The Leftwing DESPISES Blacks. Let Me Count the Ways.


Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2022
The leftwing apparatus DESPISES black people. Both genders. All ages. They treat them as pawns then discard them. They use them, then treat them as disposable trash. Here are ten ways:

1) Let’s start off with abortion. 34% of US abortions involve black children. This is genocide. The left is furious with the idea of abortions of blacks being curtailed because of the reversal of Roe.

2) Planned Parenthood. Started by outspoken racist Margaret Sanger whose goal was to exterminate blacks, today’s left fights tooth and nail for this horrific abortion mill to get taxpayer money to continue their ghoulish agenda against black children.

3) Generational Welfare. Six generations of blacks on the government dole. Sapped of their ambition in exchange for a few government crumbs. The result is layers and layers of dependent blacks. All kept subservient and dependent in exchange for their votes.

4) Promotion of sex outside marriage by the Marxist media. 73% of blacks are now born out of wedlock, and no condemnation of it from the left. Horribly destructive to black society. Millions of poor single mothers with children destined for a life of crime

5) Government laws that discourage marriage. The government encourages and rewards cohabitation and punishes marriage by removing the welfare goodies for one of the partners if they marry. Think this is not intentional? Government WANTS dads and male figures out of the picture. Their presence would mean less government dependence. Fewer votes.

6) Leftwing encouragement of black on black murder. Ghetto killings have gone through the roof. When you actively campaign to defund inner city police forces, what do you expect to happen? Instead, the left focuses on their Marxist goal to remove guns from the populace. This would make takeover much easier. Ask the Venezuelans.

7) Affirmative action. All this does is demean blacks, makes others skeptical of their qualifications, places incompetent people in important positions, sets them up for scorn and ridicule. Think Ketanji Brown. And look how the left trashes those who escape the plantation, the conservative blacks who are truly accomplished but who are critical of leftist policies. Those people are HATED and DISPARAGED by the left more than anybody. Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Ben Carson, Herman Cain. (h/t to Hang on Sloopy and johngaltshrugged)

8) Marxist media pushing non-existent racism. This divides the population, angers blacks who then have another excuse to fail; angers innocent whites into resenting blacks because of these false accusations. Even worse, the leftwing media and Democrat politicians foment violence against police officers when in reporting police shootings of blacks, they assume racist motivation BEFORE the facts are known. 0bama did that very thing with Milwaukee shootings that led to the murder of five white Dallas policemen. The SOB has blood on his hands if you ask me.

9) Leftwingers won’t rub shoulders with poor blacks. They don’t really want to be around those people. I always hearken back to Katrina. All the handwringing by white liberals complaining about Bush and the treatment of black victims. But when it came time to clean up, who was there? Rows and rows of church buses as far as the eye could see. Conservative Christians who came to dig people out. Didn’t see any Hollywood celebs shoveling mud. Missed the atheist buses. Lefties talked a great game, but were absent when it mattered.

10) The final indictment is the left uses blacks to cement their own power. They’re fine with keeping them dependent and begging, and living in perpetual crime. Using them as pawns to foment racial division and hatred. Marxists don’t care about them, just as they don’t care about anyone. It’s all power and money and control.

I will differentiate between the leftwing leadership opinion makers versus the Democratic voting population. The former which orchestrates all these things is as evil as they come; the latter include the unthinking, gullible, and the stupid, but in many cases well-meaning.
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The leftwing apparatus DESPISES black people. They use them as pawns then discard them. They use them, then treat them as disposable trash. Here are ten ways:

1) Let’s start off with abortion. 34% of US abortions involve black children. This is genocide. The left is furious with the idea of abortions of blacks being curtailed because of the reversal of Roe.

2) Planned Parenthood. Started by outspoken racist Margaret Sanger whose goal was to exterminate blacks, today’s left fights tooth and nail for this horrific abortion mill to get taxpayer money to continue their ghoulish agenda against black children.

3) Generational Welfare. Six generations of blacks on the government dole. Sapped of their ambition in exchange for a few government crumbs. The result is layers and layers of dependent blacks. All kept subservient and dependent in exchange for their votes.

