After Using Americans as Pawns, Democrats Blame Trump for Obamacare Failure


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The closest thing to you — actual American citizens — here in Washington these days are the hoards of screaming unwashed healthcare “protesters,” by which I mean people who somehow do not work yet somehow manage to loaf across the country to bang drums and caterwaul up and down the sidewalk outside the Capitol at all hours. (For every one of them, somewhere there is a mom and dad just glad to have them out of the basement for a couple of days.)

Yet, to listen to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi or Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer bark and howl over today’s debate about Obamacare, you would think this is not exactly what they signed up for when they jammed Obamacare through Congress with little debate and precisely ZERO bipartisan support.

Well, what the heck did you expect putting federal bureaucrats and spineless politicians in charge of the American people’s health care?

Of course, it will be messy forever. Did you really think Washington was the place best suited in all of America to make all the decisions about the most intimate and personal health care decisions?

Here we find ourselves in the very sewer of political depravity where only the most depraved politicians would dare to be seen.

“The president would not be ‘letting Obamacare collapse,’” Mr. Schumer said Tuesday, after President Trump signaled the failure by Republicans to fix Obamacare. “He is actively trying to undermine the health care system in the country, using millions of Americans as political pawns in a cynical game.”

Like I said, only the most depraved and dishonest.

Again, Obamacare is circling the throat of the toilet and taking the economy, the American people and even insurance industry with it. And Mr. Schumer’s argument here is that Mr. Trump and Republicans are to blame for not FIXING the Obamacare that Mr. Schumer foisted on the American people?

Like I said, only the most dishonest weasels are capable of preening at times like this."

The Nuclear Option: After Using Americans as Pawns, Democrats Blame Trump for Obamacare Failure - Breitbart

As I opined yesterday, Democrats attempting to blame the GOP for not fixing their failing health care nightmare is like the captain of the Exon Valdeez attempting to blame the clean up crew for not getting rid of all the oil spilled when HE hit the rocks.
"..circling the throat of the toilet .."

Who writes this stuff?

No, trump is not to blame. The Rs have been chipping away at it from the moment it was enacted.

Amazingly, even though it has been passed more than 60 times, the Rs still refuse to accept its is now law.

Very telling is that the Rs have exempted themselves from the debacle known as trump care. They want to keep ObamaCares.

Ironic that McCain is now getting treatment with insurance paid, in part by the tax payers while the Rs were hoping for his vote to take the same thing away from Americans.
ya know, its pretty easy to compare the two plans ...

The OP is just a Breitbart hack article. Why do posters like the OP think the people who visit this site need to be bombarded with Breitbart propaganda and fake news.?
I feel sorry for Trump's Chumps. He told them he had a beautiful plan in his pocket. He told them he was going to ask for a repeal of ObamaCare on Day One of his Administration. After being sworn in, he told them he was going to present a replacement for ObamaCare the second his health secretary was sworn in.

Wait a second. I don't feel sorry for Trump's Chumps. I was kidding. The dumb fucks never asked to see the plan at any point during the campaign. They never asked him where his replacement was when his health secretary was sworn in in February.

He never had a plan. He lied. This is a simple fact which has been obvious from the beginning.

At no point have Trump's Chumps demanded Trump live up to his promises.

In fact, rather than admit to themselves they were hoaxed all this time, Trump's Chump desperately search for a scapegoat to blame for their own pathetic failings.

The Chumps guzzled Trump's bottle of snake oil with gusto, and even though the symptoms are still there they are not facing the obvious.

This topic is yet another example of a rube groping with a blindfold on in order to prevent seeing their emperor is naked.
The OP is just a Breitbart hack article. Why do posters like the OP think the people who visit this site need to be bombarded with Breitbart propaganda and fake news.?
IKR? I think the same thing about raw story, mother jones, CNN, WaPo, Fox, Reuters, BBC, NPR, inforwars, the hill, nbc, abc and the atlantic
Whats wrong with these people?
The GOP repealed all or parts of ObamaCare sixty times. I said every time it was theater for the rubes.

