African-Americans Say Show ID Before Voting

Wow... the ignorance of this post is astounding.
It can't be ignorant, because it's based on reality.

How does the left treat black conservatives? It ain't pretty, but it shows your contempt for blacks who dare to think for themselves.

No one, anywhere, has said that ALL blacks are unable to get ID. No one.

So the propaganda piece is committing a strawman fallacy, for one thing.

The problem with Voter ID is that SOME registered voters do not have ID. These are the people who would be disenfranchised under a completely unnecessary Voter ID law.

Going out and talking to a handful of people who have an ID and who believe everyone should show ID to vote is called...anyone? Anyone?

Cherry picking! Very good!

They did not make any effort to speak to registered voters who do not have ID. None. Zip. Zilch.

So it is a useless piece of shit confirmation bias propaganda piece only a truly gullible idiot would swallow.
And the people who would be disenfranchised can simply go and get an ID.


And spare me the "Oh, they can't get there to get an ID!!" nonsense. If they can't get out to get an ID, they can't get out to vote.

You parrot the left remarkably well for a "conservative".
Someone registers to vote. How do you ensure the person who votes is the person who registered?

I keep asking this question to those who oppose voter ID, but never get a rational answer.

Do you have evidence of voter fraud in which people voted who were not the registered voter that can only be fixed by Voter ID?

We need REAL examples, not imaginary problems which don't actually exist.

Group claims $1,000 ACLU prize for finding voting fraud |

As you can see in that story, the person who voted for her daughter was caught without the need for Voter ID. Her daughter's votes were checked against the rolls and they found she had voted twice. So no one got away with voting twice. They system worked perfectly, without Voter ID.

There are states that vote entirely by mail. Did you know that? Oregon, for one. You register to vote and they mail you your ballot every election.

No Voter ID.
And spare me the "Oh, they can't get there to get an ID!!" nonsense. If they can't get out to get an ID, they can't get out to vote.

You parrot the left remarkably well for a "conservative".

This does not prove in any way the NEED for voter ID. It is just whining for a completely unnecessary law, covered up with a lot of smoke and misdirection.
When is the last time you voted, Salt Jones?

Arizona voter identification law overturned

October 2010.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the portion of the law requiring that voters present identification before casting their ballot, part of a proposition passed in 2004 amid concerns that illegal immigrants may try to vote in state and federal elections.

Here is the part that was overturned:

The 2004 ballot proposition required that those registering to vote produce documentation proving citizenship — such as a passport — to register to vote. To cast a ballot, registered voters needed to produce either one form of photo identification or two forms of identification without a photo.

The 9th Circuit panel found that the proof of citizenship in order to register conflicted with federal voter registration law.
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When is the last time you voted, Salt Jones?

Arizona voter identification law overturned

October 2010.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the portion of the law requiring that voters present identification before casting their ballot, part of a proposition passed in 2004 amid concerns that illegal immigrants may try to vote in state and federal elections.

Here is the part that was overturned:

The 2004 ballot proposition required that those registering to vote produce documentation proving citizenship — such as a passport — to register to vote. To cast a ballot, registered voters needed to produce either one form of photo identification or two forms of identification without a photo.

The 9th Circuit panel found that the proof of citizenship in order to register conflicted with federal voter registration law.

I voted a few months ago. I used my electric bill and my car registration. I had my retired military ID and my Arizona Driver's license in my wallet.
Give me a reason to believe that this tape isn't as cherry picked as how FOX ran the Acorn story. Does one not the responsibility to compare the lies of omission to the facts of commission to make an informed choice.

Perhaps FOX ought to go to Mississippi, and ask why people should have some state sanctioned photo id, rather than being on the voter rolls for 40 years, to cast a ballot, onsite. Note that I stated onsite, since the greatest voter fraud, prosecuted and convicted over the last 20 years, was absentee ballots, and the preponderance of that fraud, was done by Republicans.
Amazing how people can live for 40 years with no need for state-issued ID.

No buying cigarettes.
No buying liquor.
No driving.
No doing business with any government office.
No buying bus or plane tickets.

So, these people just sit at home for 40 years -- and vote. That's it.

The fact these people exist demonstrates your own idiocy.

Please provide a case of voter fraud in over two centuries of voting which could only have been prevented by Voter ID. Don't be a coward.
Post #47, you screeching buffoon.
It can't be ignorant, because it's based on reality.

How does the left treat black conservatives? It ain't pretty, but it shows your contempt for blacks who dare to think for themselves.

No one, anywhere, has said that ALL blacks are unable to get ID. No one.

So the propaganda piece is committing a strawman fallacy, for one thing.

The problem with Voter ID is that SOME registered voters do not have ID. These are the people who would be disenfranchised under a completely unnecessary Voter ID law.

Going out and talking to a handful of people who have an ID and who believe everyone should show ID to vote is called...anyone? Anyone?

Cherry picking! Very good!

They did not make any effort to speak to registered voters who do not have ID. None. Zip. Zilch.

