About TheReligionofPeace.com

And you would rather spend your time philosophizing of the minds belief whilst many die on the ground. OK.

To each their own.

I'm talking about how you and I relate to each other in discussing the topic but it' ok that you missed that or aren't interested.

Regarding Islam. I'm not a warrior. I'm a Buddhist. Buddhists are non-violent. I will always be seeking peace and common ground with those I differ from.

You seem to prefer fighting.

Yes. Seek all you will. There are those who sought peace with so many others.

Then came the war. On the ground. Often times whilst the peace conferences were still in play.

Who you are doesn't make much of a matter to me one way or the other. It's not about your belief or my belief.

For me it's about what is happening on the ground with Islam, and how many do not see it as a religion of peace.

You just keep seeking.

Yes, it is about belief. You have to believe peace is possible in order to create it. You're a Jew and Israel's existence is threatened in the Middle East by hostile Islamic countries. You've fought in war. Islamic nations are waging war at this time.

I do not fault you for your position or put you down for it in any way.

You can't have peace in your heart if you hate to the point of wanting to kill. Militant Muslims are not enacting a religion of peace.

Peace is a choice moment to moment. We can choose to love or hate. It's what's in the heart in the moment.
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You can't have peace in your heart if you hate to the point of wanting to kill. Militant Muslims are not enacting a religion of peace.


When you are in discussion with me and you use the term "You" as above, do you mean me?
You can't have peace in your heart if you hate to the point of wanting to kill. Militant Muslims are not enacting a religion of peace.


When you are in discussion with me and you use the term "You" as above, do you mean me?

No. I did not mean 'you' specifically. If a human being is full of hate to the point of wanting to kill he or she cannot be at peace. The example I used in my post was that of a militant Muslim.

It is curious as to what you are sensitive about and what you miss. I have stated I think you are a person of good heart. You ignore that.
And you would rather spend your time philosophizing of the minds belief whilst many die on the ground. OK.

To each their own.

Never mind. I don't hold grudges. That may be one way we differ. I'm not an eternalist. That's another. You'd rather focus on differences than find common ground. OK.

Why would you be holding a grudge anyway? What have I posted to you that would have grudge appeal?


I'm not holding a grudge.

Are you?
And you would rather spend your time philosophizing of the minds belief whilst many die on the ground. OK.

To each their own.

Never mind. I don't hold grudges. That may be one way we differ. I'm not an eternalist. That's another. You'd rather focus on differences than find common ground. OK.

Why would you be holding a grudge anyway? What have I posted to you that would have grudge appeal?


I'm not holding a grudge.

Are you?

Far too energy consuming. I do hold people to their words. That's enough for me. You are the one who stated you do not hold a grudge when that was not at all a part of the discussion.

So I asked you why you entered it into the discussion. You have yet to respond to that other than to simply repeat yourself.

Have a good night.
And you would rather spend your time philosophizing of the minds belief whilst many die on the ground. OK.

To each their own.

Why would you be holding a grudge anyway? What have I posted to you that would have grudge appeal?


I'm not holding a grudge.

Are you?

Far too energy consuming. I do hold people to their words. That's enough for me. You are the one who stated you do not hold a grudge when that was not at all a part of the discussion.

So I asked you why you entered it into the discussion. You have yet to respond to that other than to simply repeat yourself.

Have a good night.

I didn't see your question. You made an assumption that I ignored your question. Good night.
Understanding Islam

In the Name of Allah

Why terrorists do what they do... in their own words.

"I am one of the servants of Allah. We do our duty of fighting for the sake of the religion of Allah. It is also our duty to send a call to all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion."
Osama bin Laden, May 1998

Aside from pursuing mass murder plots against innocent populations in every corner of the planet, Islamic terrorists have one other thing in common:

They credit their motivation and success to religion.

Islam isn't hijacked by extremists - it is what sustains them. This distinguishes Islamic terrorism from mere criminal activity, and it is part of what makes Islam so very, very different from other religions.

