A Woke Liberal Awakens


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What happens when you are a Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, and you become aware of what your party has become?

You write an expose, hoping to shake other Liberals into consciousness.

1.“The Atlantic reporter’s liberalism comes face-to-face with the radical left’s transformation of American public education.

2. Few journalists are as respected by, and respectable to, liberals as The Atlantic’s George Packer…His latest piece for The Atlantic, “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,” is essential reading…. it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.

3. … his son had made it off the wait list at their preferred public school. … “It was a liberal white family’s dream.” He, his wife, and his son became invested in the institution. “The school’s approach — …. caught his imagination, while the mix of races and classes gave him something even more precious: an unselfconscious belief that no one was better than anyone else, that he was everyone’s equal and everyone was his.”

Then, Packer says, “Things began to change.”

4. …left-wing cultural politics developed toward the close of the Obama presidency.
“At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity.”
Theories of intersectionality and of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” seeped into business, politics, media, and education. “Its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.”

The new progressivism, … “It was as a father, at our son’s school, that I first understood the meaning of the new progressivism, and what I disliked about it,” he writes."
George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

This Liberal was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.

Seems many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth.
Why is it that Liberals/Democrats are never able to defend or even explain the foibles illustrated in these exposé threads????

Coulter must be correct:

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
When Liberals are in charge:

5. “Parents opted their children out of standardized tests, which they deemed “structurally biased, even racist, because nonwhite students had the lowest scores.” Without tests, there was no way to measure the progress of the student body.

6. The school, without telling parents, changed all of its bathrooms, “from kindergarten to fifth grade,” from single-sex to gender-neutral. At a Parent–Teacher Association meeting, families split into warring factions. One side was furious at the school for making such an important decision arbitrarily and autonomously. “The parents in the other camp argued that gender labels — and not just on the bathroom doors — led to bullying and that the real problem was the patriarchy. One called for the elimination of urinals.”

7. “By age 10 he had studied the civilizations of ancient China, Africa, the early Dutch in New Amsterdam, and the Mayans. He learned about the genocide of Native Americans and slavery. But he was never taught about the founding of the republic.”
Packer notes that Richard Carranza, the far-left chancellor of New York City schools, mandated anti-bias instruction for school employees that categorized “perfectionism,” “individualism,” “objectivity,” and “worship of the written word” as hallmarks of “white supremacy culture.”

8. …radicals have displaced liberals only because the liberals, wracked with guilt, lack the will to stop them.
“Watching your children grow up gives you a startlingly vivid image of the world you’re going to leave them,” Packer writes. “I can’t say I’m sanguine.” George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

Any wonder the Liberal-occupied schools no longer teach????

Any wonder why American children fail international exam.

Anything Liberals get their claws into suffers as a result.
This Liberal, Packer, was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.
That doesn't mean that his writing the article indicting Progressives/Liberals was without stress and anxiety.

While many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth, Packer writes:

"...to be a parent is to be compromised. You pledge allegiance to justice for all, you swear that private attachments can rhyme with the public good, but when the choice comes down to your child or an abstraction—even the well-being of children you don’t know—you’ll betray your principles to the fierce unfairness of love. Then life takes revenge on the conceit that your child’s fate lies in your hands at all. The organized pathologies of adults, including yours—sometimes known as politics—find a way to infect the world of children.

But there was something else—another claim on us. The current phrase for it is social justice. I’d rather use the word democracy, because it conveys the idea of equality and the need for a common life among citizens. No institution has more power to form human beings according to this idea than the public school. That was the original purpose of the “common schools” established by Horace Mann in the mid-19th century: to instill in children the knowledge and morality necessary for the success of republican government, while “embracing children of all religious, social, and ethnic backgrounds.”
When the Culture War Comes for the Kids

I'm gonna guess that when he truth about how insane Progressives are dawned on Packer, he was even more depressed than when he learned that Hillary had lost the election.

