Absolutely Delicious PC/Identity Politics story


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley
An absolutely delicious hasty generalization fallacy.
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley

Where is the abort button for humanity?

I swear I need to time travel back to the first human and shoot it and if there is a God tell it no and bad!
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley
An absolutely delicious hasty generalization fallacy.
An absolutely delicious transparent stretch.

I made no generalizations, hasty or otherwise. I just reported what happened, whether you'll admit it or not.

Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley

Where is the abort button for humanity?

I swear I need to time travel back to the first human and shoot it and if there is a God tell it no and bad!
Hey, we're just getting started on this stuff.

Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley

Where is the abort button for humanity?

I swear I need to time travel back to the first human and shoot it and if there is a God tell it no and bad!
Hey, we're just getting started on this stuff.



I feel like I am today Archie Bunker!
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley
This country is DOOMED
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley
An absolutely delicious hasty generalization fallacy.

False fallacy fallacy. Way to avoid critical thinking.
Lol !!!
You can't make this shit up ! :laughing0301:

"He" can now also be accused of being part of the new outrage of "toxic masculinity".
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley

Where is the abort button for humanity?

I swear I need to time travel back to the first human and shoot it and if there is a God tell it no and bad!

Or at the very least, go back 60 or 70 years.
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley
An absolutely delicious hasty generalization fallacy.

False fallacy fallacy. Way to avoid critical thinking.
He was just trying to put me on the defensive to change the subject.

That's how the Regressive Left trolls. Er, rolls.
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley

In the End, the Left will eat itself. So, just buy more popcorn.
“It wasn’t about Timothy,” the student behind the Abstain campaign told me. “I thought he’d do a perfectly fine job, but it just felt inappropriate to have a white man there. It’s not just about that position either. Having men in elected leadership positions undermines the idea of this being a place where women are the leaders.”

This shit here is a ... very misguided principle by which to elect people into power. It's a good summation of what's gone wrong in political parties...
An absolutely delicious hasty generalization fallacy.
An absolutely delicious constantly using the word "fallacy" like a crutch fallacy, and foolishly thinking that it makes you sound smart fallacy.
Dueling victim groups is always very educational, as it provides us with a window into the current PC/Identity Politics hierarchy.

S/He should have also wore he/r hair in dreads and identified as a minority. That would have so totally made her/him er, whatever uber qualified as diversity chair director or liason, or whatever. . . .
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley

Cool ironic story. Here's a related one I heard today on a local talk show that I listen to..

Huffington Post Guest Writer Cass Bliss Describes Male Periods

“Nonbinary trans menstruator” Cass Bliss took to the Huffington Post to write about the struggles with simultaneous acceptance of both one’s identity and having a period.
“I am a nonbinary trans menstruator ― someone with a uterus that bleeds monthly, but who identifies outside of the fixed categories of male and female,” Bliss wrote. “Because of that, I have to navigate the challenges of getting my period every month in a world that refuses to acknowledge that not everyone who gets their period is a woman, and not every woman gets their period.”

This question lingers as Bliss describes the “persistent gendered messages” of modern American society hitting like “thousands of metal slivers piercing through my skin.” According to Bliss, feminine hygiene products are marketed in a way that makes it intensely uncomfortable for someone who does not identify as a woman to purchase and use.

Bliss is regularly confronted by a dilemma:

Now that my appearance has tipped the scale toward masculine, I’ve found myself ushered out of a lot women’s bathrooms by moms with young daughters, as if I’m inherently dangerous or being trans is a disease they could catch from breathing in the same air as me. On the flip side, using the men’s restroom means that I have to pray that I’m not already leaking when I walk in there and figure out the best ways to keep myself safe while discreetly tending to my period.

Is is just me? Or does this not sound like a plan well thunked out? Non-binary Trans buyer's remorse? Or will he/she feel better in about a week about the choice?


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