Ahmadinejad smacks down Obama

Obama has destroyed the Islamic extremist mythology.

Now all he needs to do is shut the fuck up and watch Islamic extremism collapse.

His strategy is working perfectly. Why change it?

Is this english? If so, it without question, is the fucking stupidest post I've ever seen, ever. I cannot even begin to comment on/against it, it aspires to be trolling, but is too far down to ever reach it...

Taliban on the run in Pakistan.

Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon.

Iranian people rise up against the Mullahs.

This is what happens when we stop bombing people and talking down to them.

Good job, Obama!
wash, rinse, repeat

same old shit from chris the moron
Taliban on the run in Pakistan./Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon./Iranian people rise up against the Mullahs./This is what happens when we stop bombing people and talking down to them./Good job, Obama!

This is the same shit this idiot posted earlier, either in the same thread, or a different one, it doesn't matter.

Repeating the same nonsense you fucking idiot does not make it more true today than last week.

First off the Taliban are GAINING ground in Afghanistan, which is why the US is sending 40,000 more troops there, the iranian fascist have shut down the protests, and Hezboolah has EXACTLY the same amount of seats and the same amount of political power and cabinet seats as before the election. If you weren't a fucking imebecile, and actually knew anything about Lebanon, you would understand how their constitution is designed to share power along sectarian lines, and one group CANNOT gain much from one election to another.

Just as a thought, please provide us with what criteria you are using to claim that the Taliban are "on the run" in Afghanistan. That would be a good start.

Further, please describe what can be accomplished through negotiating with the iranian dictatorship, and provide details and specifics.

You ran away from this request last time, let's see if you are anything BUT a troll and can actually address these points this time.
Obama has destroyed the Islamic extremist mythology.

Now all he needs to do is shut the fuck up and watch Islamic extremism collapse.

His strategy is working perfectly. Why change it?

Is this english? If so, it without question, is the fucking stupidest post I've ever seen, ever. I cannot even begin to comment on/against it, it aspires to be trolling, but is too far down to ever reach it...

Taliban on the run in Pakistan.

Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon.

Iranian people rise up against the Mullahs.

This is what happens when we stop bombing people and talking down to them.

Good job, Obama!

I think Obama is perfectly happy being serviced by Michelle. He really isn't royalty. Despite your willingness to volunteer your services, he isn't going to be interviewing people to be his concubines.
Taliban on the run in Pakistan./Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon./Iranian people rise up against the Mullahs./This is what happens when we stop bombing people and talking down to them./Good job, Obama!

This is the same shit this idiot posted earlier, either in the same thread, or a different one, it doesn't matter.

Repeating the same nonsense you fucking idiot does not make it more true today than last week.

First off the Taliban are GAINING ground in Afghanistan, which is why the US is sending 40,000 more troops there, the iranian fascist have shut down the protests, and Hezboolah has EXACTLY the same amount of seats and the same amount of political power and cabinet seats as before the election. If you weren't a fucking imebecile, and actually knew anything about Lebanon, you would understand how their constitution is designed to share power along sectarian lines, and one group CANNOT gain much from one election to another.

Just as a thought, please provide us with what criteria you are using to claim that the Taliban are "on the run" in Afghanistan. That would be a good start.

Further, please describe what can be accomplished through negotiating with the iranian dictatorship, and provide details and specifics.

You ran away from this request last time, let's see if you are anything BUT a troll and can actually address these points this time.

Nice try, but no good.

Hezbollah was favored in the polls until Obama made his speech in Cairo.

Defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan means nothing if they have a free haven in Pakistan. Obama's election made it possible politically for the government of Pakistan to go after the Taliban, and they have big time.

Likewise, Obama destroyed the "Great Satan" mythology of the Iranian Mullahs, and now they have lost the election and all legitimacy. Now the debate isn't about Bush-Vader, but about Neda.

Oh, and I forgot the Somali pirates. Another Obama victory.