But this Liberal admitted the truth.
What happens when you are a Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, and you become aware of what your party has become?

You write an expose, hoping to shake other Liberals into consciousness.

1.“The Atlantic reporter’s liberalism comes face-to-face with the radical left’s transformation of American public education.

2. Few journalists are as respected by, and respectable to, liberals as The Atlantic’s George Packer…His latest piece for The Atlantic, “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,” is essential reading…. it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.

3. … his son had made it off the wait list at their preferred public school. … “It was a liberal white family’s dream.” He, his wife, and his son became invested in the institution. “The school’s approach — …. caught his imagination, while the mix of races and classes gave him something even more precious: an unselfconscious belief that no one was better than anyone else, that he was everyone’s equal and everyone was his.”

Then, Packer says, “Things began to change.”

4. …left-wing cultural politics developed toward the close of the Obama presidency.
“At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity.”
Theories of intersectionality and of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” seeped into business, politics, media, and education. “Its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.”

The new progressivism, … “It was as a father, at our son’s school, that I first understood the meaning of the new progressivism, and what I disliked about it,” he writes."
George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

This Liberal was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.

Seems many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth.

A Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, dang does that even exist?
What happens when you are a Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, and you become aware of what your party has become?

You write an expose, hoping to shake other Liberals into consciousness.

1.“The Atlantic reporter’s liberalism comes face-to-face with the radical left’s transformation of American public education.

2. Few journalists are as respected by, and respectable to, liberals as The Atlantic’s George Packer…His latest piece for The Atlantic, “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,” is essential reading…. it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.

3. … his son had made it off the wait list at their preferred public school. … “It was a liberal white family’s dream.” He, his wife, and his son became invested in the institution. “The school’s approach — …. caught his imagination, while the mix of races and classes gave him something even more precious: an unselfconscious belief that no one was better than anyone else, that he was everyone’s equal and everyone was his.”

Then, Packer says, “Things began to change.”

4. …left-wing cultural politics developed toward the close of the Obama presidency.
“At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity.”
Theories of intersectionality and of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” seeped into business, politics, media, and education. “Its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.”

The new progressivism, … “It was as a father, at our son’s school, that I first understood the meaning of the new progressivism, and what I disliked about it,” he writes."
George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

This Liberal was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.

Seems many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth.

A Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, dang does that even exist?

Read what this Liberal journalist writes before you indict all of 'em.

He is painfully admitting the truth about Progressives/Liberals/Democrats
What happens when you are a Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, and you become aware of what your party has become?

You write an expose, hoping to shake other Liberals into consciousness.

1.“The Atlantic reporter’s liberalism comes face-to-face with the radical left’s transformation of American public education.

2. Few journalists are as respected by, and respectable to, liberals as The Atlantic’s George Packer…His latest piece for The Atlantic, “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,” is essential reading…. it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.

3. … his son had made it off the wait list at their preferred public school. … “It was a liberal white family’s dream.” He, his wife, and his son became invested in the institution. “The school’s approach — …. caught his imagination, while the mix of races and classes gave him something even more precious: an unselfconscious belief that no one was better than anyone else, that he was everyone’s equal and everyone was his.”

Then, Packer says, “Things began to change.”

4. …left-wing cultural politics developed toward the close of the Obama presidency.
“At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity.”
Theories of intersectionality and of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” seeped into business, politics, media, and education. “Its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.”

The new progressivism, … “It was as a father, at our son’s school, that I first understood the meaning of the new progressivism, and what I disliked about it,” he writes."
George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

This Liberal was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.

Seems many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth.

A Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, dang does that even exist?

Read what this Liberal journalist writes before you indict all of 'em.

He is painfully admitting the truth about Progressives/Liberals/Democrats

My guess is you've been hearing, at least as long as I have, how libs are smarter than everyone else. Only to find out that most just BS better than others. Now is this liberal journalist the one that has actually seen the light? Don't know, don't care, I'm just tired of the BS.
What happens when you are a Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, and you become aware of what your party has become?

