Abortion , what do you anti-abortionists suggest to stop it??

" Puritanism "

* Who There *
Show us an example where abstinence failed. And rape doesn’t count. Don’t worry we’ll wait...
Virgin births claimed by 1 percent of U.S. moms: Study
Virgin birth, or parthenogenesis, typically occurs in non-humans that reproduce asexually, including sharks, Komodo dragons, pit vipers and boa constrictors.

In total, 45 women gave birth while consistently claiming they were virgins. Sixty percent of them gave birth to boys or found out they were pregnant during Advent, the period before Christmas when Christian observers prepare themselves for the birth of Jesus.
We’re talking about humans here. And “claims” are quite different from facts...
1. Lock up women who get one and doctors who perform them?? (If, so for how long?)

2. Have monitors for the rich women who get D & C's in the hospital and cancel the morning after pill. If they go to another country to have an abortion, ban them for life, those murderers can stay in said country. (this will take a lot of surveillance).

3. Have men get a lock put on penis at age 10 (able to be taken off to cleanse area and adjust for getting engorged, should make the contraption pliable. Remember it only takes a look at a boob or female to make a man horny.

5. Make it against the law for men to pay for abortions, and jail the man if he does.

(I put this in the legal thread because I guess you want something to be done legally about the abortion issue?)

Remember these women are murderers, and the men are conspirators and involved in murder, the father needs to be found out and he needs to go to jail as well.

Remember its takes a male and female to make a zygote.

I really want to know what you suggest for deterring abortions.
Thank you for asking, Penelope. The reason we have abortion is because people do not know about the stages of the life of a human being.
he first process is conception--when a sperm from a male human being unites with an egg from a female human being. That is first stage in a person's human life.
For some reason, the judicial system made a mistake in not acknowledging when life begins. It begins at stage 1.
After that initial stage, if the father murders the female carrying that human being because he is afraid of the expenses he will have to pay for raising a child for the next 18 years, nine months, he has murdered two human beings.
In a case where the man has murdered other women in the same situation, and he is a suspect, the courts, who have definite proof the murderer killed the "female carrying that human being" it can declare he has killed more than one person at the same time, and take him off the streets forever with a life sentence on the basis that the 10 females who died before who were last seen with him before they disappeared or had their dead bones discovered somewhere and were identified by their dna, it's pretty obvious you do not want this particular man out on bail after 7 years of incarceration because he has 99.999% odds that women will again begin disappearing following his release.

So the courts already acknowledge a what abortion proponents have marginalized as being only "a little blob of cells" or a "zygote" to be worthy of killing out by a physician who has the credentials to remove the mass as if it were a cancer instead of the human being it was in the above case.

So we must decide, which zygote was a human being that was murdered for the expedient removal from society of a 99.999% certain and known mass murderer, and if that makes unwanted human beings subject to removal by pleasure of its human mother and medical collaborators in an alleged humane way. And if we call it humane, then we must also consider the suspect that we are 99.999% convinced is a mass murderer, to be a humane eliminator of one but a killer of only 1, which entitles him to be sentenced for only one murder, and he gets a get-out-of-jail-free card after 7 years.

IOW, either the zygote is a human being with citizenship rights and the privilege to be and to be protected, or it isn't.

There are solutions to the problem. Unfortunately, the ultimate solution would invoke a war that would decimate the population of human beings.

Life begins at birth. Do you have a lap dog also? Does it have a human name? Sounds like your type.
1. Lock up women who get one and doctors who perform them?? (If, so for how long?)

2. Have monitors for the rich women who get D & C's in the hospital and cancel the morning after pill. If they go to another country to have an abortion, ban them for life, those murderers can stay in said country. (this will take a lot of surveillance).

3. Have men get a lock put on penis at age 10 (able to be taken off to cleanse area and adjust for getting engorged, should make the contraption pliable. Remember it only takes a look at a boob or female to make a man horny.

5. Make it against the law for men to pay for abortions, and jail the man if he does.

(I put this in the legal thread because I guess you want something to be done legally about the abortion issue?)

Remember these women are murderers, and the men are conspirators and involved in murder, the father needs to be found out and he needs to go to jail as well.

Remember its takes a male and female to make a zygote.

I really want to know what you suggest for deterring abortions.
You are assuming that there is first a national law making abortion a felony.

Given that -- which will NEVER happen -- then how would you enforce it?

Same as for murder I suppose. Ergo you cannot prevent it just as you cannot prevent murder.

You can only punish it.

So the O/P question is really meaningless because it contains within it a self contradiction.
Actually not.

Given the Supreme Court’s majority, it’s quite likely that states will be allowed violate a woman’s right to privacy in the foreseeable future by seeking to ‘ban’ abortion.