We are fighting a political war, not just a miltiary one. There are 1.5 billion muslims in the world. Only the muslims can defeat extremism, and Obama has given them a reason to want to.

I know its tough being on the losing side, but the obscenities just make you look foolish.
Taliban on the run in Pakistan./Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon./Iranian people rise up against the Mullahs./This is what happens when we stop bombing people and talking down to them./Good job, Obama!

This is the same shit this idiot posted earlier, either in the same thread, or a different one, it doesn't matter.

Repeating the same nonsense you fucking idiot does not make it more true today than last week.

First off the Taliban are GAINING ground in Afghanistan, which is why the US is sending 40,000 more troops there, the iranian fascist have shut down the protests, and Hezboolah has EXACTLY the same amount of seats and the same amount of political power and cabinet seats as before the election. If you weren't a fucking imebecile, and actually knew anything about Lebanon, you would understand how their constitution is designed to share power along sectarian lines, and one group CANNOT gain much from one election to another.

Just as a thought, please provide us with what criteria you are using to claim that the Taliban are "on the run" in Afghanistan. That would be a good start.

Further, please describe what can be accomplished through negotiating with the iranian dictatorship, and provide details and specifics.

You ran away from this request last time, let's see if you are anything BUT a troll and can actually address these points this time.

Nice try, but no good.

Hezbollah was favored in the polls until Obama made his speech in Cairo.

Defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan means nothing if they have a free haven in Pakistan. Obama's election made it possible politically for the government of Pakistan to go after the Taliban, and they have big time.

Likewise, Obama destroyed the "Great Satan" mythology of the Iranian Mullahs, and now they have lost the election and all legitimacy. Now the debate isn't about Bush-Vader, but about Neda.

Oh, and I forgot the Somali pirates. Another Obama victory.

We are fighting a political war, not just a miltiary one. There are 1.5 billion muslims in the world. Only the muslims can defeat extremism, and Obama has given them a reason to want to.

I know its tough being on the losing side, but the obscenities just make you look foolish.

Can you explain the apology tour? Why is it necessary to go around the world telling all of our enemies that we are arrogant, prideful and wrong for bringing freedom to the Iraqi people? How is it helping our position to kiss the feet of these tyrants who mock our very existence and wish for it fall under their sand covered sandals? Is this how we're going to fight our political battles? By agreeing with the haters of the free world? Is this how you think we are destroying the "great satan"? I'm sorry Chris, but that is what is making us look foolish...not obsceneties on a message board. If you don't like obsceneties, then go find a chat room full of Obama worshippers who would dare take the messiah's name in vain. As far as I'm concerned the great satan now lives in the whitehouse.
Taliban on the run in Pakistan./Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon./Iranian people rise up against the Mullahs./This is what happens when we stop bombing people and talking down to them./Good job, Obama!

This is the same shit this idiot posted earlier, either in the same thread, or a different one, it doesn't matter.

Repeating the same nonsense you fucking idiot does not make it more true today than last week.

First off the Taliban are GAINING ground in Afghanistan, which is why the US is sending 40,000 more troops there, the iranian fascist have shut down the protests, and Hezboolah has EXACTLY the same amount of seats and the same amount of political power and cabinet seats as before the election. If you weren't a fucking imebecile, and actually knew anything about Lebanon, you would understand how their constitution is designed to share power along sectarian lines, and one group CANNOT gain much from one election to another.

Just as a thought, please provide us with what criteria you are using to claim that the Taliban are "on the run" in Afghanistan. That would be a good start.

Further, please describe what can be accomplished through negotiating with the iranian dictatorship, and provide details and specifics.

You ran away from this request last time, let's see if you are anything BUT a troll and can actually address these points this time.

yep...just read crap heads first post....300 posts later....it will be the same dam post....if the guy is like this publicly,he must be one of the most obnoxious fucking people to know....must add a lot to a conversation....
Why are Republicans seemingly giving Ahmadinejad more legitimacy and credibility today than they did 6 months ago? He was a nut job in his rhetoric 6 months ago, he remains a nut job today.

