I began a career working with kids, and my company volunteers employees and gives money to groups that help young mothers and women who's best financial option would otherwise be getting an abortion.

So don't call me baby killer asshole. When all you've ever done is vote lock-step republican and give money to groups that are nothing more than fronts to funnel money to republican candidates. They will never do more than pay you lip service you jerk. So fuck off with that crap.

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