Many people would prefer to bury their heads in the sand or look for ways to recast Islamic terror to fit their own political agenda, but the fact is that violent Muslims are quite explicit about the religious certainty that compels and justifies their actions.

The teachings and early history of Islam that explain the violence are discussed elsewhere on this site. Here we just want to show that, as far as Islamic terrorists are concerned, their acts are done specifically in the name of Allah and for the cause of Islam and Islamic rule... across the globe.


"In the name of Allah the Avenger, I swear on the holy book to perform my sacred duty as a soldier of Islam in this Jihad to restore to this world the light of divine justice... Allah demands no less. For to die in the cause is to be sent immediately to paradise."

A Taliban official, explaining why the group is violent.


“But the coming Islamic caliphate country will not rise except at the hands of the fighting sect who raises the flag of Allah and Jihad.”

Statement from the Salafi terrorist group, one of several fundamentalist cells responsible for the slaughter of 150,000 men women and children in the 1990’s.

"Our Jihad consists of killing and dispersing all those who fight against Allah and his Prophet."

"Throat-slitting and murder until the power is Allah's!"

Both quotes from leaders of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA). The first spoken by Sid Ahmed Mourad, the second from Abdelkader Hattab.


“Islam came for the good of humanity. So if someone doesn't like good we fight them.”

Faruq Khalil Muhammad, explaining why he supports terrorism against infidels.


“True resistance is helped by Allah the Supreme and the battles are for His just cause”

Abu Hafs, Mujahideen and one of the region’s most prolific killer

“I ask you to step up Jihad against enemies of Allah... Destroy Allah's enemies wherever you have them, wherever your hands reach you may open a front... When there is a total war, there are no more civilian objects or civilian population"

Doku Umarov, a leader who has taken personal responsibility for dozens of terror attacks in which many civilians were left dead.


"Allah is our objective, the Quran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our way, and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."

Credo of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has spawned attacks and numerous subsidiary terrorist organizations


“Democracy is among the menaces we inherited from an alien government. It is part of the system we are fighting against… It is not possible to work within a democracy and establish an Islamic system… If Allah gives us a chance, we will try to bring in the pure concept of an Islamic Caliphate.''

"The notion of the sovereignty of the people is anti-Islamic. Only Allah is sovereign.''

Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the leader of the Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist organization.

TheReligionofPeace - Terror in the Name of Allah
Muslims in the US live in peace with their neighbors.

In India, even in the interior villages, all the Hindu and Muslim communities used to live very peacefully by establishing a relationship between them. The young men called the elderly members of the village by the name cācā or kākā, "uncle," and men of the same age called each other dādā, "brother." The relationship was very friendly. There were even invitations from Muslim houses to Hindu houses and from Hindu houses to Muslim houses. Both the Hindus and the Muslims accepted the invitations to go to one another's houses to attend ceremonial functions. Even until fifty or sixty years ago, the relationship between Hindus and Muslims was very friendly, and there were no disturbances. We do not find any Hindu-Muslim riots in the history of India, even during the days of the Muslims' rule over the country. Conflict between Hindus and Muslims was created by polluted politicians, especially foreign rulers, and thus the situation gradually became so degraded that India was divided into Hindustan and Pakistan.

Didn't mention "individuals" (that are outnumbered by "non-believers), asked for communities. An if you spoke with 'neighbors' of muslims (yes, even in this country), you will find that SOME are being harrassed by their muslim neighbors and the resale values of the homes in the neighborhood are being dimished purposefully by muslims intent on taking the neighborhood for their own (that doesn't sound very neighborly, does it?).

There was an article last week talking about Indian Hindus being persecuted by muslims on the Bangledesh border. The muslims are raping and terrorizing the Hinu women into submiting to Sharia law (one would think the muslims would appreciate the Hindus modesty). There is real fear that islam will take India within a couple of decades: the Hindus will be "converted, murdered, or forced to live as second class citizens". But that will be acceptable in you book because you know a few good muslims and ignore that those that practice Sharia want the reins of power over every nation on earth.

