Todays opening prayer in front of NYC coucil fully embraced by THE DEMS.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Yeap, but not this one where the same DEMS demanded an apology, even an arrest.

"Separation of church and state," is their cry. Just not Separation of mosque and state eh?

Remember this deeply offensive prayer that the dems were insulted by?

Interesting isn't it? How the unbelievers keep proving the Bible true? I swear if it wasn't the level of their godlessness and blasphemy has solidified my belief that the Bible is indeed TRUTH.
I'm not the least bit religious but it's like I've been saying recently.....If there was ever another 9/11 in NYC few outside of there would even care.....I'd just chalk it up to deserves.

Yeap, but not this one where the same DEMS demanded an apology, even an arrest.

"Separation of church and state," is their cry. Just not Separation of mosque and state eh?

Remember this deeply offensive prayer that the dems were insulted by?

golly gee whiz!!!!

you should sue them for violating the 1st commandment, I mean Amendment.
Congress has a chaplain and says a prayer before sessions. You can't put a Christmas tree up on public property but Congress has one. A kid can be kicked out of school for carrying a Bible or wearing a crucifix but it's O.K. for politicians. It should be noted that the majority opinion that created "separation of church/state" in the late 40's was written by KKK member, Hugo Black who hated Papists, appointed to the S.C. by FDR. There is no Constitutional source for separation of church and state. It's time today's Supreme Court threw it out like they did "Roe v Wade".
Allah is just another name for God. Neither one of them are real and can be compared to Zeus.
It’s the word that Muslims use. Why is a public city meeting bending over backwards to violate the separation of church and state in order to give precedence to Muslims?

Oh right….the libs in New York. I wonder what the reaction would be if a Jew opened the meeting with thanks to HaShem, with a Hebrew prayer.
It’s the word that Muslims use. Why is a public city meeting bending over backwards to violate the separation of church and state in order to give precedence to Muslims?

Oh right….the libs in New York. I wonder what the reaction would be if a Jew opened the meeting with thanks to HaShem, with a Hebrew prayer.
You got me. I'm a Texan.
This story is extremely important to those who are looking for something to be offended by. Helpful hint NYC council and the US Congress are not the same. It would be better if everyone kept their religion in their persona lives and kept it out of government business.

Yeap, but not this one where the same DEMS demanded an apology, even an arrest.

"Separation of church and state," is their cry. Just not Separation of mosque and state eh?

Remember this deeply offensive prayer that the dems were insulted by?

I have no problem with a prayer by a Muslim or Rabbi or other non-Christian. It is a free country and all should have a voice. I have a HUGE problem, however, when a Muslim prayer is just fine but a Christian prayer is trashed and condemned.
It’s the word that Muslims use. Why is a public city meeting bending over backwards to violate the separation of church and state in order to give precedence to Muslims?

According to SCOTUS prayer before the beginning of such meetings is not a violation of the 1st.
Oh right….the libs in New York. I wonder what the reaction would be if a Jew opened the meeting with thanks to HaShem, with a Hebrew prayer.

They do.

Here is one example.

Nobody whined about it.

Only you rightwing bigots care
I have no problem with a prayer by a Muslim or Rabbi or other non-Christian. It is a free country and all should have a voice. I have a HUGE problem, however, when a Muslim prayer is just fine but a Christian prayer is trashed and condemned.
That's how I feel as well.

I have no issue whatsoever with a Muslim prayer. Us Christians could learn a lot about praising God from a religion that prays five times a day

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