CDZ Actual 1%/Mythical 1%/Wannabe 1%

Adjusted for inflation and population growth the % of millionaires has gone down since "the millionaire next door", my source, was written ooh!
What were you expecting from someone who is mentally unable to experience emotions?

I think it is impossible to not have an emotional response to betrayal, and the most difficult feeling to get over. :smiliehug:
Prometheus Bound

Sounds right, but not true at all. I was one of the few who reacted to being betrayed by my parents, teachers, and the ruling class. They told me to study and get high grades, which led to my classmates treating me like a freak and a loser. So I quit studying because those who had urged me to study had led me into that instead of protecting me from it.

It was all by design, which I only figured out later after blaming my manipulated classmates at first. The plutocratic parasites extract their wealth from humiliated High IQs who have no self-respect.
What were you expecting from someone who is mentally unable to experience emotions?

I think it is impossible to not have an emotional response to betrayal, and the most difficult feeling to get over. :smiliehug:
Prometheus Bound

Sounds right, but not true at all. I was one of the few who reacted to being betrayed by my parents, teachers, and the ruling class. They told me to study and get high grades, which led to my classmates treating me like a freak and a loser. So I quit studying because those who had urged me to study had led me into that instead of protecting me from it.

It was all by design, which I only figured out later after blaming my manipulated classmates at first. The plutocratic parasites extract their wealth from humiliated High IQs who have no self-respect.

Sorry to hear that.
What were you expecting from someone who is mentally unable to experience emotions?

I think it is impossible to not have an emotional response to betrayal, and the most difficult feeling to get over. :smiliehug:
Prometheus Bound

Sounds right, but not true at all. I was one of the few who reacted to being betrayed by my parents, teachers, and the ruling class. They told me to study and get high grades, which led to my classmates treating me like a freak and a loser. So I quit studying because those who had urged me to study had led me into that instead of protecting me from it.

It was all by design, which I only figured out later after blaming my manipulated classmates at first. The plutocratic parasites extract their wealth from humiliated High IQs who have no self-respect.

Sorry to hear that.
Crushing the Seeds

You're more sorry than you're allowed to believe. Nerdbashing has deprived us of the cure for cancer and many other valuable things. The King Ape plutocratic bullies get away with it because you never know what you miss unless it is actually invented and taken away from you.

$1,000,000 in 2016 dollars is about $65,000-$67,000 dollars in 1970 dollars. Not much at all, really; people have been gradually desensitized into being oblivious to how little they actually have. Most these days really believe '$50K a year household income' is 'middle class', when all it is is a married couple with both working a couple of jobs paying less than minimum wage adjusted for inflation and combining them. A mil is not nothing, but it isn't financial security or impressive wealth either. One isn't going to be living anything like the 'lifestyle' depicted in your link for long at all with just a million or even 5 million. Maybe once a year celebrating your anniversary one night.
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$1,000,000 in 2016 dollars is about $65,000-$67,000 dollars in 1970 dollars. Not much at all, really; people have been gradually desensitized into being oblivious to how little they actually have. Most these days really believe '$50K a year household income' is 'middle class', when all it is is a married couple with both working a couple of jobs paying less than minimum wage adjusted for inflation and combining them. A mil is not nothing, but it isn't financial security or impressive wealth either.
Yes, that's how inflation works and is exactly why millionaires are not rare anymore. I did a little research a day or two ago. There are approximately 10.8 millionaires in the United States out of a population of approximately 326 million people.
Illiquid assets that don't throw off positive cashflow are joke assets even when unencumbered and this thread is about the 1%s : mythical, actual and wannabee. Defining mythical as those who actually can get by without a job and never miss a meal where are the Morgans, Carnegies, Bells and Edisons today?

Actual: 3,260,000 in number, usually defined as more than $100,000 in liquid assets and either no debts or debts less than liquid assets in hand but less than 1% of the population meet that definition including most of your millionaires.

Wannabees: include the majority of your millionaires which is why I find your position absurd. Your millionaires include Star Wars memorabilia millionaires driving Porsches with notes on them.
There should not even be a debate as to what a true millionaire is today. The debate between a paper millionaire and a cash fluid millionaire was settled in 1929. Paper only holds the value of the paper itself about 15 cents a pound.

Cash fluid is the only thing that allows you to move quickly like hard items like real estate or gold etc.
If the market falls out of whatever item you are merely holding paper on you are broke over night. The real estate bubble proved that.

So your fluid money needs to be one of two things.
1 it needs to be accepted on the world market and has an accepted trading value such as gold.
2 it needs to be two big to steal such as land itself. Not the paper but the raw land.

I have been buying homes in Josephine county Oregon for about a year now. Homes once listed at 100k plus now sell for 13k tops! The county is bankrupt and have no police and the drug addicts are stripping the homes God bless em! I say that because their theft is my greatest tax deduction plus it forces my property taxes down!

