Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death

Complete and utter horseshit . HIPPA protests the privacy of patients, not funding sources

Lets use common sense then. The government funds Planned Parenthood and PP provides abortions. Hellooooo

The ridiculous sop that there are two divisions in PP and the abortion section does not use government funds is something that only a complete idiot would buy into. Funds that benefit one side benefit the other, from marketing & ads to new buildings to hiring personnel to whatever.
1. I am suspecting that there is something seriously wrong with the way you process information if you think that your post is an appropriate response to what I said.

I was agreeing with you ya' friggin' dope. You said that HIPPA protects the privacy of patients, not funding sources, and I was offering a different way to see that the government does in fact fund abortion.
Bottom line, people wonder why an M.D. would keep trophies of his own little part in mass murder conspiracy lasting decades. Why does it seem so strange? Sanctioned mass murder has always attracted perverts.

Is it any more evil than murdering your own child in the first place? Abortion is infanticide.
Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings........

I KNOW they are human beings!! A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. An old wrinkly 100 year old person is just as much a human being as a tiny 8 pound baby in a crib. They both look like completely different things yet they are both 100% human beings, and so is a zygote and so is an embryo. Those are just labels that indicate stage of development. In no way do they detract from their humanity.
Complete and utter horseshit . HIPPA protests the privacy of patients, not funding sources

Lets use common sense then. The government funds Planned Parenthood and PP provides abortions. Hellooooo

The ridiculous sop that there are two divisions in PP and the abortion section does not use government funds is something that only a complete idiot would buy into. Funds that benefit one side benefit the other, from marketing & ads to new buildings to hiring personnel to whatever.
1. I am suspecting that there is something seriously wrong with the way you process information if you think that your post is an appropriate response to what I said.

I was agreeing with you ya' friggin' dope. You said that HIPPA protects the privacy of patients, not funding sources, and I was offering a different way to see that the government does in fact fund abortion.
If you agree than say that you agree instead of offering some disjointed example without an explaination
...says the person who believes it's okay to kill inconvenient human beings.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings. You're lying when you claim you do. Yes, it's that obvious. Specks aren't people. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and she knows that specks aren't people. Your brain is presumably larger, so you know it as well. You just choose to lie about it. Why? It gives you an excuse to hate, and you get off on hating.

Hate is intoxicating. It's the drug of choice of jihadists, Nazis, conservatives, and authoritarian types in general. It's telling, how all of those anti-liberty authoritarian groups have similar abortion policies.
"Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings."

Oh, look, yet another leftist denying science to justify the killing of human beings. Leftists sure do like to kill people.
Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

You're a liar. You should stop talking now. You fucked up, and you can't blame it on anyone but yourself.

But then, you never take responsibility for your lies.
That is ridiculous! Your link does not in any way support your claim.

So happy to see you were able (or so you say) to open the link without self-injury!
Sad, though, that you were both unable to understand a word it said or to find an adult to help you.
Nice try to squirm out of your failed attempt to make a point. Not working though . You are the one who seems to need an adult to help you communicate effectivly
...says the person who believes it's okay to kill inconvenient human beings.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings. You're lying when you claim you do. Yes, it's that obvious. Specks aren't people. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and she knows that specks aren't people. Your brain is presumably larger, so you know it as well. You just choose to lie about it. Why? It gives you an excuse to hate, and you get off on hating.

Hate is intoxicating. It's the drug of choice of jihadists, Nazis, conservatives, and authoritarian types in general. It's telling, how all of those anti-liberty authoritarian groups have similar abortion policies.
"Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings."

Oh, look, yet another leftist denying science to justify the killing of human beings. Leftists sure do like to kill people.
Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

You're a liar. You should stop talking now. You fucked up, and you can't blame it on anyone but yourself.

But then, you never take responsibility for your lies.
There is life and there is human life. Consider what makes us human. The issue is human life. By your logic, killing an amoeboid would be murder also.
Nice try to squirm out of your failed attempt to make a point. Not working though . You are the one who seems to need an adult to help you communicate effectivly

About the link.....

It isn't a one-time thing. You can click on it and open it again sometime when you have an adult available to read it to you and explain what it says. Oh, and perhaps the same adult might help you with kour spelling problem.
Leftists are the real science deniers
Do you want to explain that stupid shit?