For the last sixty years in India, Hindus and Muslims have fought. Prior to that time, they had periods of time when they peacefully co-existed in India. If your view is Muslims are more belligerent people by nature I can't join you. Ahmadiiyya Muslims are peaceful.


This is like saying that Catholic priests that have molested should be left alone because I know a good Catholic priest, therefore, all Catholic priest must be left to their own devices.

If a Catholic priest is a bad apple, call him out and seperate him. If the problem is repeating itself in larger and larger percentages of total priests, it is time to look at the "policies" or system of belief that tolerates terrible behavior. If it is the "system" that allows/perpetuates these problems, it is time to reform the system.

Islam perpetuates and tolerates terrible behavior. There are good muslims, but the percentages of muslims that are torturing, raping, and murdering are increasing and the policies/system is not stopping it. Only by throwing the truth into the light will anything change. As long as terrible behavior is left to operate, unchecked, it will continue to do so and get worse.

Here is a question for you: at what point will you declare that "islam" needs to reform its policies/system? Will it be after thousands more are killed (we have already seen that you ignore tens and hundreds of murders by this 'religion of peace'), or hundreds of thousands, or will the number have to go into the millions before you, YOU, will say, it is time for that religious system to clean up its act?
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I'm talking about how you and I relate to each other in discussing the topic but it' ok that you missed that or aren't interested.

Regarding Islam. I'm not a warrior. I'm a Buddhist. Buddhists are non-violent. I will always be seeking peace and common ground with those I differ from.

You seem to prefer fighting.

Yes. Seek all you will. There are those who sought peace with so many others.

Then came the war. On the ground. Often times whilst the peace conferences were still in play.

Who you are doesn't make much of a matter to me one way or the other. It's not about your belief or my belief.

For me it's about what is happening on the ground with Islam, and how many do not see it as a religion of peace.

You just keep seeking.

Yes, it is about belief. You have to believe peace is possible in order to create it. You're a Jew and Israel's existence is threatened in the Middle East by hostile Islamic countries. You've fought in war. Islamic nations are waging war at this time.

I do not fault you for your position or put you down for it in any way.

You can't have peace in your heart if you hate to the point of wanting to kill. Militant Muslims are not enacting a religion of peace.

Peace is a choice moment to moment. We can choose to love or hate. It's what's in the heart in the moment.

Yes Ropey, just die, die already and then there will be peace in the middle east.... after the religion of peace murders all those that disagrees with them and enslaves everyone else there will be peace..... or else!

Sorry Ropey, that is how I interpreted that statement. Please, keep up the good fight. Truth is much more important than "peace". You can have peace if one person forces every other person to "submit". Unfortunately SD ignores the facts for some place that does not exist here on earth.
Didn't mention "individuals" (that are outnumbered by "non-believers), asked for communities. An if you spoke with 'neighbors' of muslims (yes, even in this country), you will find that SOME are being harrassed by their muslim neighbors and the resale values of the homes in the neighborhood are being dimished purposefully by muslims intent on taking the neighborhood for their own (that doesn't sound very neighborly, does it?).

There was an article last week talking about Indian Hindus being persecuted by muslims on the Bangledesh border. The muslims are raping and terrorizing the Hinu women into submiting to Sharia law (one would think the muslims would appreciate the Hindus modesty). There is real fear that islam will take India within a couple of decades: the Hindus will be "converted, murdered, or forced to live as second class citizens". But that will be acceptable in you book because you know a few good muslims and ignore that those that practice Sharia want the reins of power over every nation on earth.

For the last sixty years in India, Hindus and Muslims have fought. Prior to that time, they had periods of time when they peacefully co-existed in India. If your view is Muslims are more belligerent people by nature I can't join you. Ahmadiiyya Muslims are peaceful.


