'Absolutely' CNN wrote the question for me

Irrelevant and of VERY minor concern.

The bigger picture is what matters. The Left attempts to deflect.
None of this changes the FACT that this CNN "Town Hall" was nothing more than a propaganda show.
It wasn't a "discussion", it was a public lynching and show to whip up support for agendas.
What a surprise.

I agree with you ^^

I don't even attempt to answer these left commie trolls....losers that they are

It's a waste of time
Irrelevant and of VERY minor concern.

The bigger picture is what matters. The Left attempts to deflect.
None of this changes the FACT that this CNN "Town Hall" was nothing more than a propaganda show.
It wasn't a "discussion", it was a public lynching and show to whip up support for agendas.
What a surprise.

I agree with you ^^

I don't even attempt to answer these left commie trolls....losers that they are

It's a waste of time

especially when you've got a big ball of nothing to answer with

This is front page of the Drudge Report now...

‘And she had actually said over the phone that I needed to stick to the script’

Parkland’s Colton Haab: ‘Absolutely’ CNN Wrote the Question for Me
Right wingers lying. Is it a little white "Hope Hicks" kind of lie? What color is it?

Do Republicans see different lies as having different colors?

Shooting survivor’s father admits email changes in CNN spat

His father, a Republican gun owner, later emailed Stevenson a four-page document with a roughly 700-word speech and a series of questions he said Colton wanted to ask.


Can you imagine being this Republican's son? You know the kid had no idea his father lied and set him up for ridicule. After everything the kid when through, his father does this to him.


Republicans have no shame. None at all. Not a speck.

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