Admit It, You'd Like to Be in a Union Too

sorry all...........I just cant help myself from poosting up this gem yet again.

Tell me this isnt classic.......................

[ame=]The Most Disappointed Barrett Supporter In Wisconsin - YouTube[/ame]

Tell me this limpwrister didnt go home and boink his cat!!!:D
You didn't answer my question dumbfuck, and don't give me that party line bullshit about all or even most union workers being lazy, get the fuck out of here. Would you be ok if a union negotiated a better salary for its members? Would you be ok with earning less and being batshit proud of being nonunion? I know you wouldn't, you be talking the same bullshit you talk now about unfairness, if you truly didn't give a fuck you wouldn't complain about unions anyways, you'd mind your own fucking business.
It's idiot leftists with their kindergarten mentality who whine about "fairness", dumbass.

Dumbfuck, who bitching about unions trying to take away their power? Rightwing fucktards, dumbass.
No one's complaining about unions taking away their power, moron.

Damn, you're an idiot. Your recruiter must have been way behind quota.
I've always maintained that private unions are fine. More power to them, and they should be free to get what they can from private businesses, provided that the playing field remains level and does not favor one or the other.

However, I think public service unions should be banned, or at the very least, limited in scope and terms of what they can bargain for. Again, the playing field should be level and no one who takes a dime from the unions, should be allowed to have a say in what contracts are awarded to the unions.

BS, I am a federal worker and belong to a union and there is a lot that goes on that you know nothing about, don't make dumb contradicting arguments about level playing fields and advocate limiting public unions because of your envy.
the average federal worker makes 73K and the average private sector employee makes 47K. Why do you feel that we, the people, should pay you more than we make?
He's entitled to it.

Right, Basshole?
I just save up all my sick leave just in case something happens, you don't need to use it before the fiscal year or anything.

I earn 4 hours sick leave each pay period which is less than 3 weeks a year, it averages out to 9.5 days of sick leave a year and I average about 14.25 days of vacation each year with slightly less than 15 years federal service because you earn vacation based on the years of service you have, we really are living it up and don't earn anything, :rolleyes:

Yup 4 hours every pay period is the standard, I earn 6 hours annual leave due to my prior Military service.
Personnel jacked up my Service Computation Date. I enlisted in 1991 and served 20, naturally, they pick March 2010 as my SCD. I'm still getting only 4 hrs AL PPP. :cool: My boss keeps telling me they'll fix it and I'll be getting 8 hrs retroactive to my sign-on date. I'll believe it when I see it.

Folks, this is how the government operates. And some people want the gov to handle their healthcare?! :cuckoo:
Add all the vacations and holiday and the Gubmint workers make out quite well. Our tax dollar hard at work.

Well the dollar anyway.
Speaking as a gov worker, I give good return for your tax dollars, in quantity and quality of work. I make sure a contractor performs per the million-dollar-a-year contract he's signed with the gov. Also, I'm a certified welder, so I've been doing projects that either wouldn't get done or would be performed for far more money by a contractor.
[ame=]The Most Disappointed Barrett Supporter In Wisconsin - YouTube[/ame]

DAve.......send me a PM man.......I just cant stop posting up this vid...........I need help. Its like Im addicted to the laughter.
Maybe lefties are confused about the role of government. The government isn't an employment office dedicated to hiring as many people is it can and offering them a decent living. I'm sorry and it might seem cold hearted but if we can get the job done with ten people we need to get rid of the other four or five. If we have ten thousand redundant commissions we need to merge them and get rid of the 8,000 that aren't needed. The preamble to the Constitution listed the duties of the federal government in two sentences, "To provide for the common defense" and "to promote the general welfare". Government doesn't create wealth, it confiscates money.
Where I work, there used to be 50 people on maintenance. Now we have just one and a contractor. The cost of the contract is about half of what those 50 employees cost the gov.
Maybe lefties are confused about the role of government. The government isn't an employment office dedicated to hiring as many people is it can and offering them a decent living. I'm sorry and it might seem cold hearted but if we can get the job done with ten people we need to get rid of the other four or five. If we have ten thousand redundant commissions we need to merge them and get rid of the 8,000 that aren't needed. The preamble to the Constitution listed the duties of the federal government in two sentences, "To provide for the common defense" and "to promote the general welfare". Government doesn't create wealth, it confiscates money.

Shut up with this partisan BS, enough already.
You do know the words in the Constitution actually mean something, right?

And it's not what you think, apparently.
I've belonged to one union in my life, the united food and commercial workers union when I worked for Kroger. That entitled me to make a whole .10 an hour above minimum wage, and by the time they took my union dues out of my check, there went my whole .10 and then some.

Power to the people indeed!!!

Have never been a member of union and I'm doing just fine I especially like not paying union dues that then get used to support candidates that I don't like or agree with. If you like unions and being in one great that's your choice enjoy I will pass.
They always have to have an insult in there somewhere don't they? :lol:
I actually made a good living.
I paid for my own apt.,my food and paid for my own Dr. check ups. Had plenty left over for fun on the weekends.
I had every Wed. off and the Dentist paid for my Dental uniforms.When the law required us to be certified for taking x-rays he paid for that too.

making a "good living" is entirely relative. Personally, you can probably acclimate to living off of poverty level wages.