This is like saying that Catholic priests that have molested should be left alone because I know a good Catholic priest, therefore, all Catholic priest must be left to their own devices.If a Catholic priest is a bad apple, call him out and seperate him. If the problem is repeating itself in larger and larger percentages of total priests, it is time to look at the "policies" or system of belief that tolerates terrible behavior. If it is the "system" that allows/perpetuates these problems, it is time to reform the system.

Islam perpetuates and tolerates terrible behavior. There are good muslims, but the percentages of muslims that are torturing, raping, and murdering are increasing and the policies/system is not stopping it. Only by throwing the truth into the light will anything change. As long as terrible behavior is left to operate, unchecked, it will continue to do so and get worse.

Here is a question for you: at what point will you declare that "islam" needs to reform its policies/system? Will it be after thousands more are killed (we have already seen that you ignore tens and hundreds of murders by this 'religion of peace'), or hundreds of thousands, or will the number have to go into the millions before you, YOU, will say, it is time for that religious system to clean up its act?

Not at all. The Catholic Church covered up the priest pedophilia and they should be condemned for that. That doesn't mean EVERY teaching in the Catholic Church is flawed. It's means the policy of putting up with and condoning abuse must stop.

I am talking about the disadvantages of anger and hatred and the advantages of having a peaceful heart and mind.

Shariah law needs to be opposed. One doesn't have to hate Muslims or denigrate their entire religion in order to do that. You have ignored my statement in the thread, RESIGNING MY DEFENSE OF ISLAM.

You ignore that and you rant. That makes you ignore rant.

Stop telling me what I believe and listen to what I actually say. Thank you.

I'm not your enemy.
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For the last sixty years in India, Hindus and Muslims have fought. Prior to that time, they had periods of time when they peacefully co-existed in India. If your view is Muslims are more belligerent people by nature I can't join you. Ahmadiiyya Muslims are peaceful.



This is like saying that Catholic priests that have molested should be left alone because I know a good Catholic priest, therefore, all Catholic priest must be left to their own devices.If a Catholic priest is a bad apple, call him out and seperate him. If the problem is repeating itself in larger and larger percentages of total priests, it is time to look at the "policies" or system of belief that tolerates terrible behavior. If it is the "system" that allows/perpetuates these problems, it is time to reform the system.

Islam perpetuates and tolerates terrible behavior. There are good muslims, but the percentages of muslims that are torturing, raping, and murdering are increasing and the policies/system is not stopping it. Only by throwing the truth into the light will anything change. As long as terrible behavior is left to operate, unchecked, it will continue to do so and get worse.

Here is a question for you: at what point will you declare that "islam" needs to reform its policies/system? Will it be after thousands more are killed (we have already seen that you ignore tens and hundreds of murders by this 'religion of peace'), or hundreds of thousands, or will the number have to go into the millions before you, YOU, will say, it is time for that religious system to clean up its act?

Not at all. The Catholic Church covered up the priest pedophilia and they should be condemned for that. That doesn't mean EVERY teaching in the Catholic Church is flawed. It's means the policy of putting up with and condoning abuse must stop.

I am talking about the disadvantages of anger and hatred and the advantages of having a peaceful heart and mind.

Shariah law needs to be opposed. One doesn't have to hate Muslims or denigrate their entire religion in order to do that. You have ignored my statement in the thread, RESIGNING MY DEFENSE OF ISLAM.

You ignore that and you rant. That makes you ignore rant.

Stop telling me what I believe and listen to what I actually say. Thank you.

I'm not your enemy.

Isn't islam "covering up" these terrible acts of torture, abuse and murder? If you will call out the Catholic system for not reforming the system (earlier) and for hiding wrong doing, why won't you do that with islam???????????????
If the "religion" (no matter which religion) is defending and protecting the monsters that do these terrible things, shouldn't the "religion" be exposed????
You will not hold those that do these things in islam, accountable. You want to go to "some" of the words on paper, that support "your" idea of peace, while ignoring the same paper that encourages terrible violence against peaceful peoples. That would be called "enabling" in our society.