So it is a useless piece of shit confirmation bias propaganda piece only a truly gullible idiot would swallow.

Well that's Daveman. Did you see his military retirement photo he posted? Gullibility isn't the only thing his fat ass has been swallowing.
Better fat than a coward.

Oooh, are you all mad now? You gonna threaten to send some homies to beat me up -- again? :rofl:

Run along, racist sissy bedwetter.
They asked for it.

Who gives a damn what they asked for? The law doesn't say you have to show photo ID. I never do, just so I can see if someone wants to start some shit.

Oh, you're that type?

All day, everyday.

I'm a descendant of "that type".

"That type" got us the right to vote.

"That type" broke laws to learn to and teach others to read.

I raised my kids to be "that type" and they are raising my grand kids to be "that type".
Daveman, even for your lack of standards of fairness, this is a racist rant. You clearly don't believe that it's the right and responsibility of all American citizens to vote. Thank you for finally showing your bigoted side.
I repeat: How does the left treat conservative blacks?

I don't recall a single instance of trying to deprive them of their right and responsibility to cast their ballot.

I'm right. No question. Your impotent flailings do nothing to alter reality.

File your bogus red herring, and get back to your circle jerk. I wouldn't want you to catch a cold.
No, you just call them Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima. Racist pricks.
No one, anywhere, has said that ALL blacks are unable to get ID. No one.

So the propaganda piece is committing a strawman fallacy, for one thing.

The problem with Voter ID is that SOME registered voters do not have ID. These are the people who would be disenfranchised under a completely unnecessary Voter ID law.

Going out and talking to a handful of people who have an ID and who believe everyone should show ID to vote is called...anyone? Anyone?

Cherry picking! Very good!

They did not make any effort to speak to registered voters who do not have ID. None. Zip. Zilch.

So it is a useless piece of shit confirmation bias propaganda piece only a truly gullible idiot would swallow.

Well that's Daveman. Did you see his military retirement photo he posted? Gullibility isn't the only thing his fat ass has been swallowing.
Better fat than a coward.

Oooh, are you all mad now? You gonna threaten to send some homies to beat me up -- again? :rofl:

Run along, racist sissy bedwetter.

I never said, beat you up.

I'm not mad, I'm amused by your lying.
Do you have evidence of voter fraud in which people voted who were not the registered voter that can only be fixed by Voter ID?

We need REAL examples, not imaginary problems which don't actually exist.

Group claims $1,000 ACLU prize for finding voting fraud |

As you can see in that story, the person who voted for her daughter was caught without the need for Voter ID. Her daughter's votes were checked against the rolls and they found she had voted twice. So no one got away with voting twice. They system worked perfectly, without Voter ID.

There are states that vote entirely by mail. Did you know that? Oregon, for one. You register to vote and they mail you your ballot every election.

No Voter ID.
Yes, because we sure don't want to disenfranchise illegal aliens and dead Democrats, do we?
Who gives a damn what they asked for? The law doesn't say you have to show photo ID. I never do, just so I can see if someone wants to start some shit.

Oh, you're that type?

All day, everyday.

I'm a descendant of "that type".

"That type" got us the right to vote.

"That type" broke laws to learn to and teach others to read.

I raised my kids to be "that type" and they are raising my grand kids to be "that type".
So you're admitting to being an asshole and troublemaker?
And spare me the "Oh, they can't get there to get an ID!!" nonsense. If they can't get out to get an ID, they can't get out to vote.

You parrot the left remarkably well for a "conservative".

This does not prove in any way the NEED for voter ID. It is just whining for a completely unnecessary law, covered up with a lot of smoke and misdirection.

How do you determine if the person who registered is the person who's voting?

According to you and the rest of the left, just saying so is sufficient.
There is still id laws in AZ, g5000

From the Arizona Secretary of State's website:

List 2 - Acceptable forms of identification without a photograph that bear the name and address of the elector (two required)
Utility bill of the elector that is dated within 90 days of the date of the election. A utility bill may be for electric, gas, water, solid waste, sewer, telephone, cellular phone, or cable television
Bank or credit union statement that is dated within 90 days of the date of the election
Valid Arizona Vehicle Registration
Indian census card
Property tax statement of the elector's residence
Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
Arizona vehicle insurance card
Recorder's Certificate
Valid United States federal, state, or local government issued identification, including a voter registration card issued by the County Recorder
Any mailing to the elector marked “Official Election Material”
An identification is "valid" unless it can be determined on its face that it has expired.

Proof of Identification at the Polls

I see you are that type, the uninformed.
Well that's Daveman. Did you see his military retirement photo he posted? Gullibility isn't the only thing his fat ass has been swallowing.
Better fat than a coward.

Oooh, are you all mad now? You gonna threaten to send some homies to beat me up -- again? :rofl:

Run along, racist sissy bedwetter.

I never said, beat you up.

I'm not mad, I'm amused by your lying.
:lol: Riiiight. And what were you going to have your homies do, coward? Bring me roses?

You're a pathetic little punk, aren't you?

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