Par for the course. They'll defend the banking institutions that fucked us over too because Obama bailed them out. Heard any complaints lately about the high cost of gasoline? That's because Obama wants alternatives to oil. And how about the hue and cry BUY AMERICAN!!!!!!! Apparently just so long as it doesn't involve keeping the AMERICAN automobile industry from failing.
except Bush was the one to bail out the banks

Laughing....yup, only when it's convenient to blame him, that is... On any other day, it's all Obama's fault.
The iranian midget president of the stolen election, his master holding his leash khameini, and the other dogs behind this coup will hopefully soon be killed - as soon as Obama grows a brain and realizes that not every POS can be "talked to" and "reasoned with."

Attack Iran.

Izzat you Rummy? Just attack without reviewing the blowback? Take a time out and read what WILL happen if Iran is invaded either by the US or Israel, or both in tandem, especially this part.

Can, or Should Israel Disable Iran's Nukes by Itself? - By David Eshel, Defense Update Analysis

Any military action against Iran would most probably, unite the Iranian people behind their regime, even if this is not too popular, due to Iran's economic and social decline. Moreover, Iran's ability to retaliate must be taken seriously. This comprises three primary components: missile attacks, rocket attacks from Iranian sponsored Hezbollah and attacks on Israeli interests overseas.
Par for the course. They'll defend the banking institutions that fucked us over too because Obama bailed them out. Heard any complaints lately about the high cost of gasoline? That's because Obama wants alternatives to oil. And how about the hue and cry BUY AMERICAN!!!!!!! Apparently just so long as it doesn't involve keeping the AMERICAN automobile industry from failing.
except Bush was the one to bail out the banks

Laughing....yup, only when it's convenient to blame him, that is... On any other day, it's all Obama's fault.

they are all a bunch of basTURDS.....including 90% of the CEO's in this country....all that money should have been giving back to the tax payers,who would have used it to pay off bills,catch up on mortgages,buy a car or a major appliance.....the people out of work could have used it....retired folk.....but our politicians would never consider giving us our money back to spend,they know better and of course they want to let their RICH friends get it so they can spend it,cause after all,they know how,we dont.....as i said before,its time for one of those revolutions Jefferson spoke of....
Obama has destroyed the Islamic extremist mythology.

Now all he needs to do is shut the fuck up and watch Islamic extremism collapse.

His strategy is working perfectly. Why change it?

Is this english? If so, it without question, is the fucking stupidest post I've ever seen, ever. I cannot even begin to comment on/against it, it aspires to be trolling, but is too far down to ever reach it...

Taliban on the run in Pakistan.

Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon.

Iranian people rise up against the Mullahs.

This is what happens when we stop bombing people and talking down to them.

Good job, Obama!

:clap2: You left out how AQ was finally beaten back in Iraq when the Sunnis decided what they had to offer wasn't in their best interests after all.

Terrorism is a strategy, only winnable with a better strategy.
Obama has destroyed Muslim extremist mythology, and all the right can do is call people "poopoo heads."

one guy calls someone "POOPOO HEADS"...and to Chrissies little mind that means EVERY one on the right is thinking that.....ever wonder why so many here think your such a loser Chris?.....your a fucking piece of unadulterated fly shit....the Dung Beatles try to roll you over when they catch you napping....flies try to lay their eggs on ya...dogs roll on ya....people scrape you off the bottom of their shoes....asshole....
For the record, the bail out was supported by a democratically controlled house. So reguardless of who was sitting at the President's desk, it was passed by the democrats. Blame Bush all you want... he had shitloads of democratic help.
Obama has destroyed Muslim extremist mythology, and all the right can do is call people "poopoo heads."

one guy calls someone "POOPOO HEADS"...and to Chrissies little mind that means EVERY one on the right is thinking that.....ever wonder why so many here think your such a loser Chris?.....your a fucking piece of unadulterated fly shit....the Dung Beatles try to roll you over when they catch you napping....flies try to lay their eggs on ya...dogs roll on ya....people scrape you off the bottom of their shoes....asshole....