Did the rubes catch on? Nope. They jizzed their pants every time. Every. Time.

Now there is no repeal. Two of the senators who voted for repeal during the kabuki days are now saying they won't vote for repeal, thus catastrophically exposing the years long hoax for exactly what it was.

I can't feel sorry for the rubes who keep worshiping and defending the people conning them. They deserve to be hoaxed. They deserve to be lied to.

"yeahbut we won!" :lol:
"..circling the throat of the toilet .."

Who writes this stuff?

No, trump is not to blame. The Rs have been chipping away at it from the moment it was enacted.

Amazingly, even though it has been passed more than 60 times, the Rs still refuse to accept its is now law.

Very telling is that the Rs have exempted themselves from the debacle known as trump care. They want to keep ObamaCares.

Ironic that McCain is now getting treatment with insurance paid, in part by the tax payers while the Rs were hoping for his vote to take the same thing away from Americans.
Trump is in big part to blame actually. Since stealing the Presidency he has stopped enforcing the mandate and refused to commit to continuing federal supplementing of the ACA, causing insurance companies to skyrocket premiums.
Trump and the GOP campaigned on the failure of ObamaCare and that they would repeal and replace it.

They had no plan. Like everyone else, the Republicans thought Hillary was going to win, and so promising to repeal and replace ObamaCare was just the same old safe hoax they have been perpetrating on the rubes for the past seven years. Why change up a hoax if it has been working, right?

In seven years, the Republicans never actually wrote a replacement. They didn't even bother doing that one thing, that's just how confident in the stupidity of the rubes they have been.

And their confidence has proven to be well-founded. Even at this late date, when it has become obvious to EVERYONE they never had a plan, the rubes still line up to defend them. Isn't that just incredible?

The rubes are now parroting a new meme given to them by the people who have been conning them all this time. They are parroting the line "let ObamaCare fail".

Here's the thing you idiot rubes don't get. ObamaCare could fail with a DEMOCRATIC Congress. We don't need a REPUBLICAN Congress to let ObamaCare fail.

You dumb fucks have already forgotten you hired a Republican Congress and a Republican President to REPLACE ObamaCare.

How little you dumb pathetic fucks think of yourselves for letting Trump and the GOP off the hook. Jesus H. Christ, you deserve every fucking hoax perpetrated on you by Trump and the Republicans.

"yeahbut we won!"
"..circling the throat of the toilet .."

Who writes this stuff?

No, trump is not to blame. The Rs have been chipping away at it from the moment it was enacted.

Amazingly, even though it has been passed more than 60 times, the Rs still refuse to accept its is now law.

Very telling is that the Rs have exempted themselves from the debacle known as trump care. They want to keep ObamaCares.

Ironic that McCain is now getting treatment with insurance paid, in part by the tax payers while the Rs were hoping for his vote to take the same thing away from Americans.
Trump is in big part to blame actually. Since stealing the Presidency he has stopped enforcing the mandate and refused to commit to continuing federal supplementing of the ACA, causing insurance companies to skyrocket premiums.

Right . Trump is sabotaging the Aca just when the premiums were settled down.

Now with all the uncertainty the insurance companies are being weary.
I feel sorry for Trump's Chumps. He told them he had a beautiful plan in his pocket. He told them he was going to ask for a repeal of ObamaCare on Day One of his Administration. After being sworn in, he told them he was going to present a replacement for ObamaCare the second his health secretary was sworn in.

Wait a second. I don't feel sorry for Trump's Chumps. I was kidding. The dumb fucks never asked to see the plan at any point during the campaign. They never asked him where his replacement was when his health secretary was sworn in in February.

He never had a plan. He lied. This is a simple fact which has been obvious from the beginning.

At no point have Trump's Chumps demanded Trump live up to his promises.

In fact, rather than admit to themselves they were hoaxed all this time, Trump's Chump desperately search for a scapegoat to blame for their own pathetic failings.

The Chumps guzzled Trump's bottle of snake oil with gusto, and even though the symptoms are still there they are not facing the obvious.