I have never called you enemy. I am trying to let you know the system that you seem so bent on defending supports the "elimination" of all those other cultures that, you, seem to think are so wonderful..

This is like saying that Catholic priests that have molested should be left alone because I know a good Catholic priest, therefore, all Catholic priest must be left to their own devices.If a Catholic priest is a bad apple, call him out and seperate him. If the problem is repeating itself in larger and larger percentages of total priests, it is time to look at the "policies" or system of belief that tolerates terrible behavior. If it is the "system" that allows/perpetuates these problems, it is time to reform the system.

Islam perpetuates and tolerates terrible behavior. There are good muslims, but the percentages of muslims that are torturing, raping, and murdering are increasing and the policies/system is not stopping it. Only by throwing the truth into the light will anything change. As long as terrible behavior is left to operate, unchecked, it will continue to do so and get worse.

Here is a question for you: at what point will you declare that "islam" needs to reform its policies/system? Will it be after thousands more are killed (we have already seen that you ignore tens and hundreds of murders by this 'religion of peace'), or hundreds of thousands, or will the number have to go into the millions before you, YOU, will say, it is time for that religious system to clean up its act?

Not at all. The Catholic Church covered up the priest pedophilia and they should be condemned for that. That doesn't mean EVERY teaching in the Catholic Church is flawed. It's means the policy of putting up with and condoning abuse must stop.

I am talking about the disadvantages of anger and hatred and the advantages of having a peaceful heart and mind.

Shariah law needs to be opposed. One doesn't have to hate Muslims or denigrate their entire religion in order to do that. You have ignored my statement in the thread, RESIGNING MY DEFENSE OF ISLAM.

You ignore that and you rant. That makes you ignore rant.

Stop telling me what I believe and listen to what I actually say. Thank you.

I'm not your enemy.

Isn't islam "covering up" these terrible acts of torture, abuse and murder? If you will call out the Catholic system for not reforming the system (earlier) and for hiding wrong doing, why won't you do that with islam???????????????
If the "religion" (no matter which religion) is defending and protecting the monsters that do these terrible things, shouldn't the "religion" be exposed????
You will not hold those that do these things in islam, accountable. You want to go to "some" of the words on paper, that support "your" idea of peace, while ignoring the same paper that encourages terrible violence against peaceful peoples. That would be called "enabling" in our society.

I have never called you enemy. I am trying to let you know the system that you seem so bent on defending supports the "elimination" of all those other cultures that, you, seem to think are so wonderful..

You must have missed the thread where I resigned my defense of Islam. I don't support Islam. I support the right of any and all people of faith in America to practice their religions. As long as they are law-abiding, I don't care if they're Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Zorastrian, Mormon or anything else.
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Not at all. The Catholic Church covered up the priest pedophilia and they should be condemned for that. That doesn't mean EVERY teaching in the Catholic Church is flawed. It's means the policy of putting up with and condoning abuse must stop.

I am talking about the disadvantages of anger and hatred and the advantages of having a peaceful heart and mind.

Shariah law needs to be opposed. One doesn't have to hate Muslims or denigrate their entire religion in order to do that. You have ignored my statement in the thread, RESIGNING MY DEFENSE OF ISLAM.

You ignore that and you rant. That makes you ignore rant.

Stop telling me what I believe and listen to what I actually say. Thank you.

I'm not your enemy.

Isn't islam "covering up" these terrible acts of torture, abuse and murder? If you will call out the Catholic system for not reforming the system (earlier) and for hiding wrong doing, why won't you do that with islam???????????????
If the "religion" (no matter which religion) is defending and protecting the monsters that do these terrible things, shouldn't the "religion" be exposed????
You will not hold those that do these things in islam, accountable. You want to go to "some" of the words on paper, that support "your" idea of peace, while ignoring the same paper that encourages terrible violence against peaceful peoples. That would be called "enabling" in our society.

I have never called you enemy. I am trying to let you know the system that you seem so bent on defending supports the "elimination" of all those other cultures that, you, seem to think are so wonderful..