I'm still waiting for Chris to explain his position of how Obama, (of muslim descent) has any power to destroy an entire sect of a religion with his mere prescence. IS it even remotely possible? And I'd also like a definition of "extremist mythology" as it pertains to muslims. What mythology? Like it's a folktale? That all these horror stories we here about beheading Americans or flying planes into buildings is just a ghost story told around campfires? Get your head out of your ass!
except Bush was the one to bail out the banks

Laughing....yup, only when it's convenient to blame him, that is... On any other day, it's all Obama's fault.

they are all a bunch of basTURDS.....including 90% of the CEO's in this country....all that money should have been giving back to the tax payers,who would have used it to pay off bills,catch up on mortgages,buy a car or a major appliance.....the people out of work could have used it....retired folk.....but our politicians would never consider giving us our money back to spend,they know better and of course they want to let their RICH friends get it so they can spend it,cause after all,they know how,we dont.....as i said before,its time for one of those revolutions Jefferson spoke of....

As ill conceived as TARP was, it seems some significant money had to be spent/invested on an emergency basis to prevent a massive collapse of our financial system, but probably not nearly the $700 billion that went to TARP, but beyond that we would have been far better off if instead of buying Obama's $800 billion barrel of pork, the Treasury had made available for loans to consumers and businesses the stimulus money and some of the TARP money. The Treasury could have contracted banks and other lending institutions to make the loans according to rules and parameters the Treasury set out; this would have immediately saved or created millions of jobs, allowed the banks to earn fees that would help to rebuild them, perhaps saved GM and Chrysler from going into bankruptcy, allowed us some more comfortable breathing space to work out how to rebuild our financial system, and of course, it would have cost taxpayers nothing since the money would have been loaned at interest that would have covered all costs and perhaps showed a profit at the end.

This would have kept our private sector economy going and as the financial systems recovered, the government funds could have been withdrawn and used to retire the debt that created them. This would have been the government giving a hand up to the private sector economy, not a hand out that will produce no lasting results, as Obama's ill conceived and grossly misrepresented stimulus plan is.
Taliban on the run in Pakistan./Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon./Iranian people rise up against the Mullahs./This is what happens when we stop bombing people and talking down to them./Good job, Obama!

This is the same shit this idiot posted earlier, either in the same thread, or a different one, it doesn't matter.

Repeating the same nonsense you fucking idiot does not make it more true today than last week.

First off the Taliban are GAINING ground in Afghanistan, which is why the US is sending 40,000 more troops there, the iranian fascist have shut down the protests, and Hezboolah has EXACTLY the same amount of seats and the same amount of political power and cabinet seats as before the election. If you weren't a fucking imebecile, and actually knew anything about Lebanon, you would understand how their constitution is designed to share power along sectarian lines, and one group CANNOT gain much from one election to another.

Just as a thought, please provide us with what criteria you are using to claim that the Taliban are "on the run" in Afghanistan. That would be a good start.
Further, please describe what can be accomplished through negotiating with the iranian dictatorship, and provide details and specifics.

You ran away from this request last time, let's see if you are anything BUT a troll and can actually address these points this time.

While "on the run" was an exaggeration, The Taliban is most definitely unpopular among the majority of Afghans. This poll was taken in February 2009. Scroll down to Questions 10 and 11.

Can you explain the apology tour? Why is it necessary to go around the world telling all of our enemies that we are arrogant, prideful and wrong for bringing freedom to the Iraqi people? How is it helping our position to kiss the feet of these tyrants who mock our very existence and wish for it fall under their sand covered sandals? Is this how we're going to fight our political battles? By agreeing with the haters of the free world? Is this how you think we are destroying the "great satan"? I'm sorry Chris, but that is what is making us look foolish...not obsceneties on a message board. If you don't like obsceneties, then go find a chat room full of Obama worshippers who would dare take the messiah's name in vain. As far as I'm concerned the great satan now lives in the whitehouse.

