After Three Years of Hate, the Dems Have Lost It


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
After Three Years of Hate, the Dems Have Lost It
February 11, 2020 ~ By Jonathan F. Keiler
Writing in the Atlantic (“This is No Way to Beat Trump”) Thomas Nichols, a self-described former Republican and #NeverTrumper, castigates Democrats for their failure to take down President Trump, in light of the disorganized Iowa Caucus and the party’s unimpressive stable of candidates. In the piece, Nichols pretends to dispense hard-headed political advice. In fact, the article reveals why he and the Democrats he wants to help are floundering. Their perception of the world is so distorted by manic dislike of President Trump that they have ceased to act as a responsible political party which can offer a reasonable alternative. The very premise of Nichols’ case, and by extension that of the Democrat party and all its putative candidates, is that beating Trump must be their principal goal, eclipsing all other concerns. Nichols thinks the Democrats are not attempting to do this -- which is preposterous. But more interestingly having come to this false conclusion, he has no prescription for exactly how to beat Trump, only that it must be done.
Very much like a schizophrenic, neither the Dems nor the media can recognize the pervasive objective truth about American today -- things are going pretty well. The economy is doing great, unemployment is low, and the markets are confident. We are ending a China trade war with some gains. Borders are more secure. Unemployment is at historic lows. With the exception of small military commitments to Afghanistan and Syria, we are at peace. We are energy self-sufficient, and even climate-change doomsayers must now admit things are not so bad. The Democrats have a lot of problems. But their biggest one is their grip on reality. As long as that’s the case, whoever they pick in 2020 is not likely to be any more successful than Emmanuel Goldstein.

Irrationality is a very corrosive mental state. The normal barriers to creeping fears and outright silliness have broken down, and critical reasoning powers have failed.
The swarm of homeless people that populate the larger cities that have been under liberal governance for the past several decades are symptomatic of that loss of simple human circumspection and common GOOD sense. Those people are America’s failures, feeling alienated and excluded to the point they do not even maintain a veneer of civil behavior.
There is no turning back for the liberal democrats in America. What we are seeing now is only the beginning of their Insanity. It's only going to get worse.
This insanity is going to get worse being manifested by the initiation of massive violence on the part of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in the wake of Trump's re-election, and a many posters here including more than a couple of anti Trumpers believe that this will be their reaction to Trump's re-election, many of us armed "Deplorables" say to these people if they want to try to go there, bring it on.
If the PMS/DSA followers are stupid enough to try bringing their insane rage to parts of this country where we armed deplorables predominate and control, they're wrong. I am very doubtful that the Left will take their inside violent rage outside of our major Democrat-controlled plantation cities to any degree worth talking about, certainly not in the absence of this country being disarmed first, then for a lot of them, their insanity won't get worse but will be cured, permanently, by the application of a fatal dose of "lead poisoning".
After Three Years of Hate, the Dems Have Lost It
February 11, 2020 ~ By Jonathan F. Keiler
Writing in the Atlantic (“This is No Way to Beat Trump”) Thomas Nichols, a self-described former Republican and #NeverTrumper, castigates Democrats for their failure to take down President Trump, in light of the disorganized Iowa Caucus and the party’s unimpressive stable of candidates. In the piece, Nichols pretends to dispense hard-headed political advice. In fact, the article reveals why he and the Democrats he wants to help are floundering. Their perception of the world is so distorted by manic dislike of President Trump that they have ceased to act as a responsible political party which can offer a reasonable alternative. The very premise of Nichols’ case, and by extension that of the Democrat party and all its putative candidates, is that beating Trump must be their principal goal, eclipsing all other concerns. Nichols thinks the Democrats are not attempting to do this -- which is preposterous. But more interestingly having come to this false conclusion, he has no prescription for exactly how to beat Trump, only that it must be done.
Very much like a schizophrenic, neither the Dems nor the media can recognize the pervasive objective truth about American today -- things are going pretty well. The economy is doing great, unemployment is low, and the markets are confident. We are ending a China trade war with some gains. Borders are more secure. Unemployment is at historic lows. With the exception of small military commitments to Afghanistan and Syria, we are at peace. We are energy self-sufficient, and even climate-change doomsayers must now admit things are not so bad. The Democrats have a lot of problems. But their biggest one is their grip on reality. As long as that’s the case, whoever they pick in 2020 is not likely to be any more successful than Emmanuel Goldstein.

Irrationality is a very corrosive mental state. The normal barriers to creeping fears and outright silliness have broken down, and critical reasoning powers have failed.
The swarm of homeless people that populate the larger cities that have been under liberal governance for the past several decades are symptomatic of that loss of simple human circumspection and common GOOD sense. Those people are America’s failures, feeling alienated and excluded to the point they do not even maintain a veneer of civil behavior.
There is no turning back for the liberal democrats in America. What we are seeing now is only the beginning of their Insanity. It's only going to get worse.
This insanity is going to get worse being manifested by the initiation of massive violence on the part of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in the wake of Trump's re-election, and a many posters here including more than a couple of anti Trumpers believe that this will be their reaction to Trump's re-election, many of us armed "Deplorables" say to these people if they want to try to go there, bring it on.
If the PMS/DSA followers are stupid enough to try bringing their insane rage to parts of this country where we armed deplorables predominate and control, they're wrong. I am very doubtful that the Left will take their inside violent rage outside of our major Democrat-controlled plantation cities to any degree worth talking about, certainly not in the absence of this country being disarmed first, then for a lot of them, their insanity won't get worse but will be cured, permanently, by the application of a fatal dose of "lead poisoning".

Polarity creates polar opposites. As the Democrats go full gonzo out into left field, I hope many on the right are doubly careful not to repeat their mistakes.

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