You must have missed the thread where I resigned my defense of Islam. I don't support Islam. I support the right of any and all people of faith in America to practice their religions. As long as they are law-abiding, I don't care if they're Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Zorastrian, Mormon or anything else.

Just like you missed the OP and the message of

About TheReligionofPeace.com

TheReligionofPeace.com is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts. We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings.

We are not associated with any organization. We do not promote any religion, but we are not hostile to religion. We support the rights of atheists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, homosexuals, woman, Muslims and anyone else on the planet to live as they wish without violating the rights of others.

We strongly condemn any attempt to harm or harass any Muslim anywhere in the world because of their religion. Every human being is entitled to be treated as an individual and judged only by his or her own words and deeds. (see About Muslims).

We also denounce any act of vandalism against mosques or other property, including juvenile attempts to offend Muslims by desecrating the Quran. (The best way of discrediting the Quran is to tell non-Muslims what it actually says about them).

At the same time, we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not to look too closely.

TheReligionofPeace - About this Site
There is one Primary reason why Islam does not comare at all to the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is a Monarchy type System, with clear Authority given to One Single Individual on Earth, with a firm and established Chain of Command. The Church does come into compliance with the Laws of Each Land, rather than Purposely violate them. The Church has and does answer to the State for violation of Civil and Criminal Law, and does report Pedophiles. The Catholic Church has taken both responsibility for It's part in covering up Pedophilia, made restitution, was penalized by It's own Membership in loss of Donations, and now shows Zero Tolerance for the Crime.

In the Protestant Churches, in relation to Government Structure, or lack of it in many cases, you will find a great variety, some of which are much more similar to Islam's structure.
There is one Primary reason why Islam does not comare at all to the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is a Monarchy type System, with clear Authority given to One Single Individual on Earth, with a firm and established Chain of Command. The Church does come into compliance with the Laws of Each Land, rather than Purposely violate them. The Church has and does answer to the State for violation of Civil and Criminal Law, and does report Pedophiles. The Catholic Church has taken both responsibility for It's part in covering up Pedophilia, made restitution, was penalized by It's own Membership in loss of Donations, and now shows Zero Tolerance for the Crime.

In the Protestant Churches, in relation to Government Structure, or lack of it in many cases, you will find a great variety, some of which are much more similar to Islam's structure.

I meant no offense to Catholics. I was trying to point out their ability to isolate a problem (within their system), and then take steps to prevent it from continuing. The Catholic church is one of the models used by governments/business when children are involved to reduce the number of crimminal acts against children.
I did compare that to the problem of radical terrorists in islam: there is no system to isolate a problem a deal with it. The problem just continues to grow.
There is one Primary reason why Islam does not comare at all to the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is a Monarchy type System, with clear Authority given to One Single Individual on Earth, with a firm and established Chain of Command. The Church does come into compliance with the Laws of Each Land, rather than Purposely violate them. The Church has and does answer to the State for violation of Civil and Criminal Law, and does report Pedophiles. The Catholic Church has taken both responsibility for It's part in covering up Pedophilia, made restitution, was penalized by It's own Membership in loss of Donations, and now shows Zero Tolerance for the Crime.

In the Protestant Churches, in relation to Government Structure, or lack of it in many cases, you will find a great variety, some of which are much more similar to Islam's structure.

I meant no offense to Catholics. I was trying to point out their ability to isolate a problem (within their system), and then take steps to prevent it from continuing. The Catholic church is one of the models used by governments/business when children are involved to reduce the number of crimminal acts against children.
I did compare that to the problem of radical terrorists in islam: there is no system to isolate a problem a deal with it. The problem just continues to grow.

No offense taken. ;)
Isn't islam "covering up" these terrible acts of torture, abuse and murder? If you will call out the Catholic system for not reforming the system (earlier) and for hiding wrong doing, why won't you do that with islam???????????????
If the "religion" (no matter which religion) is defending and protecting the monsters that do these terrible things, shouldn't the "religion" be exposed????
You will not hold those that do these things in islam, accountable. You want to go to "some" of the words on paper, that support "your" idea of peace, while ignoring the same paper that encourages terrible violence against peaceful peoples. That would be called "enabling" in our society.

