Abortions in Texas fell a whopping 60% in the first month of its new restrictions, saving over 3,000 lives

Women who could just casually have an abortion for the sake of convenience are probably not going to make good mothers. For most it's the less shitty option in the hardest life choice they may ever make.

You piece of sorry shit trying to justify the killing of children for the sake of convenience.

You don't even have a clue how fucking immoral you are, do you?

Not a fucking clue.
You piece of sorry shit trying to justify the killing of children for the sake of convenience.

You don't even have a clue how fucking immoral you are, do you?

Not a fucking clue.
This is a matter of personal liberty. Freedom of choice. It's up to the people involved to justify their own actions.
This is a matter of personal liberty. Freedom of choice. It's up to the people involved to justify their own actions.

No it's not. It's about the most innocent of all being murdered because you losers can't take personal responsibility.

Deny it...I dare you
Mean is insisting they be born to parents that don't want them or can't adequately care for them and then opposing every dollar that must be spent by the state to help care for them. This world has more than enough people who were born unplanned into a life of misery and want. Some people love their unborn children enough not to subject them to a crappy life in a crappy unfeeling world.
Thanks for admitting you want children murdered just because mom isn’t in the mood.
You Leftards love evil.
How about the personal liberty of the kid that is being murdered you fucking moron?
What personal liberty does a fetus have? Most of us never experience personal liberty until adulthood. Until then your fate is almost entirely in the hands of your parents or guardian.
The work to make things better for moms and their kids has never been harder. We just do not have the political will to make a country where a woman can have a kid and not have to worry if they will have enough essentials to raise them. Until all that happens we have to keep abortion as an option if only to keep the crappy underfunded system from filling up with more kids no one wants to pay for. The abortion argument comes down to dollars and cents at every budget discussion.
I Texas? Good luck.
What personal liberty does a fetus have? Most of us never experience personal liberty until adulthood. Until then your fate is almost entirely in the hands of your parents or guardian.
You fucking immoral pieces of shit Libtards don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

In fact your stupid statement is a twofer. Showing ignorance in both Biology and Ethics.

You are just like the fucking Nazis. You dehumanize the children you kill and it is despicable.

A child has the right to live and your inability to understand that basic moral concept speaks volumes of your stupidity and immorality.
Do they not have parents? Your orgasm, your responsibility.
That is remarkably close to my body, my choice. If the state has no intention of supporting a child though to adulthood they should stay the fuck out a woman's decision to have them or not.
That is remarkably close to my body, my choice. If the state has no intention of supporting a child though to adulthood they should stay the fuck out a woman's decision to have them or not.

It's personal responsibility.

Can't feed them then don't breed them.

Dude they're is absolutely no reason to get pg in today's age unless you want to

You look ridiculous. STFU
Thus illustrating the beauty of 50 states with differing rules.
This top-down fed-gov authoritarian BS needs to go, whether it's regarding abortion, marijuana legality, or any number of other issues addressed by the 10th Amendment.
Texas already has poor record on maternal health. Pity the women in Texas have fewer rights.

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