Zone1 Liberal Columbia U President to Testify on Allowing Jew-Hate on Campus


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Liberal, anti-Jew universities like Berkeley and Harvard arent the only ones who allow vicious antisemitism to flourish on their campuses. Today, the Muslim president of Columbia will testify to Congress as to why she tolerates such Jew-hate at her institution.

(From what I understand, the leftist has hired PR to help her prepare to defend her acceptance of antisemitism, but I’d just prefer they spend the money on how to REDUCE the Jew-hate, rather than justify it.)

Last edited: depends on a context of wanting a second Holocaust to rid the world of all Jews.
Anti Semitism is wrong.
Thanks. But I want to hear the Columbia president - a Muslim immigrant from Egypt - explain why she hasn’t done anything to ramp down on the vicious anti-Jew attacks on her campus.

1) If people doubt that the Universities aren’t being taken over Muslims and pro-Palestinians who hate Israel and Jews, they need to open their eyes.

2) Hearing starts at 10:15. This gives me time to run a quick couple of errands and be back in time for an analysis as the testimony unfolds.

Believe you me, most Americans do not "dislike" Jewish people when it comes to public safety.

People can walk through a Jewish neighborhood knowing that no one will sucker punch or rob or murder you.

People can use public transportation knowing that no Jewish passenger is going to assault you.

People know that if their public school is majority Jewish, the students will be orderly and eager to learn. (Some of those university anti-Semites are envious that the Jewish students do so well academically.)
Just a reminder to all participants that this is a Zone 1 thread.

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The Columbia president refused to say that the chants of “From the River to the Sea” would be offensive to Jews. She DID say that most Jews would be offended, but that not all Jews would.

While she did better than her predecessors - who refused to say that calling for the genocide of Jews violated the schools’ code of conduct - she still was reluctant to point-black say that calls for the eradication of Israel and her Jews is offensive.

The liberal officials in this country are clearly more concerned with not offending their antisemitic Muslim base, and antisemites, that they still tread lightly when it comes to condemning hate speech and antisemitism.
The Columbia president refused to say that the chants of “From the River to the Sea” would be offensive to Jews. She DID say that most Jews would be offended, but that not all Jews would.

While she did better than her predecessors - who refused to say that calling for the genocide of Jews violated the schools’ code of conduct - she still was reluctant to point-black say that calls for the eradication of Israel and her Jews is offensive.

The liberal officials in this country are clearly more concerned with not offending their antisemitic Muslim base, and antisemites, that they still tread lightly when it comes to condemning hate speech and antisemitism.
Jews should start chanting, "From the river to the sea, the Jews will be free" and see how they change their tune about accepted hate speech.

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