This topic is yet another example of a rube groping with a blindfold on in order to prevent seeing their emperor is naked.
dude we don't need your sympathy. you can keep it for yourself. you need it more than us. We're quite fine with everything. Kapeesh?
"..circling the throat of the toilet .."

Who writes this stuff?

No, trump is not to blame. The Rs have been chipping away at it from the moment it was enacted.

Amazingly, even though it has been passed more than 60 times, the Rs still refuse to accept its is now law.

Very telling is that the Rs have exempted themselves from the debacle known as trump care. They want to keep ObamaCares.

Ironic that McCain is now getting treatment with insurance paid, in part by the tax payers while the Rs were hoping for his vote to take the same thing away from Americans.
Trump is in big part to blame actually. Since stealing the Presidency he has stopped enforcing the mandate and refused to commit to continuing federal supplementing of the ACA, causing insurance companies to skyrocket premiums.

Right . Trump is sabotaging the Aca just when the premiums were settled down.

Now with all the uncertainty the insurance companies are being weary.
no the policies aren't you live in a different country?
I feel sorry for Trump's Chumps. He told them he had a beautiful plan in his pocket. He told them he was going to ask for a repeal of ObamaCare on Day One of his Administration. After being sworn in, he told them he was going to present a replacement for ObamaCare the second his health secretary was sworn in.

Wait a second. I don't feel sorry for Trump's Chumps. I was kidding. The dumb fucks never asked to see the plan at any point during the campaign. They never asked him where his replacement was when his health secretary was sworn in in February.

He never had a plan. He lied. This is a simple fact which has been obvious from the beginning.

At no point have Trump's Chumps demanded Trump live up to his promises.

In fact, rather than admit to themselves they were hoaxed all this time, Trump's Chump desperately search for a scapegoat to blame for their own pathetic failings.

The Chumps guzzled Trump's bottle of snake oil with gusto, and even though the symptoms are still there they are not facing the obvious.

This topic is yet another example of a rube groping with a blindfold on in order to prevent seeing their emperor is naked.
dude we don't need your sympathy. you can keep it for yourself. you need it more than us. We're quite fine with everything. Kapeesh?
You don't have my sympathy. You deserve to be lied to. You deserve to be hoaxed. You deserve everything Trump and the modern Republican Party do to you.
Trump and the GOP promised to repeal and replace, and you dumb shits are letting them off the hook for hoaxing you!

The OP is projecting. Trump and the GOP used his Chumps as pawns. :lol:

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

I feel sorry for Trump's Chumps. He told them he had a beautiful plan in his pocket. He told them he was going to ask for a repeal of ObamaCare on Day One of his Administration. After being sworn in, he told them he was going to present a replacement for ObamaCare the second his health secretary was sworn in.

Wait a second. I don't feel sorry for Trump's Chumps. I was kidding. The dumb fucks never asked to see the plan at any point during the campaign. They never asked him where his replacement was when his health secretary was sworn in in February.

He never had a plan. He lied. This is a simple fact which has been obvious from the beginning.

At no point have Trump's Chumps demanded Trump live up to his promises.

In fact, rather than admit to themselves they were hoaxed all this time, Trump's Chump desperately search for a scapegoat to blame for their own pathetic failings.

The Chumps guzzled Trump's bottle of snake oil with gusto, and even though the symptoms are still there they are not facing the obvious.

This topic is yet another example of a rube groping with a blindfold on in order to prevent seeing their emperor is naked.
dude we don't need your sympathy. you can keep it for yourself. you need it more than us. We're quite fine with everything. Kapeesh?
You don't have my sympathy. You deserve to be lied to. You deserve to be hoaxed. You deserve everything Trump and the modern Republican Party do to you.
i'm only being lied to if I believe what you said. again, I don't go by your version of the progress. I go by what I know, and hitlery isn't president. 70% of illegals don't try to come in anymore, and there is a new conservative SCOTUS. So I'm all good. no one is lying to me. you are spanking your monkey daily on here showing your disdain to our president and country. you can thank the fact we have a first amendment.

You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.

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