Sure, stupid asshole. It is a scientific fact that the babe in the womb is a human being: Not a dog or a cat or a bird, but a human. So when that babe is aborted, you have just killed an innocent human being. Thats FACT, not opinion.

A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. An old wrinkly 100 year old person is just as much a human being as a tiny 8 pound baby in a crib. They both look like completely different things yet they are both 100% human beings, and so is a zygote and so is an embryo. Those are just labels that indicate stage of development. In no way do they detract from their humanity.

How about DNA you half-witted imbecile! DNA proves that the babe in the womb is a unique person and NOT a "part" of the woman's body. So ignorant slogans like My Body My Choice are a denial of science.

Now, do you have any more snotty bitchass questions?
Leftists are the real science deniers
Do you want to explain that stupid shit?

Sure, stupid asshole. It is a scientific fact that the babe in the womb is a human being: Not a dog or a cat or a bird, but a human. So when that babe is aborted, you have just killed an innocent human being. Thats FACT, not opinion.

A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. An old wrinkly 100 year old person is just as much a human being as a tiny 8 pound baby in a crib. They both look like completely different things yet they are both 100% human beings, and so is a zygote and so is an embryo. Those are just labels that indicate stage of development. In no way do they detract from their humanity.

How about DNA you half-witted imbecile! DNA proves that the babe in the womb is a unique person and NOT a "part" of the woman's body. So ignorant slogans like My Body My Choice are a denial of science.

Now, do you have any more snotty bitchass questions?
That's a pretty unhinged attack rant sweetheart. The problem is that you alone don't get to decide when a clump of cells becomes a human being. You might want to wipe the spit off of your chin and try a less angry manner of getting your point across. But then again you are a boot licking Trumpski

Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of ... Mar 31 2019
Ad hominem - Wikipedia
...says the person who believes it's okay to kill inconvenient human beings.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings. You're lying when you claim you do. Yes, it's that obvious. Specks aren't people. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and she knows that specks aren't people. Your brain is presumably larger, so you know it as well. You just choose to lie about it. Why? It gives you an excuse to hate, and you get off on hating.

Hate is intoxicating. It's the drug of choice of jihadists, Nazis, conservatives, and authoritarian types in general. It's telling, how all of those anti-liberty authoritarian groups have similar abortion policies.
"Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings."

Oh, look, yet another leftist denying science to justify the killing of human beings. Leftists sure do like to kill people.
Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

You're a liar. You should stop talking now. You fucked up, and you can't blame it on anyone but yourself.

But then, you never take responsibility for your lies.
There is life and there is human life. Consider what makes us human. The issue is human life. By your logic, killing an amoeboid would be murder also.
Ummmm....perhaps you shouldn't be throwing the word "logic" around, because you obviously have no idea what it is.

Do human eggs and sperm combine to product amoebae? Do they produce lizards? Do they produce koalas?

Hint: No. Human eggs and sperm combine to produce human beings. Without doubt. Beyond question. This IS settled science.

THIS is what we mean when we say liberals are science deniers.
Leftists are the real science deniers
Do you want to explain that stupid shit?

Sure, stupid asshole. It is a scientific fact that the babe in the womb is a human being: Not a dog or a cat or a bird, but a human. So when that babe is aborted, you have just killed an innocent human being. Thats FACT, not opinion.

A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. An old wrinkly 100 year old person is just as much a human being as a tiny 8 pound baby in a crib. They both look like completely different things yet they are both 100% human beings, and so is a zygote and so is an embryo. Those are just labels that indicate stage of development. In no way do they detract from their humanity.

How about DNA you half-witted imbecile! DNA proves that the babe in the womb is a unique person and NOT a "part" of the woman's body. So ignorant slogans like My Body My Choice are a denial of science.

Now, do you have any more snotty bitchass questions?
That's a pretty unhinged attack rant sweetheart. The problem is that you alone don't get to decide when a clump of cells becomes a human being. You might want to wipe the spit off of your chin and try a less angry manner of getting your point across. But then again you are a boot licking Trumpski

Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of ... Mar 31 2019
Ad hominem - Wikipedia
See? Denying science. The "clump of cells" argument is old and busted.

Just go ahead and admit you're okay with inconvenient people being killed. I mean, you've already said it without saying it.

So you might as well come right out with it. Try a little honesty. You're not going to get any rational people to agree with you.
Were the abortions legal?

This was legal according to German Law. Does that make it okay?
Democrats are no better than Nazis. Just substitute babies for these Jews.



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