I have never called you enemy. I am trying to let you know the system that you seem so bent on defending supports the "elimination" of all those other cultures that, you, seem to think are so wonderful..

You must have missed the thread where I resigned my defense of Islam. I don't support Islam. I support the right of any and all people of faith in America to practice their religions. As long as they are law-abiding, I don't care if they're Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Zorastrian, Mormon or anything else.

Just like you missed the OP and the message of

About TheReligionofPeace.com

TheReligionofPeace.com is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts. We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings.

We are not associated with any organization. We do not promote any religion, but we are not hostile to religion. We support the rights of atheists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, homosexuals, woman, Muslims and anyone else on the planet to live as they wish without violating the rights of others.

We strongly condemn any attempt to harm or harass any Muslim anywhere in the world because of their religion. Every human being is entitled to be treated as an individual and judged only by his or her own words and deeds. (see About Muslims).

We also denounce any act of vandalism against mosques or other property, including juvenile attempts to offend Muslims by desecrating the Quran. (The best way of discrediting the Quran is to tell non-Muslims what it actually says about them).

At the same time, we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not to look too closely.

TheReligionofPeace - About this Site

I get it. The purpose of the site is to discredit the religion of Islam and tell Muslims they need to change their religion.
Dear Skydancer and Logical 4 U:
1. The problem with Jihadists or any religious abuse is when people exercise religion without due process or equal respect for the civil rights of others under the same laws.
If you look at the violence of Jihadists and Shariah law, the bombing of people "in protest" or the cutting up, maiming, stoning or killing of people is done without equal defense, mixing religious laws with state authority to execute judgment or punishment "without check." Instead of arguing over religion, the solution would be to enforce CIVIL LAWS of due process and democracy, of redressing grievances and resolving conflicts CIVILLY.

2. In Islam it ONLY when there is an UNRESOLVED conflict or controversy that the interpretation kicks in of taking Mohammad's later teachings over the earlier ones (thus abused by Jihadists to follow military instructions given in religious wars to attack civilians as in wartime). The conflict in interpretation is over the very last verses in the Quran SURA 109 (about people who have differences parting ways, and both agree to go their own way); the peaceful Muslims are taught to interpret this as "peaceful coexistence" and tolerance of other ways, while the violent Jihadists are using it to justify that they can go ahead and practice killing infidels, beheading them, and lying to them in order to win war.
Because Mohammad's teachings that this passage means peaceful coexistence are NOT in the Quran, the Jihadists don't follow that. They follow passages in the Quran instructing actions against infidels, including killing and cutting off their heads. Thus they are worshipping JIHAD not Allah and not Mohammad's peaceful spiritual teachings, only his instructions given during wartime which are, of course, against "the enemy" at that time.
NOTE: the tradition of interpreting Mohammad's later instructions before the earlier ones is not in the Quran but it generally practiced as true. So this is all mixed up; some of the passages are in the Quran, some came later, and some are in the teachings but not in the Quran. If you are going to straighten out which have precedence, this is not clear at all!

That is what is going on, as far as I can understand from my research into this conflict.

3. As for corrections, if Muslims are called to receive "all sent by God" and to follow the Torah and Bible Scriptures equally as the Quran and to love "all people of the Book" (Jewish Christian and Muslim), then none of these wars would take place but all conflicts would be resolved to PREVENT any need to invoke conflicting passages to begin with!

By following Christian laws, Matthew 18:15-20 provides for resolving conflicts peaceably or leaving people alone if they will not hear, but not to try to judge or punish your neighbor. Again, if this were practiced to full resolution to make peace and restore good relations, there is no need to invoke "Mohammad's later teachings" about war against infidels.

