Aborted Human Fetal Cells for Stimulating Artificial Flavors

So hypothetical question for the wingnuts.

If someone took the medical waste from an abortion clinic and developed a cure for cancer, would that be equally abhorent as this mythical flavor technology?

No thank you, you can cannibalize humans, I won't put up with it.

So you would let people die of cancer because you don't like the fact that the cure was extracted from fetuses...

So much for being "Pro-Life".

It's really about women doing stuff with their lady parts you don't like.
I am not in the least concerned. Even is this is true no animal - including our species - was harmed.

(So on this board I will be in a minority of one. That does not concern me either.)
PepsiCo has come under fire from pro-life advocates because it has been contracting with a research firm that uses fetal cells from babies victimized by abortions to test and produce artificial flavor enhancers.

Now, the Obama administration is set to face more criticism because an agency has declared that Pepsi’s use of the company and its controversial flavor testing process constitutes “ordinary business.”

In a decision delivered February 28, the Security and Exchange Commission ruled that PepsiCo’s use of aborted fetal remains in their research and development agreement with Senomyx to produce flavor enhancers falls under “ordinary business operations.”

Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of Children of God for Life, the organization that exposed the PepsiCo- Senomyx collaboration last year, informed LifeNews today that a letter signed by Attorney Brian Pitko of the SEC Office of Chief Counsel was sent in response to a 36-page document submitted by PepsiCo attorneys in January 2012. In that filing, PepsiCo pleaded with the SEC to reject a Shareholder’s Resolution filed in October 2011 that the company “adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreements.”

PepsiCo lead attorney George A. Schieren noted that the resolution should be excluded because it “deals with matters related to the company’s ordinary business operations” and that “certain tasks are so fundamental to run a company on a day-to-day basis that they could not be subject to stockholder oversight.”

Vinnedge said she is appalled by the apathy and insensitivity of both PepsiCo executives and the Obama administration.

“We’re not talking about what kind of pencils PepsiCo wants to use – we are talking about exploiting the remains of an aborted child for profit,” she said. “Using human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) to produce flavor enhancers for their beverages is a far cry from routine operations.

Obama Agency: Pepsi Using Aborted Fetal Cells is Ordinary Business | LifeNews.com

Now, the Obama administration is set to face more criticism because an agency has declared that Pepsi’s use of the company and its controversial flavor testing process constitutes “ordinary business.”

Why would the Federal Government run cover , rather than at the least require labeling, so an informed public could at least decide for themselves? The same holds for genetic modification of crops, where human DNA becomes part of the food chain. Even Vegans are not safe from this. It does also give new meaning to the term "Artificially Flavored".

I've decided I will never drink another Pepsi product ever regardless if it's true or not.

If it is true or not?

You set the bar so high!
So hypothetical question for the wingnuts.

If someone took the medical waste from an abortion clinic and developed a cure for cancer, would that be equally abhorent as this mythical flavor technology?

No thank you, you can cannibalize humans, I won't put up with it.

So you would let people die of cancer because you don't like the fact that the cure was extracted from fetuses...

So much for being "Pro-Life".

It's really about women doing stuff with their lady parts you don't like.

Trading life for life is not pro life, try once more, but this time pull your big boy pants up.
No thank you, you can cannibalize humans, I won't put up with it.

So you would let people die of cancer because you don't like the fact that the cure was extracted from fetuses...

So much for being "Pro-Life".

It's really about women doing stuff with their lady parts you don't like.

Trading life for life is not pro life, try once more, but this time pull your big boy pants up.

Fetuses can't live outside the womb and therefore are not life.

Nope, it's about you guys being terribly upset that women were doing what they pleased with their vaginas....

This being concerned about 'babies" horseshit is belied by the fact you guys are happy to let them starve once they are born.
So you would let people die of cancer because you don't like the fact that the cure was extracted from fetuses...

So much for being "Pro-Life".

It's really about women doing stuff with their lady parts you don't like.

Trading life for life is not pro life, try once more, but this time pull your big boy pants up.

Fetuses can't live outside the womb and therefore are not life.

Nope, it's about you guys being terribly upset that women were doing what they pleased with their vaginas....

This being concerned about 'babies" horseshit is belied by the fact you guys are happy to let them starve once they are born.

Neither can your heart live outside of you
So human life has no value? This is why I have no value for liberals if they were in a house fire I'd throw gas on the fire.
Trading life for life is not pro life, try once more, but this time pull your big boy pants up.

Fetuses can't live outside the womb and therefore are not life.

Nope, it's about you guys being terribly upset that women were doing what they pleased with their vaginas....

This being concerned about 'babies" horseshit is belied by the fact you guys are happy to let them starve once they are born.

Neither can your heart live outside of you
So human life has no value? This is why I have no value for liberals if they were in a house fire I'd throw gas on the fire.

So you would throw gas on he fire and by so doing demonstrate that your reverence for life is highly conditional. Only the lives of those who agree with you have value.
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Fetuses can't live outside the womb and therefore are not life.

Nope, it's about you guys being terribly upset that women were doing what they pleased with their vaginas....

This being concerned about 'babies" horseshit is belied by the fact you guys are happy to let them starve once they are born.

Neither can your heart live outside of you
So human life has no value? This is why I have no value for liberals if they were in a house fire I'd throw gas on the fire.

So you would through gas on he fire and by so doing demonstrate that your reverence for life is highly conditional. Only the lives of those who agree with you have value.

Honestly liberals have no value
Fetuses can't live outside the womb and therefore are not life.

Nope, it's about you guys being terribly upset that women were doing what they pleased with their vaginas....

This being concerned about 'babies" horseshit is belied by the fact you guys are happy to let them starve once they are born.

Neither can your heart live outside of you
So human life has no value? This is why I have no value for liberals if they were in a house fire I'd throw gas on the fire.

So you would through gas on he fire and by so doing demonstrate that your reverence for life is highly conditional. Only the lives of those who agree with you have value.

Maybe his respect for life makes him lose respect for the lives of those who end human life for profit, i.e. serial killers for hire.

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