After Nuremberg 2.0 European peoples shall amend constitutions.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Corona is a fraud, the liberated from scamdemic measures US states can prove it clearly.
Since already one and half years criminal satanic freemason governments continue to lie to peoples and to torture them.
Because anyone inoculated moron will die within few years the death sentence for genocide shall be resurrected and applied to all murders.
To avoid such tyrannies in the future Europeans badly need to do following:

1. Completely prohibition of any secret society
2. Free republic instead of communist 'democracy' where brainwashed morons vote for their hangmen
3. Trial of Marxism and its completely prohibition.
4. Any citizen should be obliged to posses firearms and be conscripted.
5. No Rothschild's central banks anymore, money shall serve peoples and not banksters.
6. Gold standard for currency
7. Private liability of politicians for any harm caused to societies
8. A democratic percent quote for all offices which help any nation be represented in government
9 EU and Euro shall be abolished and European countries liberated
10 Criminal persecution and financial liability of MS presstitutes for brainwashing and lying
11. Not minority but majority issue the rules
12 Police shall be renamed as militia and serve liberated peoples and not bought-and-paid corrupted lying insane communist 'politicians'

Freedom instead of Tyranny!

Since you know everything why are you not showing the experts how to contain and control Coronavirus-19.
Since you know everything why are you not showing the experts how to contain and control Coronavirus-19.
Because he need to tell us at the USMB so we can spread the word…

Corona is a fraud, the liberated from scamdemic measures US states can prove it clearly.
Since already one and half years criminal satanic freemason governments continue to lie to peoples and to torture them.
Because anyone inoculated moron will die within few years the death sentence for genocide shall be resurrected and applied to all murders.
To avoid such tyrannies in the future Europeans badly need to do following:

1. Completely prohibition of any secret society
2. Free republic instead of communist 'democracy' where brainwashed morons vote for their hangmen
3. Trial of Marxism and its completely prohibition.
4. Any citizen should be obliged to posses firearms and be conscripted.
5. No Rothschild's central banks anymore, money shall serve peoples and not banksters.
6. Gold standard for currency
7. Private liability of politicians for any harm caused to societies
8. A democratic percent quote for all offices which help any nation be represented in government
9 EU and Euro shall be abolished and European countries liberated
10 Criminal persecution and financial liability of MS presstitutes for brainwashing and lying
11. Not minority but majority issue the rules
12 Police shall be renamed as militia and serve liberated peoples and not bought-and-paid corrupted lying insane communist 'politicians'

Freedom instead of Tyranny!

will all this happen after World War V where the Transgender Army of the World defeats China and Russia?

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