And if Constitutional laws on due process, equal protections of the laws on religious freedom and peace, are accepted as "given by God" then those would have to be followed, too, instead of abuses of law or authority to make or execute judgments without checks or balances as in a democratic society.

The Muslim laws are supposed to respect democracy also. If those were fully practiced, where all conflicts are resolved, there would not be this madness.

From what I have seen, it does not seem that the Islamic laws by themselves are ENOUGH to hold the Jihadists in check. And that is why other communities have had to step up and get involved; I believe the Christian scriptures (on resolving conflicts and answering rebukes to restore justice and good spiritual relations among neighbors), and the Constitutional laws (on due process and the civil means of petitioning to redress grievances properly) are strong enough to provide this support. So either the Muslims will need more help to defend the democratic and peaceful principles from being abused and hijacked; or they may need to more strongly incorporate and embrace/proclaim the Christian and Constitutional laws as "given by God" in order to enforce these equally as part of the Islamic traditions, in order to address and prevent the violent abuses of law.

Skydancer, just being passive is not enough. There is a problem with the way the laws are interpreted out of context, so that needs to be addressed and corrected to prevent violence and war.
You must have missed the thread where I resigned my defense of Islam. I don't support Islam. I support the right of any and all people of faith in America to practice their religions. As long as they are law-abiding, I don't care if they're Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Zorastrian, Mormon or anything else.

Just like you missed the OP and the message of

About TheReligionofPeace.com

TheReligionofPeace.com is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts. We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings.

We are not associated with any organization. We do not promote any religion, but we are not hostile to religion. We support the rights of atheists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, homosexuals, woman, Muslims and anyone else on the planet to live as they wish without violating the rights of others.

We strongly condemn any attempt to harm or harass any Muslim anywhere in the world because of their religion. Every human being is entitled to be treated as an individual and judged only by his or her own words and deeds. (see About Muslims).

We also denounce any act of vandalism against mosques or other property, including juvenile attempts to offend Muslims by desecrating the Quran. (The best way of discrediting the Quran is to tell non-Muslims what it actually says about them).

At the same time, we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not to look too closely.

TheReligionofPeace - About this Site

I get it. The purpose of the site is to discredit the religion of Islam and tell Muslims they need to change their religion.

No. I see the purpose of the Site as spreading Light on a subject to help initiate Humanitarian Change, Reform, not Conversion.
Just like you missed the OP and the message of

About TheReligionofPeace.com

TheReligionofPeace.com is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts. We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings.

We are not associated with any organization. We do not promote any religion, but we are not hostile to religion. We support the rights of atheists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, homosexuals, woman, Muslims and anyone else on the planet to live as they wish without violating the rights of others.

We strongly condemn any attempt to harm or harass any Muslim anywhere in the world because of their religion. Every human being is entitled to be treated as an individual and judged only by his or her own words and deeds. (see About Muslims).

We also denounce any act of vandalism against mosques or other property, including juvenile attempts to offend Muslims by desecrating the Quran. (The best way of discrediting the Quran is to tell non-Muslims what it actually says about them).

At the same time, we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not to look too closely.

TheReligionofPeace - About this Site

I get it. The purpose of the site is to discredit the religion of Islam and tell Muslims they need to change their religion.

No. I see the purpose of the Site as spreading Light on a subject to help initiate Humanitarian Change, Reform, not Conversion.

I see no problem calling Muslims on their violence and abuses made in the name of Shariah Law.

What's unfortunate is that no one is consulting moderate Muslims about how they interpret their scriptures. This site focuses only on the negative in Islam. It's not all bad. If it were, there wouldn't be 1.5 billion adherents.

What I think is silly, is debating Islamic scripture when you're not a Muslim. There are intellects out there who read books about Buddhism and think they're Buddhist experts.

Buddhist meditation cannot be learned from a book. It's experiential. The teachings are transmitted orally, symbolically and mind-to-mind.

Same is true for Islam and Christianity. You have to apply the teachings to your lives.
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