Abortion was meant to be Extermination of a people


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Douglas V. Gibbs
Abortion sheds innocent blood, but the original goals of Planned Parenthood had other evil goals as well...

Margaret Sanger was a celebrated progressive, and like most democrats, a racist.
"We don't want the word out that we want to exterminate the negro population. . . "
- Margaret Sanger, Founder, Planned Parenthood

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
It's working very well from what we've seen..

how sad of a society

Planed Parenthood motto should be

don't feel like having your child, go have it sucked out today..only take a few minutes, no muss no fuss..oh and forget those guilty feelings you probably will have about it after realizing you killed your CHILD, they "might" go away or you might live with it for the rest of your life
They care about being identified as the monsters they are. They pretend that because they can justify it to themselves, they are less monstrous.

I remind them that they aren't, and they usually object. Somehow, killing off people is kinder and gentler now than it was when Nazis were doing it...
Don't HAVE to care. It is a legal procedure. If a woman aged 18 or above and her doctor arrange it there is no one to stop it. RW futile ravings aside.

I know beyond any doubt that my nose does not belong in any woman's reproductive business.

Always remember, gentlemen: give the gift of vasectomy to prevent abortion.

Regards from Rosie
BTW, Sanger's quote isn't out of context, if you are implying that in context it meant something else.

She was famously racist, and threw her lot in with the Nazis early on.

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