You write an expose, hoping to shake other Liberals into consciousness.

1.“The Atlantic reporter’s liberalism comes face-to-face with the radical left’s transformation of American public education.

2. Few journalists are as respected by, and respectable to, liberals as The Atlantic’s George Packer…His latest piece for The Atlantic, “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,” is essential reading…. it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.

3. … his son had made it off the wait list at their preferred public school. … “It was a liberal white family’s dream.” He, his wife, and his son became invested in the institution. “The school’s approach — …. caught his imagination, while the mix of races and classes gave him something even more precious: an unselfconscious belief that no one was better than anyone else, that he was everyone’s equal and everyone was his.”

Then, Packer says, “Things began to change.”

4. …left-wing cultural politics developed toward the close of the Obama presidency.
“At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity.”
Theories of intersectionality and of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” seeped into business, politics, media, and education. “Its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.”

The new progressivism, … “It was as a father, at our son’s school, that I first understood the meaning of the new progressivism, and what I disliked about it,” he writes."
George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

This Liberal was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.

Seems many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth.
showing how the demoRats are becoming the new Nazi Party eh?
What happens when you are a Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, and you become aware of what your party has become?

You write an expose, hoping to shake other Liberals into consciousness.

1.“The Atlantic reporter’s liberalism comes face-to-face with the radical left’s transformation of American public education.

2. Few journalists are as respected by, and respectable to, liberals as The Atlantic’s George Packer…His latest piece for The Atlantic, “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,” is essential reading…. it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.

3. … his son had made it off the wait list at their preferred public school. … “It was a liberal white family’s dream.” He, his wife, and his son became invested in the institution. “The school’s approach — …. caught his imagination, while the mix of races and classes gave him something even more precious: an unselfconscious belief that no one was better than anyone else, that he was everyone’s equal and everyone was his.”

Then, Packer says, “Things began to change.”

4. …left-wing cultural politics developed toward the close of the Obama presidency.
“At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity.”
Theories of intersectionality and of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” seeped into business, politics, media, and education. “Its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.”

The new progressivism, … “It was as a father, at our son’s school, that I first understood the meaning of the new progressivism, and what I disliked about it,” he writes."
George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

This Liberal was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.

Seems many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth.

A Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, dang does that even exist?

Read what this Liberal journalist writes before you indict all of 'em.

He is painfully admitting the truth about Progressives/Liberals/Democrats

My guess is you've been hearing, at least as long as I have, how libs are smarter than everyone else. Only to find out that most just BS better than others. Now is this liberal journalist the one that has actually seen the light? Don't know, don't care, I'm just tired of the BS.

T.....he can't be the only one waking up.
What happens when you are a Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, and you become aware of what your party has become?

You write an expose, hoping to shake other Liberals into consciousness.

1.“The Atlantic reporter’s liberalism comes face-to-face with the radical left’s transformation of American public education.

2. Few journalists are as respected by, and respectable to, liberals as The Atlantic’s George Packer…His latest piece for The Atlantic, “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,” is essential reading…. it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.

3. … his son had made it off the wait list at their preferred public school. … “It was a liberal white family’s dream.” He, his wife, and his son became invested in the institution. “The school’s approach — …. caught his imagination, while the mix of races and classes gave him something even more precious: an unselfconscious belief that no one was better than anyone else, that he was everyone’s equal and everyone was his.”

Then, Packer says, “Things began to change.”

4. …left-wing cultural politics developed toward the close of the Obama presidency.
“At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity.”
Theories of intersectionality and of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” seeped into business, politics, media, and education. “Its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.”

The new progressivism, … “It was as a father, at our son’s school, that I first understood the meaning of the new progressivism, and what I disliked about it,” he writes."
George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

This Liberal was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.

Seems many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth.

A Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, dang does that even exist?

Read what this Liberal journalist writes before you indict all of 'em.