Your silly embellishments only prove that you didn't listen to the Cairo speech, nor even read the transcript, nor any of the responses from leaders all over the globe since. Hell, you're just making up shit as you go along. Except for the usual anti-Obama-no-matter-what talking heads like Limbaugh and Hannity, even the right-wing pundits praised the speech. Eat your heart out:

David Horowitz, June 5th
Conservatives will make a great mistake if they fail to see this speech for what it was, and treat it as another round in the partisan food fight. It was not an appeasement of our enemies. It was a forthright statement by an American leader in a Muslim capital explaining why America is in fact the global leader in those battles that matter most to people everywhere: freedom, equality, and peace. As conservatives we have many quarrels with the Obama administration -- and we should have. But this speech is not one of them.

Ed Morrissey, June 4th
Surprisingly good," Ed Morrissey stated that the speech was "a much better effort than I'd feared." He also praised Obama for "a not-so-subtle jab at the practice of various Arab and Muslim states to use the Palestinian issue to whip up anti-Israel sentiment for their own domestic purposes," which he called "a little surprising - and refreshing."

Max Boot, June 4th
Having just read Obama's Cairo speech, my reaction is: Not bad. It could have been better. But it also could have been a lot worse...I realize that the Obama speech isn't going to satisfy those (like me) who once thrilled to Bush's unapologetic pro-democracy rhetoric but, for all of Obama's rhetorical sleight of hands and elisions, I thought he did an effective job of making America's case to the Muslim world. No question: He is a more effective salesman than his predecessor was. Which doesn't mean that his audience will buy the message.

Rich Lowry, June 4th
I have to go back and read it carefully, so I reserve the right to extend and revise my remarks. But on the whole I thought it was pretty good and I basically agree with Max Boot's take here. Yes, there were many things about which to cavil, there were missed opportunities, and he betrayed the disturbing weakness of his policy in certain key areas, Iran foremost among them. But the speech was an act of diplomacy and as such, it inevitably was going to skate over some inconvenient truths and tilt its presentation in a way to try to make it more persuasive to its target audience. Fundamentally, Obama's goal was to tell the Muslim world, "We respect and value you, your religion and your civilization, and only ask that you don't hate us and murder us in return." Bush tried to deliver the same message over and over again. The difference with Obama is that people might actually be willing to listen.

In a second post later that day, Lowry wrote:

I don't want to make exalted claims for the speech. It was a mixed bag and there are limits to the effect any one speech can have. But I think some in the conservative blogosphere are pronouncing it a scandal because they leave out all the good things. Consider: He extolled America as "one of the greatest sources of progress that the world has ever known"; pledged we will "relentlessly confront violent extremists who pose a grave threat to our country"; condemned Holocaust denial as "baseless, ignorant, and hateful"; said "it is a sign of neither courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children, or to blow up old women on a bus"; insisted that "the Arab-Israel conflict should no longer be used to distract the people of Arab nations from other problems"; and called for more democracy, religious freedom, and women's rights in the Muslim world. And he got a standing ovation.

That should count for something. My standard is not whether Obama gave a speech I'd totally agree with (not going to happen), or whether it was strictly accurate as a matter of history of Koranic exegesis (irrelevant), but whether the speech will, on balance, help isolate Islamic extremists intellectually and politically, or not. Since I think it will, I consider it a success.
Taliban on the run in Pakistan./Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon./Iranian people rise up against the Mullahs./This is what happens when we stop bombing people and talking down to them./Good job, Obama!

This is the same shit this idiot posted earlier, either in the same thread, or a different one, it doesn't matter.

Repeating the same nonsense you fucking idiot does not make it more true today than last week.