There won’t be Federal legislation ‘banning’ abortion (although there’s no guarantee of that), but a significant number of states will enact measures authorizing a woman’s right to privacy be violated by compelling her to give birth against her will through force of law.

Consequently, the thread premise is very meaningful, as women in such states are entitled to know how those hostile to privacy rights intend to violate a woman’s right to privacy, and if she’ll be subject to criminal prosecution accordingly.


States will not ban abortion, they will ban abortion clinics
Make it too dificult to meet all the petty regulations imposed on them
True, that’s one tactic states hostile to privacy rights could take: enact regulatory measures so byzantine, draconian, and burdensome that no healthcare provider would be able to afford women the procedure; abortion would remain ‘legal’ but completely unavailable – resulting in a de facto ‘ban.’

Again, women in states hostile to privacy rights need to understand that this is likely to happen and prepare accordingly.

Indeed, women need to understand that the assault on privacy rights won’t concern solely abortion, but will adversely effect birth control and reproductive issues comprehensively.

With Griswold/Eisenstadt/Roe/Casey/Whole Woman’s Health no longer the law of the land, states will also be able to seek to ban ‘morning after’ pills, IUDs, and other contraceptive methods their use no longer recognized as Constitutionally protected.
1. Lock up women who get one and doctors who perform them?? (If, so for how long?)

2. Have monitors for the rich women who get D & C's in the hospital and cancel the morning after pill. If they go to another country to have an abortion, ban them for life, those murderers can stay in said country. (this will take a lot of surveillance).

3. Have men get a lock put on penis at age 10 (able to be taken off to cleanse area and adjust for getting engorged, should make the contraption pliable. Remember it only takes a look at a boob or female to make a man horny.

5. Make it against the law for men to pay for abortions, and jail the man if he does.

(I put this in the legal thread because I guess you want something to be done legally about the abortion issue?)

Remember these women are murderers, and the men are conspirators and involved in murder, the father needs to be found out and he needs to go to jail as well.

Remember its takes a male and female to make a zygote.

I really want to know what you suggest for deterring abortions.

I don't see anyone who actually thinks abortion would be made illegal.

As for what we Christian suggest.... first we try and convince people to join Christianity, and if they don't, then that is on them.

I do not expect non-christians to act like Christians. If you are Christian, then you know this is morally wrong, and it is evil, and you shouldn't do it.

As for non-christians.... I was adopted by my parents. I know dozens of people who have adopted children. I would encourage people to put their children up for adoption.

If not that, I think there are plenty of contraception you can use to avoid pregnancy.

Of course the best option is to simply get married, and have sex with your spouse, so that you are not in this situation. Not only is that the best course of action for the life of the baby, but it also is universally known to have the highest rates of marital success, and the highest rates of a happy relationship, and the highest reported joy in having sex.

But not everyone wants to believe that your chance of divorce double if you screw around before marriage.... so free country, screw your life up as much as you want. But.... I will still urge people to not kill babies, just because they want to wreck their lives. Generally murder is bad.... read it... in a book...
here's the thing.

Before Roe v. Wade, women were never prosecuted for having abortions and doctors were only rarely prosecuted for providing them, usually only when the patient went to the hospital for post-abortion complications. Dr. Ruth Barnett performed over 50,000 abortions from 1918 to 1968 in the Portland area, and was only arrested a couple of times, given a minor slap on the wrist and let go.

To actually make a ban on abortion be more effective than let's say, prostitution laws, you have to be willing to throw women in prison for having them.
Of course, for those hostile to privacy rights, it’s not about ‘saving babies’ or like hyperbolic nonsense – it’s about authoritarianism, control, and compelling conformity.
here's the thing.

Before Roe v. Wade, women were never prosecuted for having abortions and doctors were only rarely prosecuted for providing them, usually only when the patient went to the hospital for post-abortion complications. Dr. Ruth Barnett performed over 50,000 abortions from 1918 to 1968 in the Portland area, and was only arrested a couple of times, given a minor slap on the wrist and let go.

To actually make a ban on abortion be more effective than let's say, prostitution laws, you have to be willing to throw women in prison for having them.
Of course, for those hostile to privacy rights, it’s not about ‘saving babies’ or like hyperbolic nonsense – it’s about authoritarianism, control, and compelling conformity.
The problem with making an assertion like that is that since no one claims that as their reason, you are declaring them liars off the bat. Which is never a good way to start any kind of discussion. Add on that while you may actually be correct, it is far more likely to be a subconscious reason and the individual is sincere about morality and the lives of babies.

So... what is the point of stating pro-lifers don’t really care about bsbies? It cannot lead to any productive discussion and can only offend.
" Genetic Engineers "

* Laboratories Of Nature *
We’re talking about humans here. And “claims” are quite different from facts...
Maybe the women are from a cult that practices virgin births where ejaculate slips past the unbroken hymen .

