Affordable Care Act saving taxpayer money at record pace


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke
This is good news.

Medicare fraud is, I am informed, one the cash cows of the American based Russian mafia.
Yeah, but it has something to do with the government, so I think its a failure. Get Government out of my Medicare!!! Stop entitlements!! Save Social Security!! Eliminate the deficit!! Increase military spending!!



Medical costs for enrollees in the health-care law’s high-risk insurance pools are expected to more than double initial predictions, the Obama administration said Thursday in a report on the new program.

The health-care law set aside $5 billion for a Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, meant to provide health insurance to those who had been declined coverage by private carriers. Since its launch last summer, nearly 50,000 Americans have enrolled in the program.

The PCIP program will phase out in 2014, when insurers will be required to accept all applicants regardless of their health-care status.

Those who have enrolled in the program are projected to have significantly higher medical costs than the government initially expected. Each participant is expected to average $28,994 in medical costs in 2012, according to the report, more than double what government-contracted actuaries predicted in November 2010. Then, the analysts expected that the program would cost $13,026 per enrollee.

The costs also are significantly higher than those of similar high-risk pools that many states have operated for decades. States spent an average of $12,471 on enrollees in 2008, according to the National Association of State Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans.

Per person cost of federal high-risk medical plan doubles - The Washington Post
ObamaCare Causes Health Insurance Premiums to Rise
Health insurance costs continue to rise as President Obama’s healthcare overhaul begins to affect Americans’ insurance premiums, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust (HRET). Leaders in health policy analysis and communication, Kaiser and HRET found that annual family insurance premiums have spiked this year at a rate three times higher than in 2010, significantly outpacing wage increases and general inflation.


According to Kaiser’s and HRET’s analysis of employer-based health plans, ObamaCare could be responsible for as much as 50 percent of the premium hike. Altman initially denied that the healthcare reform law contributed to the increase, but later conceded that the law probably accounted for one to two percentage points of the nine-percent increase this year. That increase "reflects the costs of providing prevention benefits without cost-sharing," Altman said. "It reflects the costs of covering young adults up to 26 years of age under their parents’ policies. Those are also very popular benefits, according to our tracking polls."​
Medical costs for enrollees in the health-care law’s high-risk insurance pools are expected to more than double initial predictions, the Obama administration said Thursday in a report on the new program.

Per enrollee spending is higher than anticipated; total spending on the program is still well below what was expected at the outset. A couple years ago the CMS actuary predicted the $5 billion allocated to the PCIPs would be exhausted this year; as it is, they've only committed something like 10-15% of the funding so far.

For the math-challenged: 1 percent out of a 9 percent increase is not "50 percent of the premium hike."
Medical costs for enrollees in the health-care law’s high-risk insurance pools are expected to more than double initial predictions, the Obama administration said Thursday in a report on the new program.

Per enrollee spending is higher than anticipated; total spending on the program is still well below what was expected at the outset. A couple years ago the CMS actuary predicted the $5 billion allocated to the PCIPs would be exhausted this year; as it is, they've only committed something like 10-15% of the funding so far.

For the math-challenged: 1 percent out of a 9 percent increase is not "50 percent of the premium hike."
For the reading-challenged:
According to Kaiser’s and HRET’s analysis of employer-based health plans, ObamaCare could be responsible for as much as 50 percent of the premium hike. Altman initially denied that the healthcare reform law contributed to the increase, but later conceded that the law probably accounted for one to two percentage points of the nine-percent increase this year. That increase "reflects the costs of providing prevention benefits without cost-sharing," Altman said. "It reflects the costs of covering young adults up to 26 years of age under their parents’ policies. Those are also very popular benefits, according to our tracking polls."​
Kaiser and HRET say ObamaCare could be responsible for as much as 50% of the premium hike.

Altman said "the law probably accounted for one to two percentage points of the nine-percent increase this year", after denying it had any effect at all. That's his opinion. He's not quoting the study.

ObamaCare is costing Americans more money. And we're supposed to be grateful for that?
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Another success story for Obamacare

It keeps getting better and better
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act make it one of the toughest anti-fraud laws in history. The results? Another record setting year.

Feds recover $4.1B in health care fraud in 2011

Federal authorities say they recovered $4.1 billion in health care fraud judgments last year, a record high which officials on Monday credited to new tools for cracking down on deceitful Medicare claims.

The recovered funds are up roughly 50 percent from 2009. Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius were expected to make the announcement at a news conference Tuesday.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Another success story for Obamacare

It keeps getting better and better

:lol: :lol: :lol:

No Really.....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Where did the Fraud come from in the first place?

Who enabled it?

Who let it go on for so long?
Kaiser and HRET say ObamaCare could be responsible for as much as 50% of the premium hike.

No, they don't say that because this is language conjured by rightwing media sources to be as misleading as humanly possible.

The consensus--arrived at by everyone from major HR and benefits consulting firms to the Kaiser Family Foundation to CCIIO's own estimates of the impact of its regulations--is that the ACA increased premiums by 1-2 percent following the changes that kicked in for plans renewed after September 2010. That's the impact of everything implemented so far: the extension of dependent coverage, the end of rescissions, the end of cost-sharing for evidence-based preventive care, the end of lifetime limits and the gradual phase out of annual limits, and the end of pre-existing condition exclusions for children.