First off the Taliban are GAINING ground in Afghanistan, which is why the US is sending 40,000 more troops there, the iranian fascist have shut down the protests, and Hezboolah has EXACTLY the same amount of seats and the same amount of political power and cabinet seats as before the election. If you weren't a fucking imebecile, and actually knew anything about Lebanon, you would understand how their constitution is designed to share power along sectarian lines, and one group CANNOT gain much from one election to another.

Just as a thought, please provide us with what criteria you are using to claim that the Taliban are "on the run" in Afghanistan. That would be a good start.
Further, please describe what can be accomplished through negotiating with the iranian dictatorship, and provide details and specifics.

You ran away from this request last time, let's see if you are anything BUT a troll and can actually address these points this time.

While "on the run" was an exaggeration, The Taliban is most definitely unpopular among the majority of Afghans. This poll was taken in February 2009. Scroll down to Questions 10 and 11.


Well hell, that taliban is unpopular among the majority of populations in alot of countries. That's nothing special. The question is how many Afghans are willing to stand up to their terroristic ways and fight them?
Taliban on the run in Pakistan./Hezbollah loses the election in Lebanon./Iranian people rise up against the Mullahs./This is what happens when we stop bombing people and talking down to them./Good job, Obama!

This is the same shit this idiot posted earlier, either in the same thread, or a different one, it doesn't matter.

Repeating the same nonsense you fucking idiot does not make it more true today than last week.

First off the Taliban are GAINING ground in Afghanistan, which is why the US is sending 40,000 more troops there, the iranian fascist have shut down the protests, and Hezboolah has EXACTLY the same amount of seats and the same amount of political power and cabinet seats as before the election. If you weren't a fucking imebecile, and actually knew anything about Lebanon, you would understand how their constitution is designed to share power along sectarian lines, and one group CANNOT gain much from one election to another.

Just as a thought, please provide us with what criteria you are using to claim that the Taliban are "on the run" in Afghanistan. That would be a good start.

Further, please describe what can be accomplished through negotiating with the iranian dictatorship, and provide details and specifics.

You ran away from this request last time, let's see if you are anything BUT a troll and can actually address these points this time.

yep...just read crap heads first post....300 posts later....it will be the same dam post....if the guy is like this publicly,he must be one of the most obnoxious fucking people to know....must add a lot to a conversation....

You mean the conversation that agrees with you? Who can remember what s/he wrote 300 posts ago? Get a grip, man. This entire issue has ALWAYS had opposition. Stop acting as though it's something "new." Throwing little tantrums doesn't change that.
except Bush was the one to bail out the banks

Laughing....yup, only when it's convenient to blame him, that is... On any other day, it's all Obama's fault.

they are all a bunch of basTURDS.....including 90% of the CEO's in this country....all that money should have been giving back to the tax payers,who would have used it to pay off bills,catch up on mortgages,buy a car or a major appliance.....the people out of work could have used it....retired folk.....but our politicians would never consider giving us our money back to spend,they know better and of course they want to let their RICH friends get it so they can spend it,cause after all,they know how,we dont.....as i said before,its time for one of those revolutions Jefferson spoke of....

Sure, give more "stimulus cash" to everyone equally, amounting to $700 billion total, when 99% of the country is living on extended credit. What would the more ignorant among us have done once they spent their share? Go right back to where they were last December: Broke and in dept up to their eyeballs. Yeah, that was such a lovely proposal I heard coming from the mouths of seemingly sane people...
Obama has destroyed Muslim extremist mythology, and all the right can do is call people "poopoo heads."

one guy calls someone "POOPOO HEADS"...and to Chrissies little mind that means EVERY one on the right is thinking that.....ever wonder why so many here think your such a loser Chris?.....your a fucking piece of unadulterated fly shit....the Dung Beatles try to roll you over when they catch you napping....flies try to lay their eggs on ya...dogs roll on ya....people scrape you off the bottom of their shoes....asshole....

Another tantrum...


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