4) Promotion of sex outside marriage by the Marxist media. 73% of blacks are now born out of wedlock, and no condemnation of it from the left. Horribly destructive to black society. Millions of poor single mothers with children destined for a life of crime

5) Government laws that discourage marriage. The government encourages and rewards cohabitation and punishes marriage by removing the welfare goodies for one of the partners if they marry. Think this is not intentional? Government WANTS dads and male figures out of the picture. That would mean less government dependence. Fewer votes

6) Leftwing encouragement of black on black murder. Ghetto killings have gone through the roof. When you actively campaign to defund inner city police forces, what do you expect to happen? Instead, the left focuses on their Marxist goal to remove guns from the populace. This would make takeover much easier. Ask the Venezuelans.

7) Affirmative action. All this does is demean blacks, makes others skeptical of their qualifications, places incompetent people in important positions, sets them up for scorn and ridicule. Think Ketanji Brown.

8) Marxist media pushing non-existent racism. This divides the population, angers blacks who then have another excuse to fail; angers innocent whites into resenting blacks because of these false accusations.

9) Leftwingers won’t rub shoulders with poor blacks. They don’t really want to be around those people. I always hearken back to Katrina. All the handwringing by white liberals complaining about Bush and the treatment of black victims. But when it came time to clean up, who was there? Rows and rows of church buses as far as the eye could see. Conservative Christians who came to dig people out. Didn’t see any Hollywood celebs shoveling mud. Missed the atheist buses. Lefties talked a great game, but were absent when it mattered.

10) The final indictment is the left uses blacks to cement their own power. They’re fine with keeping them dependent and begging, and living in perpetual crime. Using them as pawns to foment racial division and hatred. Marxists don’t care about them, just as they don’t care about anyone. It’s all power and money and control.

I will differentiate between the leftwing leadership opinion makers versus the Democratic voting population. The former which orchestrates all these things is as evil as they come; the latter include the unthinking, gullible, and the stupid, but in many cases well-meaning.
The leftwing apparatus DESPISES black people. Both genders. All ages. They treat them as pawns then discard them. They use them, then treat them as disposable trash. Here are ten ways:

1) Let’s start off with abortion. 34% of US abortions involve black children. This is genocide. The left is furious with the idea of abortions of blacks being curtailed because of the reversal of Roe.

2) Planned Parenthood. Started by outspoken racist Margaret Sanger whose goal was to exterminate blacks, today’s left fights tooth and nail for this horrific abortion mill to get taxpayer money to continue their ghoulish agenda against black children.

3) Generational Welfare. Six generations of blacks on the government dole. Sapped of their ambition in exchange for a few government crumbs. The result is layers and layers of dependent blacks. All kept subservient and dependent in exchange for their votes.

4) Promotion of sex outside marriage by the Marxist media. 73% of blacks are now born out of wedlock, and no condemnation of it from the left. Horribly destructive to black society. Millions of poor single mothers with children destined for a life of crime

5) Government laws that discourage marriage. The government encourages and rewards cohabitation and punishes marriage by removing the welfare goodies for one of the partners if they marry. Think this is not intentional? Government WANTS dads and male figures out of the picture. That would mean less government dependence. Fewer votes

6) Leftwing encouragement of black on black murder. Ghetto killings have gone through the roof. When you actively campaign to defund inner city police forces, what do you expect to happen? Instead, the left focuses on their Marxist goal to remove guns from the populace. This would make takeover much easier. Ask the Venezuelans.

7) Affirmative action. All this does is demean blacks, makes others skeptical of their qualifications, places incompetent people in important positions, sets them up for scorn and ridicule. Think Ketanji Brown.

8) Marxist media pushing non-existent racism. This divides the population, angers blacks who then have another excuse to fail; angers innocent whites into resenting blacks because of these false accusations.

9) Leftwingers won’t rub shoulders with poor blacks. They don’t really want to be around those people. I always hearken back to Katrina. All the handwringing by white liberals complaining about Bush and the treatment of black victims. But when it came time to clean up, who was there? Rows and rows of church buses as far as the eye could see. Conservative Christians who came to dig people out. Didn’t see any Hollywood celebs shoveling mud. Missed the atheist buses. Lefties talked a great game, but were absent when it mattered.

10) The final indictment is the left uses blacks to cement their own power. They’re fine with keeping them dependent and begging, and living in perpetual crime. Using them as pawns to foment racial division and hatred. Marxists don’t care about them, just as they don’t care about anyone. It’s all power and money and control.

