Accuser Hasn’t Accepted Invitation To Testify...


Listen.....progressives need to accept the fact that they will be having to receive the bumpy on this SCOTUS nomination one way or another. Might as well bend over now and allow the bumpy to settle in. Among the 9 will be another originalist! Tough shit on you!!!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fu:
Nor does it look like she intends to.
Chuck Grassley: Kavanaugh accuser hasn't responded to invitation to testify

What a shit show our government has become...
/-----/ But the seriousness of the charges far outweigh the lack of any evidence.
liberal rapid resonse team.jpg
I thought she agreed, what the hell is going on now with her? (Note read the story earlier)

Fear of testifying under oath?

Why? She supposedly passed a lie detector test!
Experts doubt claim of ‘truthful’ polygraph result from Kavanaugh accuser
by Eddie Scarry
| September 17, 2018 04:31 PM

sexually assaulted her decades ago state that she took a polygraph test that deemed her to be “truthful.”

But experts interviewed by the Washington Examiner doubt the significance of that finding, and assert that such tests are unable to assess at all whether a person is lying or is truthful.

Thomas Mauriello, a former senior polygraph examiner who worked at the Defense Department for 30 years, said in an interview Monday that polygraph tests merely detect when a subject is experiencing a physiological reaction — like perspiration or an increased heart rate — to one or more questions.

The tests don’t, he said, determine whether a person is lying or attempting to deceive. Instead, the results have to be interpreted by the person administering the test.

“The polygraph is not a lie detector,” said Mauriello, who now works as a part-time professor at the University of Maryland’s criminology and criminal justice department. “Let’s make that clear. There is no such thing as a lie detector. It’s simply an investigative tool that will record physiological reactions when you’re asked a question and give a response.”
Her lawyer will release a statement that it's unfair to make her relive such trauma. This is the same as Revictimizing her. She is too traumatized to testify.

The system failed her.
Fear of testifying under oath?

Why? She supposedly passed a lie detector test!
Experts doubt claim of ‘truthful’ polygraph result from Kavanaugh accuser
by Eddie Scarry
| September 17, 2018 04:31 PM

sexually assaulted her decades ago state that she took a polygraph test that deemed her to be “truthful.”

But experts interviewed by the Washington Examiner doubt the significance of that finding, and assert that such tests are unable to assess at all whether a person is lying or is truthful.

Thomas Mauriello, a former senior polygraph examiner who worked at the Defense Department for 30 years, said in an interview Monday that polygraph tests merely detect when a subject is experiencing a physiological reaction — like perspiration or an increased heart rate — to one or more questions.

The tests don’t, he said, determine whether a person is lying or attempting to deceive. Instead, the results have to be interpreted by the person administering the test.

“The polygraph is not a lie detector,” said Mauriello, who now works as a part-time professor at the University of Maryland’s criminology and criminal justice department. “Let’s make that clear. There is no such thing as a lie detector. It’s simply an investigative tool that will record physiological reactions when you’re asked a question and give a response.”

Exactly, a person can lie so.much they start to believe their own lies, that's why people like Trump, Bill Clinton , Hillary, obama, Nancy, Maxine , Pocahontas could pass a lie detector so easily..

Nor does it look like she intends to.
Chuck Grassley: Kavanaugh accuser hasn't responded to invitation to testify

What a shit show our government has become...
/----/ A warning flag from the democRATs to every conservative judge who may be chosen for the USSC. "We'll destroy you."
That sword cuts both ways. The more this continues; the more paralyzed our government will become. I can’t say that’s necessarily a bad thing.
Fear of testifying under oath?
Her lawyer is claiming she shouldn’t have to prove it.
I am sure her Lawyer does not want her to testify she could not stand up to the questions, and has very little info, about it to give it any truth. Having worked many cases like this the victim has a lot of info on the suspect even what type of clothes he was wearing and what he said. She just does not have the time to rehearse the lines and or the timeline to make anything that would sound truthful
So now she won't testify??

Woman sounds more like a nut job every day.

She says she was almost raped over 30 years ago. Never reported it and now all of a sudden its vital she report it??

According to her there were four men. What happened to the other three. How come she isn't pursuing them after 30 years??

This whole thing doesn't pass the smell test. Not at all.
She thought she'd be taken at face value...the woman is a joke, far left loon, her attorney is a big dem donor involved with Soros, she scrubbed her social media, first it was four men, then two, attempted rape that caused so much trauma she thought she might be killed and never told authorities or even her parents, blah blah blah...

Zero creds and a partisan hack

We won't even go into why the bitch Feinstein sat on this so long....but anyone with an ounce of sense knows why

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