But again, I'd bet jacks, joes and dominoes that the average wage and benefit package that you've accepted falls well below that of the same which was the product of your spurned union.

You can answer or not. I'm pretty sure we both know the answer. And, unfortunately, not everyone can afford to be as cavalier with their income as you have been.

Cavalier? Wanting freedom is not cavalier.
They tried to force us to join. What part of force don't you get?

I was not living in poverty at all,and it was not an average wage.
I stared out with average wage right after I got out of Dental school. My first year of working I got a raise to a very decent salary. And continued to get raises about every two years.
It was me doing a good job that got my wage increase.
How many union workers get 3 working days off? Several, same as what I had without them.
How many union workers get the cloths that they have to wear paid for? Several, same as I had without the union.

again, you can rationalize however you need to. The fact remains that we both know why you've avoided answering a very simple question about the comparative wage and benefit package between what you've chosen and what you could have had. Your freedom (lol) to earn less is your prerogative; however, acting like uncle tom just because you get to work in the shade isn't really a compelling argument.
No, the question REALLY is:

For those who want to leave a union will they accept the kind of wages and benefits that are not protected by the efforts of the very unions they rebuke?

I have no problem with giving every employee the CHOICE to join a union or not. Hell, in secrecy even.

But, for those who choose to pass on the union should also be ineligible for every wage standard and benefit required by the current labor agreement. Don't find value in the union organization? fine! Enjoy your substandard wages and benefit package that are offered by the company for the value of what they think your labor is worth. Enjoy it!

but, that simple isn't the case when people opt out of unions when unions are present, which, obviously grants the eating of a cake which is had as well.
And at the same time, union members should leave alone those employees who opted out then outperform union members and get compensated accordingly.

I don't see that happening, however.

much like I don't see union hating scabs who enjoy the fruits of unions demanding to be paid less than what labor agreements define.

ho hum.
Unions are a thing of the past... every year membership further dwindles.

Unions are for losers.

Absolutely.. There is nothing more antiquated than the union view of a job. What is needed in the 21 Century is broad skills and a willingness to pull more than one lever at a time. Unions also don't give a RatzAss about CAREER. They have a stable of matching automatons to pimp out until they give out. Doing the same job for 50 years.

When and if the unions look at the calendar and discover they are not in 1920 anymore, they COULD regain some relevence. But right now, as Darwin would see it -- they are the Do-Do birds of the 21st Century.. Relying on class warfare alone to make themselves relevent...
Yeah, I feel so bad about not joining a union right out of high school...instead getting my BA and going into the military as an officer. I just wish I could've earned money bolting a bumper to a car for the rest of my life, that is just soooooooo intelligent.

Nevermind getting my MBA and currently finishing a MA degree, that union job would've been a bigger badge of honor....if I wanted to live in a bar for life with a bunch of losers and drunks.
Ive never wanted to be in a union. In fact, id make every effort to oppose being in one if i had an option. I want to be judged according to my own merits. and Id rather own my own business.
Whatever suits you best I sincerely wish you good luck with.

But if you needed to take a job I'm sure you would prefer to have good, safe working conditions, a decent wage and benefits that afford you a comfortable middle class life. What you need to understand is were it not for the union movement those things would be pipe dreams rather than the reality they've become for many millions of past and present American workers. Because without a union to secure these things for you the job market would be dominated by cut-throat competition, at all levels, with someone always willing to do your job for less.

Your hope to find an employer who would rate you on your own merits is wishful thinking. Because with very few exceptions, if any, employers want the most they can get from a worker at the least cost to them.

If you haven't read the brief history of unions in America I think you'll find it interesting and very educational.
You guys should try to do in a week as efficiently as what a UPS driver does in a day. You won't make it. Neither would I.

your absolutely right Candy.....i have sat and compared notes for a few minutes with the guy who delivers on my route.....i have seen in the PO people come in thinking how easy it must be to deliver a route.....UNTIL they found out you have to put up all the mail,pull the route down,load up the Truck and then deliver it and do it in hard could it be?....
I've belonged to one union in my life, the united food and commercial workers union when I worked for Kroger. That entitled me to make a whole .10 an hour above minimum wage, and by the time they took my union dues out of my check, there went my whole .10 and then some.

Power to the people indeed!!!

You can't expect all unions to be as effective as the Teamsters. If that Kroger job was the best you could do at the time I hope you're doing better now.

My son-in-law started working for UPS sorting packages on the night-shift. He did that for a year and moved up to loading trucks. After two years he broke into the Teamsters and became a route driver, which he did for nine years. He paid $2,500 to a school to learn how to drive a trailer and get the license. He went to UPS' Human Resources, presented his certificate and license and asked to be considered for an opening as a trailer driver, which is a desirable job. He now works the night-line driving trailers on airport runs. He's making top dollar and he loves it.

The point of that anecdote is you can't expect to just walk into a top paying union job. You've got to work your way in.
the average federal worker makes 73K and the average private sector employee makes 47K. Why do you feel that we, the people, should pay you more than we make?

i must be in the wrong Dept.....a Letter Carrier would have to work a lot of OT to make that much....

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