I will differentiate between the leftwing leadership opinion makers versus the Democratic voting population. The former which orchestrates all these things is as evil as they come; the latter include the unthinking, gullible, and the stupid, but in many cases well-meaning.
Just wait til they see how many fled the plantation.......lolololol

Wait til you see what they call them....These people are evil and need exterminated
The leftwing apparatus DESPISES black people. Both genders. All ages. They treat them as pawns then discard them. They use them, then treat them as disposable trash. Here are ten ways:

1) Let’s start off with abortion. 34% of US abortions involve black children. This is genocide. The left is furious with the idea of abortions of blacks being curtailed because of the reversal of Roe.

2) Planned Parenthood. Started by outspoken racist Margaret Sanger whose goal was to exterminate blacks, today’s left fights tooth and nail for this horrific abortion mill to get taxpayer money to continue their ghoulish agenda against black children.

3) Generational Welfare. Six generations of blacks on the government dole. Sapped of their ambition in exchange for a few government crumbs. The result is layers and layers of dependent blacks. All kept subservient and dependent in exchange for their votes.

4) Promotion of sex outside marriage by the Marxist media. 73% of blacks are now born out of wedlock, and no condemnation of it from the left. Horribly destructive to black society. Millions of poor single mothers with children destined for a life of crime

5) Government laws that discourage marriage. The government encourages and rewards cohabitation and punishes marriage by removing the welfare goodies for one of the partners if they marry. Think this is not intentional? Government WANTS dads and male figures out of the picture. Their presence would mean less government dependence. Fewer votes.

6) Leftwing encouragement of black on black murder. Ghetto killings have gone through the roof. When you actively campaign to defund inner city police forces, what do you expect to happen? Instead, the left focuses on their Marxist goal to remove guns from the populace. This would make takeover much easier. Ask the Venezuelans.

7) Affirmative action. All this does is demean blacks, makes others skeptical of their qualifications, places incompetent people in important positions, sets them up for scorn and ridicule. Think Ketanji Brown.

8) Marxist media pushing non-existent racism. This divides the population, angers blacks who then have another excuse to fail; angers innocent whites into resenting blacks because of these false accusations. Even worse, the leftwing media and Democrat politicians foment violence against police officers when in reporting police shootings of blacks, they assume racist motivation BEFORE the facts are known. 0bama did that very thing with Milwaukee shootings that led to the murder of five white Dallas policemen. The SOB has blood on his hands if you ask me.

9) Leftwingers won’t rub shoulders with poor blacks. They don’t really want to be around those people. I always hearken back to Katrina. All the handwringing by white liberals complaining about Bush and the treatment of black victims. But when it came time to clean up, who was there? Rows and rows of church buses as far as the eye could see. Conservative Christians who came to dig people out. Didn’t see any Hollywood celebs shoveling mud. Missed the atheist buses. Lefties talked a great game, but were absent when it mattered.

10) The final indictment is the left uses blacks to cement their own power. They’re fine with keeping them dependent and begging, and living in perpetual crime. Using them as pawns to foment racial division and hatred. Marxists don’t care about them, just as they don’t care about anyone. It’s all power and money and control.

I will differentiate between the leftwing leadership opinion makers versus the Democratic voting population. The former which orchestrates all these things is as evil as they come; the latter include the unthinking, gullible, and the stupid, but in many cases well-meaning.
What a malicious hate fest. Did you learn that in your church?
They really let their racism burst through when a black person leaves the poverty plantation & takes the red pill.
They hate them as much or more as white conservatives & make that very clear.
Look at the elites parties- white progressives unmasked & no distancing, black servants all masked & kept in the distance
So right.
What a malicious hate fest. Did you learn that in your church?
If you can tell me the Democrappers had the best interests of blacks in mind for the last 70 yrs, instead of herding them like cattle...Go ahead and tell me that....Include this incredible crime spree hurting poor blacks the most in the equation

I can be very serious when I want to be.....Being serious here is no fun though
The leftwing apparatus DESPISES black people. Both genders. All ages. They treat them as pawns then discard them. They use them, then treat them as disposable trash. Here are ten ways:

1) Let’s start off with abortion. 34% of US abortions involve black children. This is genocide. The left is furious with the idea of abortions of blacks being curtailed because of the reversal of Roe.

