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All licensed gun owners must carry liability insurance to cover any harm done to anyone by anyone's use of their gun. Unless the evidence shows the gun owner had taken reasonable precautions to prevent the unauthorized use of their gun, they may be found culpable for civil and/or criminal penalties. -- Wry Catcher (I think)

Getting insurance companies involved is the key to gun control. The problem is insurance companies are leery of this kind of power grab despite the recent success of the most successful insurance salesman in history, Barack Obama, at rolling congress on the health insurance mandate.

Make no mistake about it, Obama is already talking to the insurance industry. It'll probably start with homeowner's and renter's clauses about guns. Better be calling your local congresstraitor or it's just a matter of time.

My positions on insurance related Obama policies are that no one is ever going to force me to buy health insurance and the people who register my guns will pry them from my cold dead fingers to get the serial numbers.
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