AFDI lawsuit: “Speech may not be banned on the ground that it expresses ideas that offend”


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015


One fascist OP to watch....and to boycott.
You're the idiots who started pushing the issue beyond the pale with your "cisgender" bullshit. Now enjoy the fruits of your unchecked fascism. It's called the 1st Amendment. Enjoy asshole. If you don't like it, move to another country where the ruling party (not always sympathetic to lefty ideals BTW) can ban free speech all day long and night too.
Silhouette was screwed previously with information anarchy when we posted about the law's delirious take on fatherhood on the Pennsylvania cake-dress thread. S risks showing an arrogant, reactionary stupidity that presupposes that the law is always hot and knows what it is doing.
I think I know how Clarence Thomas will cast on this particular case if/when it comes before the USSC..

Clarence Thomas Decries Victimhood Culture in Rare Public Remarks
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decried the contemporary culture of victimhood during public remarks, telling an audience at the Library of Congress that constant aggrievement would exhaust the country.

And by "the country", I'm betting he meant his Courtroom.

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