2) Planned Parenthood. Started by outspoken racist Margaret Sanger whose goal was to exterminate blacks, today’s left fights tooth and nail for this horrific abortion mill to get taxpayer money to continue their ghoulish agenda against black children.

3) Generational Welfare. Six generations of blacks on the government dole. Sapped of their ambition in exchange for a few government crumbs. The result is layers and layers of dependent blacks. All kept subservient and dependent in exchange for their votes.

4) Promotion of sex outside marriage by the Marxist media. 73% of blacks are now born out of wedlock, and no condemnation of it from the left. Horribly destructive to black society. Millions of poor single mothers with children destined for a life of crime

5) Government laws that discourage marriage. The government encourages and rewards cohabitation and punishes marriage by removing the welfare goodies for one of the partners if they marry. Think this is not intentional? Government WANTS dads and male figures out of the picture. Their presence would mean less government dependence. Fewer votes.

6) Leftwing encouragement of black on black murder. Ghetto killings have gone through the roof. When you actively campaign to defund inner city police forces, what do you expect to happen? Instead, the left focuses on their Marxist goal to remove guns from the populace. This would make takeover much easier. Ask the Venezuelans.

7) Affirmative action. All this does is demean blacks, makes others skeptical of their qualifications, places incompetent people in important positions, sets them up for scorn and ridicule. Think Ketanji Brown. And look how the left trashes those who escape the plantation, the conservative blacks who are truly accomplished but who are critical of leftist policies. Those people are HATED and DISPARAGED by the left more than anybody. Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Ben Carson, Herman Cain. (h/t to Hang on Sloopy and johngaltshrugged)

8) Marxist media pushing non-existent racism. This divides the population, angers blacks who then have another excuse to fail; angers innocent whites into resenting blacks because of these false accusations. Even worse, the leftwing media and Democrat politicians foment violence against police officers when in reporting police shootings of blacks, they assume racist motivation BEFORE the facts are known. 0bama did that very thing with Milwaukee shootings that led to the murder of five white Dallas policemen. The SOB has blood on his hands if you ask me.

9) Leftwingers won’t rub shoulders with poor blacks. They don’t really want to be around those people. I always hearken back to Katrina. All the handwringing by white liberals complaining about Bush and the treatment of black victims. But when it came time to clean up, who was there? Rows and rows of church buses as far as the eye could see. Conservative Christians who came to dig people out. Didn’t see any Hollywood celebs shoveling mud. Missed the atheist buses. Lefties talked a great game, but were absent when it mattered.

10) The final indictment is the left uses blacks to cement their own power. They’re fine with keeping them dependent and begging, and living in perpetual crime. Using them as pawns to foment racial division and hatred. Marxists don’t care about them, just as they don’t care about anyone. It’s all power and money and control.

I will differentiate between the leftwing leadership opinion makers versus the Democratic voting population. The former which orchestrates all these things is as evil as they come; the latter include the unthinking, gullible, and the stupid, but in many cases well-meaning.
1) Let’s start off with abortion. 34% of US abortions involve black children. This is genocide. The left is furious with the idea of abortions of blacks being curtailed because of the reversal of Roe.
It seems Roe v Wade was a way to break the "welfare queen" chain. Whether they were depicted as black getto mothers, or the far more numerous poor white trash.
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Donald Trump called New York's Black attorney general a racist after suffering another defeat in court on Tuesday.

Trump had sought to get a New York court to stop fining him $10,000 a day for refusing to hand over subpoenaed documents. Trump lost his motion.

"After handing over millions of pages of documents, perhaps more than any person or entity has ever given before, there is nothing that can be done to satisfy the racist Attorney General of New York State, failed Gubernatorial candidate Letitia James, or the New York State Courts which are biased, unyielding, and totally unfair," Trump claimed in an email sent to reporters.

"These prosecutors are vicious, horrible people," Trump complained Saturday. "They’re racists and they’re very sick."

"They’re not after me, they’re after you,” he added at one point, encouraging “protests” in New York and Washington, D.C., if the investigations don’t go in his favor.

“No, no, I’m not a racist. I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed,” Trump said in Florida.
“That I can tell you.”

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