Acting AG Whitaker: 'Special Counsel is Required' To Investigate Clinton Foundation

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Hell, there is enough evidence in the Public Domain to LOCK HER UP NOW!.....Can you imagine how the Hildebeast feels now, KNOWING that her fantasy world, has a good chance of falling apart, DASHING her Hope's for a 2020 presidential run, all to pieces...take about a year and a half AG to make sure all the shit hits the fan about 6 months BEFORE THE 2020 DemonRAT NOMINATION gets rolling!

Matthew Whitaker, the acting attorney general of the United States and a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Iowa, said in a 2016 interview that there is enough evidence "in the public domain" to warrant the appointment of a "special prosecutor" to investigate the Clinton Foundation.

He added that the Foundation was "clearly a pay-to-play situation" where if you gave money to the Foundation, you got "preferential treatment" at the State Department, which was headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 2009 to 2013.

Hillary Clinton's emailing of classified documents through her private computer server was a "serious" problem, but the "real ballgame" is "where Clinton Foundation donors were given preferential treatment," said Whitaker in an Aug. 25, 2016 interview with Breitbart News Daily.

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Unlike Sessions the pussy, Whitaker will force Rosenstein to turn over the documents or be removed, maybe prosecuted. The left thinks because Sessions did nothing for two years that nothing will continue to be done. Indictments are gonna be handed out to those who used their position to commit crimes. Hillary, Comey, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper, and yeah, Obama are all starting to sweat. By Nov. 2020 they may all be wearing orange jump suits. Their favorite color.
MY GUESS is that since Sessions is a member of the counsel of Foreign relations then that makes him bound by an oath to be alligned with their whims before party lines and their wishes might have hindered him. THIS IS WHY THEY ALWAYS LIKE TO HAVE MEMBERS ON BOTH SIDES RUN FOR PRESIDENCY AS IT ASSURES A MEMBER WILL BE PRESIDENT furthering their agenda and $machine. THIS IS WHY THEY FLIPED WHEN A NON MEMBER (TRUMP)BECAME A THREAT TO THEIR FOREIGN RELATIONS $ SCHEMES(pay to play) and protective alliances.
WHITAKER is not a member, so he has no faithfulness to lawless swamp critters or alliance to the members or membership and no member of that group is protected.
The Clinton Foundation!! Since Trump's slaughter at the polls on the 8th the desperation grows.
Here is what the owner of that paper thought of Trump,

Bozell was an outspoken critic of Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican primaries, describing him as "the greatest charlatan of them all", "a "huckster" and "shameless self-promoter".[34] He said, "God help this country if this man were president."[34] After Trump clinched the Republican nomination, Bozell attacked the media for their "hatred" of Trump.[34] Politico noted, "The paradox here is that Bozell was once more antagonistic toward the president than any journalist."[34] Bozell singled out Jake Tapper for being "one of the worst offenders" in coverage of Trump, however several senior MRC staff told Politico that they considered Tapper a model of fairness.[34]

L. Brent Bozell III - Wikipedia
Unlike Sessions the pussy, Whitaker will force Rosenstein to turn over the documents or be removed, maybe prosecuted. The left thinks because Sessions did nothing for two years that nothing will continue to be done. Indictments are gonna be handed out to those who used their position to commit crimes. Hillary, Comey, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper, and yeah, Obama are all starting to sweat. By Nov. 2020 they may all be wearing orange jump suits. Their favorite color.

How long will it take him to try and destroy the evidence.
Hell, there is enough evidence in the Public Domain to LOCK HER UP NOW!.....Can you imagine how the Hildebeast feels now, KNOWING that her fantasy world, has a good chance of falling apart, DASHING her Hope's for a 2020 presidential run, all to pieces...take about a year and a half AG to make sure all the shit hits the fan about 6 months BEFORE THE 2020 DemonRAT NOMINATION gets rolling!

Matthew Whitaker, the acting attorney general of the United States and a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Iowa, said in a 2016 interview that there is enough evidence "in the public domain" to warrant the appointment of a "special prosecutor" to investigate the Clinton Foundation.

He added that the Foundation was "clearly a pay-to-play situation" where if you gave money to the Foundation, you got "preferential treatment" at the State Department, which was headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 2009 to 2013.

Hillary Clinton's emailing of classified documents through her private computer server was a "serious" problem, but the "real ballgame" is "where Clinton Foundation donors were given preferential treatment," said Whitaker in an Aug. 25, 2016 interview with Breitbart News Daily.

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Any day now...any day now...any day now....any day now...any day now...any day now....just like over a year and a half ago: Ruh Roooooh!
President Trump could order a special investigator concerning Hillary today. It would take less time than a tweet about the ratings of The Apprentice.

The sooner you clowns realize she is never going to jail the sooner you can begin to focus on more pressing issue like death panels and Jade Helm.
Hell, there is enough evidence in the Public Domain to LOCK HER UP NOW!.....Can you imagine how the Hildebeast feels now, KNOWING that her fantasy world, has a good chance of falling apart, DASHING her Hope's for a 2020 presidential run, all to pieces...take about a year and a half AG to make sure all the shit hits the fan about 6 months BEFORE THE 2020 DemonRAT NOMINATION gets rolling!

Matthew Whitaker, the acting attorney general of the United States and a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Iowa, said in a 2016 interview that there is enough evidence "in the public domain" to warrant the appointment of a "special prosecutor" to investigate the Clinton Foundation.

He added that the Foundation was "clearly a pay-to-play situation" where if you gave money to the Foundation, you got "preferential treatment" at the State Department, which was headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 2009 to 2013.

Hillary Clinton's emailing of classified documents through her private computer server was a "serious" problem, but the "real ballgame" is "where Clinton Foundation donors were given preferential treatment," said Whitaker in an Aug. 25, 2016 interview with Breitbart News Daily.

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Any day now...any day now...any day now....any day now...any day now...any day now....just like over a year and a half ago: Ruh Roooooh!
The swamp runs deep.....

FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for months
Washington Post

Jan 5, 2018 · FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for months ... as the department being evenhanded in its approach to political cases

And how long has the phony investigation of Mueller going on...with nothing but perjury traps, and IRS convictions?....You are so fucking easy to slap down!
Unlike Sessions the pussy, Whitaker will force Rosenstein to turn over the documents or be removed, maybe prosecuted. The left thinks because Sessions did nothing for two years that nothing will continue to be done. Indictments are gonna be handed out to those who used their position to commit crimes. Hillary, Comey, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper, and yeah, Obama are all starting to sweat. By Nov. 2020 they may all be wearing orange jump suits. Their favorite color.

How long will it take him to try and destroy the evidence.
Probably not long but if he does, hopefully he will be prosecuted for it.

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