Parthenogenesis - Wikipedia
On June 26, 2007, International Stem Cell Corporation (ISCC), a California-based stem cell research company, announced that their lead scientist, Dr. Elena Revazova, and her research team were the first to intentionally create human stem cells from unfertilized human eggs using parthenogenesis. The process may offer a way for creating stem cells that are genetically matched to a particular female for the treatment of degenerative diseases that might affect her. In December 2007, Dr. Revazova and ISCC published an article[95] illustrating a breakthrough in the use of parthenogenesis to produce human stem cells that are homozygous in the HLA region of DNA. These stem cells are called HLA homozygous parthenogenetic human stem cells (hpSC-Hhom) and have unique characteristics that would allow derivatives of these cells to be implanted into millions of people without immune rejection.[96] With proper selection of oocyte donors according to HLA haplotype, it is possible to generate a bank of cell lines whose tissue derivatives, collectively, could be MHC-matched with a significant number of individuals within the human population.
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" How Did They Do That "

* Conundrum *

Between 0% and 200% of the poverty line have 75% of the abortions .
Liberal and WOC should be encouraged to have abortions as the exclusive method of dealing with pregnancy.

Think of the improvement in education if there were no children of minorities beating teachers and classmates.
Well let's see. There is abstinence, condoms, birth <CONTROL pills, IUD, day after pills...... And none of those require ripping a fetus apart in the womb.
There ya go...
There are also natural herbs women used for centuries to curb or control pregnancy.
There are also natural herbs women used for centuries to curb or control pregnancy.
...and for the male? Self control? LOL.
Self control is a part all humans must learn regardless is they are male or female. The female generally opens up for the male so it is more on the female than the male at that initial point. Teach your daughters well and your sons that they will be held responsible for their own actions. Perhaps you have a problem with that but most don't.
" Avoiding Destitution "

* When Given A Choice *

Liberal and WOC should be encouraged to have abortions as the exclusive method of dealing with pregnancy.
Think of the improvement in education if there were no children of minorities beating teachers and classmates.
I am good with simply minding my own business on elective abortion , while letting the system of financial discouragement work to avoid personal ruin .

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act - Wikipedia
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) is a United States federal law considered to be a major welfare reform. The bill was a cornerstone of the Republican Contract with America and was authored by Rep. E. Clay Shaw, Jr. (R-FL-22). President Bill Clinton signed PRWORA into law on August 22, 1996, fulfilling his 1992 campaign promise to "end welfare as we have come to know it".[1][2]

The idea that the welfare-receiving poor had become too dependent upon public assistance also encouraged the act. The idea was that those who were on welfare for many years lost any initiative to find jobs. Those on welfare realized that taking up a job would mean not only losing benefits but also incur child care, transportation and clothing costs. Their new jobs probably would not pay well or include health insurance, whereas on welfare they would have been covered by Medicaid. Therefore, there are many reasons welfare recipients would be discouraged from working.[6]

The law's effect goes far beyond the minor budget impact, however. The Brookings Institution reported in 2006 that: "With its emphasis on work, time limits, and sanctions against states that did not place a large fraction of its caseload in work programs and against individuals who refused to meet state work requirements, TANF was a historic reversal of the entitlement welfare represented by AFDC. If the 1996 reforms had their intended effect of reducing welfare dependency, a leading indicator of success would be a declining welfare caseload.

Child support - Wikipedia
In the United States child support enforcement is also handled largely at the state level, but non compliant parents who meet certain criteria, such as traveling across state lines to circumvent orders or owing more than two years of support payments, may be subjected to federal prosecution under the Federal Deadbeat Punishment Act.[77]
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Okay, stupid.

Most countries have successfully outlawed guns... Kind of easy. If no one can make them or sell them, it's pretty darned easy.

No country has ever successfully banned abortion.

Now, how successful a law is depends entirely on how keen people are on enforcing it and willing to turn in their neighbors. No one is going to turn in their neighbors for having an abortion, no one is going to convict a woman of having one in a court of law.

On the other hand, banning guns would be pretty easy. No one really wants to live next door to a trigger happy gun nut.

Well it seems you dont know as much about guns, nor abortion, as you think you do.

Abortion laws around the world are highlighted here.

These are the countries where it's still illegal to get an abortion

Now some facts about guns, and gun owners.

Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America

Concealed Carry permit holders are literally the least criminal group in the country. Those trigger happy gun nuts you decry, are literally the most law abiding group in the country. Why would you want to live next door to someone who is far more likely to commit a crime, possibly against you or your family, than the LEAST criminal group in the nation?