What certain rightwing news outlets have done is decide that premiums should have increased by 5 percent overall, based on a small selection of years in which the nation wasn't emerging from a recession-induced plunge in service utilization. So they've decided that 4 of the 9 percent total increase KFF found in its survey is some "excess." And thus if we take the high-range estimates of a 2 percent impact of the ACA in premiums, then 2 of the 4 percent (half!) that they've arbitrarily decided is an excess is attributable to the ACA. That's where your magic fifty percent comes from.

The better rightwing rags would at least explain the poor reasoning of their flawed methodology in the text of the article, while putting a carefully worded but misleading title on the piece (that was the route CNS took when they tried this).

Your article, however, seems to have not understood the game and instead of careful linguistic gymnastics that hint at the fact they're talking only about the slice of the premium increase they deem to be in excess of historical norms, it slips into language that's simply false on its face: "Kaiser and HRET say ObamaCare could be responsible for as much as 50% of the premium hike."

Find better bullshit next time.
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ObamaCare Causes Health Insurance Premiums to Rise
Health insurance costs continue to rise as President Obama’s healthcare overhaul begins to affect Americans’ insurance premiums, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust (HRET). Leaders in health policy analysis and communication, Kaiser and HRET found that annual family insurance premiums have spiked this year at a rate three times higher than in 2010, significantly outpacing wage increases and general inflation.


According to Kaiser’s and HRET’s analysis of employer-based health plans, ObamaCare could be responsible for as much as 50 percent of the premium hike. Altman initially denied that the healthcare reform law contributed to the increase, but later conceded that the law probably accounted for one to two percentage points of the nine-percent increase this year. That increase "reflects the costs of providing prevention benefits without cost-sharing," Altman said. "It reflects the costs of covering young adults up to 26 years of age under their parents’ policies. Those are also very popular benefits, according to our tracking polls."

daveman - Even the rightwing site you copied-snipped-pasted from claims health insurance premiums had been "steadily rising at a rate of 5% per year" pre-Obama-Care's. But the rightwing site can only accuse, not definitively claim, that any additional increase "could be" because 2.3 million young adults are getting health insurance coverage-----which even the rightwing site concedes is "very popular benefits, according to our tracking polls."

My question is; are you and/or the rightwing site you copied-snipped-pasted from suggesting cutting out a part of Obama-Care's that is "very popular benefits, according to our tracking polls" -- OUR tracking polls?

Below is part of the part you snipped from the rightwing site:

Kaiser and HRET reported in their analysis that health insurance premiums have been steadily rising at a rate of five percent each year, but this year jumped to eight percent for single coverage and nine percent for family coverage.
Many analystssuggest that the section in the law that allows individuals up to age 26 to add themselves to their parents’ health plans, a key provision of ObamaCare, could be a prime suspect for rising insurance premiums:
In particular, the survey estimates that employers added 2.3 million young adults to their parents’ family health insurance policies as a result of the health reform provision that allows young adults up to age 26 without employer coverage on their own to be covered as dependents on their parents’ plan. Young adults historically are more likely to be uninsured than any other age group. ~

http://ObamaCare Causes Health Insurance Premiums to Rise
Medical costs for enrollees in the health-care law’s high-risk insurance pools are expected to more than double initial predictions, the Obama administration said Thursday in a report on the new program.

Per enrollee spending is higher than anticipated; total spending on the program is still well below what was expected at the outset. A couple years ago the CMS actuary predicted the $5 billion allocated to the PCIPs would be exhausted this year; as it is, they've only committed something like 10-15% of the funding so far.

For the math-challenged: 1 percent out of a 9 percent increase is not "50 percent of the premium hike."

Thanks Greenbeard for exposing that Luntz-like language.

Frank Luntz

Most people are unfamiliar with Frank Luntz, but if I threw out the terms "death tax" or "government takeover of your health care" those are Frank Luntz talking points. Luntz is a pollster and consultant for Fox News, but he is more commonly known as the Republican Party word smither.

At the recent Republican Governors' Association meeting in Florida, Frank Luntz prepped the governors on what words and expressions to use to make the Republican positions appear more favorable.

Instead of capitalism use "economic freedom" or "free market."

Instead of saying government taxes the rich, say "government takes from the rich."

Refer to the middle class as "hardworking taxpayers."

It's not's "careers."

Government spending becomes "government waste."

Republicans don't compromise...they "cooperate."

And when hearing out a OWS protester, the three magic words are, "I get it."

You now get the idea. Republicans are masters at coining terms to either convey a more positive or negative meaning, whatever the case may be. So when it appears that all Fox News pundits as well as Republican politicians all of a sudden seem to adopt some new words or expressions all at the same time, you are right. And it is most likely Frank Luntz doing the coaching.

"80 percent of our life is emotion, and only 20 percent is intellect. I am much more interested in how you feel than how you think." -- Frank Luntz
There's an estimated 60 to 90 BILLION dollars a year in medicare fraud? How the hell is that possible?
Bottom line: Obamacare will cost the taxpayers TRILLIONS. But since it was passed in the dead of night, behind closed doors, and without one single Republican vote- it's great !! Go team Go!!


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