Abortions in Texas fell a whopping 60% in the first month of its new restrictions, saving over 3,000 lives

If you are aborting at 21 weeks, it's because the fetus is horribly deformed and it's a mercy.

When Dr Haskell was asked during the hearings we had leading up to the vote to ban late term abortions what the main reason was that he performed them he said it was the age of the mother. Teens not wanting to admit to or tell anyone they were pregnant until it was obvious.
The work to make things better for moms and their kids has never been harder. We just do not have the political will to make a country where a woman can have a kid and not have to worry if they will have enough essentials to raise them. Until all that happens we have to keep abortion as an option if only to keep the crappy underfunded system from filling up with more kids no one wants to pay for. The abortion argument comes down to dollars and cents at every budget discussion.
No, sorry. There is no justification for killing little babies.
there isn't much abortion in either state.. but i guess its possible. The law makes women stop and think (more) what they're doing
What makes you think they haven’t already thought a hell of a lot about it?
Nope a baby has its own body and it's own right to life. The mother made the choice to get pregnant. Now shes responsible for another life. That's on her, not the baby.
Not inside someone else’s body..

Not every pregnancy is a “choice”.
Condom and other birth control should have jumped instead

Who raised you people?
I expect this is the case.

Without the fallback of abortion for convenience without a long drive to another state... and I expect many of you have no inkling how enormous Texas is...I suspect folks are being more careful.

Liberals don't want to admit this is a possibility... and I don't know why.
I suspect that not only are people more careful but they are using abortionists no one knows about. One of the changes that abortion mills want is to have non medical personnel be able to perform abortions. No doubt numerous persons have been trained and will be conducting business in various motels where they can move quickly.
I suspect that not only are people more careful but they are using abortionists no one knows about. One of the changes that abortion mills want is to have non medical personnel be able to perform abortions. No doubt numerous persons have been trained and will be conducting business in various motels where they can move quickly.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson was an early proponent of making abortion legal. Later in life he had a change of heart and became pro-life. I note that to note that he testified that the same doctors that performed abortions after RvW were the same doctors that performed them before.

I'm pro-life but you can't stop abortions with laws like this. You have to address the reasons women have abortions so that they decide they do not want to have one. Even then that will never stop them all but it certainly will many and on top of that you are helping the woman and the child in the process.

In a city like Dallas, women will soon know where to go to get an abortion. Others will go to a neighboring state or Mexico. The idea should be to stop abortions, not just make them a bit more difficult. Sadly far too many who claim to be pro-life, really are not.
Dr. Bernard Nathanson was an early proponent of making abortion legal. Later in life he had a change of heart and became pro-life. I note that to note that he testified that the same doctors that performed abortions after RvW were the same doctors that performed them before.

I'm pro-life but you can't stop abortions with laws like this. You have to address the reasons women have abortions so that they decide they do not want to have one. Even then that will never stop them all but it certainly will many and on top of that you are helping the woman and the child in the process.

In a city like Dallas, women will soon know where to go to get an abortion. Others will go to a neighboring state or Mexico. The idea should be to stop abortions, not just make them a bit more difficult. Sadly far too many who claim to be pro-life, really are not.
Women get abortions for all kinds of reasons. Health of the mother, fetus malformation, incest and rape are reasons that are exceedingly UNCOMMON. Inconvenience is the number one reason.

The idea of stopping abortions only sounds good on paper. Women and men today don't see the value in babies. They don't want to be mothers and fathers. To stop abortion, children must have value once again and that's not going to happen.
Women get abortions for all kinds of reasons. Health of the mother, fetus malformation, incest and rape are reasons that are exceedingly UNCOMMON. Inconvenience is the number one reason.

Indeed. I discussed elsewhere how Dave Ramsey fired his employee because she told him she was pregnant despite not being married. Her pregnancy was an inconvenience. Good on her for not aborting but one can understand one considering it knowing that if she didn't she would lose her job. Do you suppose the idea crossed her mind that she would never now be able to afford to have the baby?

Many women face this situation. How do they care for the baby and continue to work?

It's why I support the expansion of day care options for women.

The idea of stopping abortions only sounds good on paper. Women and men today don't see the value in babies. They don't want to be mothers and fathers. To stop abortion, children must have value once again and that's not going to happen.

Millions value children. Yours is an incredibly stupid statement.
If you are aborting at 21 weeks, it's because the fetus is horribly deformed and it's a mercy.
Liar, the doctors told my wife and I to abort my daughter because she could of been a down syndrome baby or a dwarf, she is neither...

Speaking of down syndrome baby's Victoria secret made one a model recently ..

Indeed. I discussed elsewhere how Dave Ramsey fired his employee because she told him she was pregnant despite not being married. Her pregnancy was an inconvenience. Good on her for not aborting but one can understand one considering it knowing that if she didn't she would lose her job. Do you suppose the idea crossed her mind that she would never now be able to afford to have the baby?

Many women face this situation. How do they care for the baby and continue to work?

It's why I support the expansion of day care options for women.

Millions value children. Yours is an incredibly stupid statement.
Why did she get pregnant when she was not married? She had a good job. She could afford birth control.
Why did she get pregnant when she was not married? She had a good job. She could afford birth control.

It's those like yourself who claim to be pro-life that makes it so hard for me to say I am. I want in no way to be lumped in with those like yourself.

It matters little why.
It's those like yourself who claim to be pro-life that makes it so hard for me to say I am. I want in no way to be lumped in with those like yourself.

It matters little why.
Why do you think I'm pro life? You made it up because it fits preconceived notions that you need. I recognize that abortion is homicide. Even so, a baby chop shop should be on every corner in the nation's inner cities. Every pregger invader slithering across the border should have that belly popped. The only change I would make is to sterilize them at the same time.

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