Report Finds These Gun Owners Are Least Likely Criminals

Police commit crimes six times more often than the concealed carry permit holders. Seriously. So the cops you plan on keeping the peace, and protecting you, something they are not constitutionally required to do, are six times more likely to commit a crime than the “trigger happy gun nut” next door.

It seems to me, that you are aware of a lot of propaganda, but very little in the way of real factual information. In fact, you are doing exactly what the moron wanted when he shot up the bar. He wanted a push for Gun Control. Now, if that isn’t crazy, I don’t know what is. shooting a bunch of people, to push for gun control.

Now, have you ever heard of Ghost Guns? Ghost Guns are manufactured anywhere. Take some scrap metal, and you can make a gun. A functional weapon. You don’t need advanced tools, you don’t need a state of the art workshop. You just need a few basic tools. This documentary follows Ghost Guns from the jungles outside Manila to the streets of America, to Central America.

Now, how many people have the basic tools you see in that show? Assuming you bothered to watch it. Chances are, if you have an auto repair kit, you have most of them needing only a file, and a hacksaw, and some scrap metal.

If you want to make even more guns, then you’ll need a bigger operation. Like this one in Pakistan.

That is an advanced operation isn’t it? I mean, cutting edge of technology mate.

It is why the war on drugs will always fail. Because making Crystal Meth is easy with a few ingredients. Importing the drugs you can’t make, is easy too. You want to talk about lessons we won’t learn, the war on drugs is one lesson we refuse to learn, we keep up the same failed policies, year after year, regardless of administration, or political party in power, and we act like it’s going to work this year. Nuts.

Chances are, you have enough basic skills to make a gun. If you’ve ever taken a semester of Metal Shop, I know you have the basic skills. Now, take that basic skill, and multiply it by all the kids, who ever took shop, for all the years in question. Now do you see the problem? We moved Sudafed behind the counter and you have to provide name and address and a retinal scan to buy it. Result Crystal Meth production has increased over 1,000% according to the DEA who needs more funds to fight the war on Crystal Meth.

Where you could find an ounce of Crystal Meth, you can now find Kilograms of it. Because there is more now than ever before.

Tell me you can get the genie back in the bottle. Tell me how. Because There are hundreds of millions of guns out there, and you’ll never get them all, and while you are trying, people will be in garages and basements and wooded areas around their homes making more. Not to mention the 3D printed guns that will flood outwards.

So tell me again how you plan on doing this. Because I just don’t see how it could possibly work. All that would happen is you would paint targets on three million cops, which is how many we have in this nation. Tell me how three million cops manage to round up the guns. You couldn’t do it with ten times that many.
Self control is a part all humans must learn regardless is they are male or female. The female generally opens up for the male so it is more on the female than the male at that initial point. Teach your daughters well and your sons that they will be held responsible for their own actions. Perhaps you have a problem with that but most don't.
I think your problem is you assume way too much, form conclusions without an adequate factual base then of course, arrive at a totally erroneous conclusion. You should do something about that.
Self control is a part all humans must learn regardless is they are male or female. The female generally opens up for the male so it is more on the female than the male at that initial point. Teach your daughters well and your sons that they will be held responsible for their own actions. Perhaps you have a problem with that but most don't.
I think your problem is you assume way too much, form conclusions without an adequate factual base then of course, arrive at a totally erroneous conclusion. You should do something about that.
No assumption to it. Just say no or face the consequences of being irresponsible.
" Constitutionally Invalid Claims "

* Legal Victim Wanton *
No assumption to it. Just say no or face the consequences of being irresponsible.
Your assertion , that all elective abortion is irresponsible , is unfounded .
" Myopic Political Spectrum "

* Numb Skulls Not Minding Their Own Business *
Of course, for those hostile to privacy rights, it’s not about ‘saving babies’ or like hyperbolic nonsense – it’s about authoritarianism, control, and compelling conformity.
Rather than dealing with limits on immigration : such as reducing legal immigration to countries based upon the number of illegals from those countries ; such as enforcing the us 14th amendment clause " and subject to the jurisdiction thereof " to ensure that children of illegals get citizenship to the country of origin from that of the mother ; such as reducing overall levels of first come first served chain immigration and placing an emphasis on needed skill sets ; the religious reich and its anti-choice misgivings are ensuring that trust from independent votes remain adamantly fixed against their candidates and anything legislation they may propose , including sensible immigration reform .

Contract with America - Wikipedia
The Contract's actual text included a list of eight reforms the Republicans promised to enact, and ten bills they promised to bring to floor debate and votes, if they were made the majority following the election. During the crafting of the Contract, proposals were limited to "60% issues", i.e. legislation that polling showed garnered 60% support of the American people, intending for the Contract to avoid promises on controversial and divisive matters like abortion and school prayer.[1][3]

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