Sometime over the next three to five years I will have those homes burnt to the ground legally! When the county comes out of bankruptcy I will have some of the finest bare lots with utilities at the curb in the entire county.
And most of those 1 to 3 acre lots that I have secured at an average of 3k an acre can be sub divided into half acre lots! And sell overnight at 10k to California's!

The key is not for you the investor to rebuild a city town or county. You merely sell the dream. Now the profit margin may look small to most folks but is 200k really that small for one trip one county plat map and a dozen phone calls?

Puts and calls have their place yes but hard items when based on sound use needs hold and drive a solid portfolio. Cases in point.
1 my coal stocks I bought very very cheaply are up by huge amounts and that profit margin will be going to Josephine county Oregon.
2 my !ever brothers stock never budged downwards in the last eight years. Soap and shampoo sells because Americans don't like to be dirty. And while kenmore or whirlpool made sell a few durable goods per year laundry soap sell by the millions of tons per month!

The investment market is only as hard as you or others you hire and trust make it.
A millionaire is a person whose net assets are worth at least a million dollars.
The reason I'm no longer in Lever Brothers is exposure to currency fluctuations. Doing most of its business in Euros and 3rd world currencies I had trouble keeping up with my returns but it is a great company. what I like the best are companies like SDRL (SeaDrill) its PE is less than earnings growth and its price is less than net tangible assets. If the latest EO gets me called out before I can close out my calls my gain will be 125% and I will miss it when it is gone because my annualized returns on Calls is somewhat higher than that. But with the S&P 500, 400 and 600 to play with I can find replacements. Gail is all upset at the moment because she lost a decimal place recently but there was no advance word on the EO before the close so I could pull back, it happens.
A returned reflection on nerd-shaming. I too was made fun of for my intelligence as a child of the late 80s/early 90s, my saving grace was actually my bi-sexuality. (The Christian's at school simply couldn't get enough of the idea, and I not being at all shy about my love interests in the hallways, be them men or women, was irresistible to the masses of sexually repressed young men, and many women as well.) Now my son, with his high intelligence also finds himself popular, in his case due to his no nonsense debate skills.

I think, ultimately, the quasi-bullying of intelligence cannot be blamed solely on the rejection of brains, but also, and perhaps to greater extent, the personality that oft accompanies it; the introvert destined for a lab or perhaps a teaching desk, does not seek out the circle of friends to buffer them from those who feel threatened by mental prowess. Where as the extrovert who intends to use their intelligence for more interactive careers, not only have a tight circle of geek friends, but they actively worm their ways into the heart and mind of the general public at school, and later in life as well. As a child, I sold myself as a respected opinion of open acceptance, my son sells himself as someone always open to debate the random concerns of the populace from a respectable and logical position. We both have "swaggering" personalities and self-confidence that led/will lead us down paths in the "thick" of public view and interaction. It is why I caution my LGBT circle not to fall into the trap of despair over the oft fickle and stupid allegations of their peers, because the people who matter are those who they keep close; myself and my social circle online included among the open armed "friends" they can always count on. And, too, I think such advice should go to those who are mentally gifted.

So it is not a lie that intelligence can serve one well. I would argue also that it is not a rejection of intelligent people, but rather a failing on the part of intellectual self-confidence and level-headed self-reflection that denies us many brilliant minds. There will always be envy and jealousy to deal with, how one deals with it is the ultimate reflector of ones success as a "brainiac."
Why is the purchase of a million dollar diamond not seen as a reduction in wealth I do not understand.
A returned reflection on nerd-shaming. I too was made fun of for my intelligence as a child of the late 80s/early 90s, my saving grace was actually my bi-sexuality. (The Christian's at school simply couldn't get enough of the idea, and I not being at all shy about my love interests in the hallways, be them men or women, was irresistible to the masses of sexually repressed young men, and many women as well.) Now my son, with his high intelligence also finds himself popular, in his case due to his no nonsense debate skills.

I think, ultimately, the quasi-bullying of intelligence cannot be blamed solely on the rejection of brains, but also, and perhaps to greater extent, the personality that oft accompanies it; the introvert destined for a lab or perhaps a teaching desk, does not seek out the circle of friends to buffer them from those who feel threatened by mental prowess. Where as the extrovert who intends to use their intelligence for more interactive careers, not only have a tight circle of geek friends, but they actively worm their ways into the heart and mind of the general public at school, and later in life as well. As a child, I sold myself as a respected opinion of open acceptance, my son sells himself as someone always open to debate the random concerns of the populace from a respectable and logical position. We both have "swaggering" personalities and self-confidence that led/will lead us down paths in the "thick" of public view and interaction. It is why I caution my LGBT circle not to fall into the trap of despair over the oft fickle and stupid allegations of their peers, because the people who matter are those who they keep close; myself and my social circle online included among the open armed "friends" they can always count on. And, too, I think such advice should go to those who are mentally gifted.

So it is not a lie that intelligence can serve one well. I would argue also that it is not a rejection of intelligent people, but rather a failing on the part of intellectual self-confidence and level-headed self-reflection that denies us many brilliant minds. There will always be envy and jealousy to deal with, how one deals with it is the ultimate reflector of ones success as a "brainiac."

It is also the type of intelligence that is important plumbers, car mechanics and so on have STEM intelligence and most degree program from places that lack the term technology in its name are generally worthless. A short review of the book "Chaos" will convince any and every one even with modest math skills that Climate Change is a crock yet many people do in fact believe in it.
Some might call it the indomitable spirit of mankind. Agnostic that I am, I choose to believe in the greatness of our achievements, rather than the temporary nature of fickle emotion. Progress is not merely a measure of 1's and 0's, but a timeline into the past and the core truths - that we are flawed, eternally flawed, but that such flaws are acceptable in the moment at which we exist. Transcendence from the singular mortality, and singular moment, into the vastness of existence itself and the infinitesimal iota of this world and the next. Life then is but a temporary gift, a lost breath in cold harsh reality; and we are answerable only to ourselves in our own worth as a mortal being. For there is no beginning, no end, only the now in which we must prevail, and the choice to be good, be moral, be at peace with ourselves through all impossibilities; to be that greatness we were born into and accept without condition that we are dust eternal with only the hand upon our own heart and mind to guide us through the meaninglessness of it all. It is not a punishment nor a reward, but a test we must take until finally we grasp it. A serene smile to your chaos. A patient sigh for the lies. Respect for passions ticking seconds. And the quiet amusement of fickle attractions and "meaning." If we humans should die, it will be by our own hands, no planetary warming, no nuclear fall-out, no asteroid, no loss of our atmosphere can defeat us - it is only our greed and our refusal to accept that the impossible can indeed happen that will be our undoing. We are life, and life has no purpose but to exist - we adapt, we conquer, and we will prevail though anything this cold expanse of the universe can throw at us - divine will is neither spiritual nor mere words, but the very action of breathing in the first place; suffocate us here and we will be reborn to try again until the end and the beginning become one circle and knowledge itself is laid bare as nothing more than the interpretation of today, this moment, this irrelevant life. That nothing is what we truly are, and there is nothing wrong with... nothing, because nothing exists, only something, sometime, in someway. When you can wrap your mind around such things you realize...

The drive to be important is the pit of Hell that is the ultimate destruction of each and every one of us. A self-inflicted punishment for circular denial that even minds like my own fall prey to. If there is an original sin, it is ego heh Ah, that is the eternal dance we are locked into is it not; for why live at all if not to experience the selfish pleasures of our own oh so fickle passions... Viva la vida!

EDIT - In other words; we all live merely to believe in a cause - for some it would be God, for others a belief that they can change the world for the better - and in the end, all are both right, and wrong, at the same time.
A returned reflection on nerd-shaming. I too was made fun of for my intelligence as a child of the late 80s/early 90s, my saving grace was actually my bi-sexuality. (The Christian's at school simply couldn't get enough of the idea, and I not being at all shy about my love interests in the hallways, be them men or women, was irresistible to the masses of sexually repressed young men, and many women as well.) Now my son, with his high intelligence also finds himself popular, in his case due to his no nonsense debate skills.

I think, ultimately, the quasi-bullying of intelligence cannot be blamed solely on the rejection of brains, but also, and perhaps to greater extent, the personality that oft accompanies it; the introvert destined for a lab or perhaps a teaching desk, does not seek out the circle of friends to buffer them from those who feel threatened by mental prowess. Where as the extrovert who intends to use their intelligence for more interactive careers, not only have a tight circle of geek friends, but they actively worm their ways into the heart and mind of the general public at school, and later in life as well. As a child, I sold myself as a respected opinion of open acceptance, my son sells himself as someone always open to debate the random concerns of the populace from a respectable and logical position. We both have "swaggering" personalities and self-confidence that led/will lead us down paths in the "thick" of public view and interaction. It is why I caution my LGBT circle not to fall into the trap of despair over the oft fickle and stupid allegations of their peers, because the people who matter are those who they keep close; myself and my social circle online included among the open armed "friends" they can always count on. And, too, I think such advice should go to those who are mentally gifted.

So it is not a lie that intelligence can serve one well. I would argue also that it is not a rejection of intelligent people, but rather a failing on the part of intellectual self-confidence and level-headed self-reflection that denies us many brilliant minds. There will always be envy and jealousy to deal with, how one deals with it is the ultimate reflector of ones success as a "brainiac."

It is also the type of intelligence that is important plumbers, car mechanics and so on have STEM intelligence and most degree program from places that lack the term technology in its name are generally worthless. A short review of the book "Chaos" will convince any and every one even with modest math skills that Climate Change is a crock yet many people do in fact believe in it.
Education means nothing more than buying a job. That class-biased indentured servitude automatically puts inferior people in superior positions.

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