He is painfully admitting the truth about Progressives/Liberals/Democrats

My guess is you've been hearing, at least as long as I have, how libs are smarter than everyone else. Only to find out that most just BS better than others. Now is this liberal journalist the one that has actually seen the light? Don't know, don't care, I'm just tired of the BS.

T.....he can't be the only one waking up.

LOL, that's true, although if USMB is any indication he may be the only one.
What happens when you are a Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, and you become aware of what your party has become?

You write an expose, hoping to shake other Liberals into consciousness.

1.“The Atlantic reporter’s liberalism comes face-to-face with the radical left’s transformation of American public education.

2. Few journalists are as respected by, and respectable to, liberals as The Atlantic’s George Packer…His latest piece for The Atlantic, “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,” is essential reading…. it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.

3. … his son had made it off the wait list at their preferred public school. … “It was a liberal white family’s dream.” He, his wife, and his son became invested in the institution. “The school’s approach — …. caught his imagination, while the mix of races and classes gave him something even more precious: an unselfconscious belief that no one was better than anyone else, that he was everyone’s equal and everyone was his.”

Then, Packer says, “Things began to change.”

4. …left-wing cultural politics developed toward the close of the Obama presidency.
“At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity.”
Theories of intersectionality and of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” seeped into business, politics, media, and education. “Its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.”

The new progressivism, … “It was as a father, at our son’s school, that I first understood the meaning of the new progressivism, and what I disliked about it,” he writes."
George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

This Liberal was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.

Seems many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth.

A Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, dang does that even exist?

Read what this Liberal journalist writes before you indict all of 'em.

He is painfully admitting the truth about Progressives/Liberals/Democrats

My guess is you've been hearing, at least as long as I have, how libs are smarter than everyone else. Only to find out that most just BS better than others. Now is this liberal journalist the one that has actually seen the light? Don't know, don't care, I'm just tired of the BS.

T.....he can't be the only one waking up.

Go look up the Hodgetwins reparations on youtube. I can't get to them this morning, or I would include it here.
What happens when you are a Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, and you become aware of what your party has become?

You write an expose, hoping to shake other Liberals into consciousness.

1.“The Atlantic reporter’s liberalism comes face-to-face with the radical left’s transformation of American public education.

2. Few journalists are as respected by, and respectable to, liberals as The Atlantic’s George Packer…His latest piece for The Atlantic, “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,” is essential reading…. it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.

3. … his son had made it off the wait list at their preferred public school. … “It was a liberal white family’s dream.” He, his wife, and his son became invested in the institution. “The school’s approach — …. caught his imagination, while the mix of races and classes gave him something even more precious: an unselfconscious belief that no one was better than anyone else, that he was everyone’s equal and everyone was his.”

Then, Packer says, “Things began to change.”

4. …left-wing cultural politics developed toward the close of the Obama presidency.
“At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity.”
Theories of intersectionality and of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” seeped into business, politics, media, and education. “Its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.”

The new progressivism, … “It was as a father, at our son’s school, that I first understood the meaning of the new progressivism, and what I disliked about it,” he writes."
George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

This Liberal was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.

Seems many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth.

A Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, dang does that even exist?

Read what this Liberal journalist writes before you indict all of 'em.

He is painfully admitting the truth about Progressives/Liberals/Democrats

My guess is you've been hearing, at least as long as I have, how libs are smarter than everyone else. Only to find out that most just BS better than others. Now is this liberal journalist the one that has actually seen the light? Don't know, don't care, I'm just tired of the BS.

T.....he can't be the only one waking up.

Go look up the Hodgetwins reparations on youtube. I can't get to them this morning, or I would include it here.
Hodgetwins reparations - Bing video
A Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, dang does that even exist?

Read what this Liberal journalist writes before you indict all of 'em.

He is painfully admitting the truth about Progressives/Liberals/Democrats

My guess is you've been hearing, at least as long as I have, how libs are smarter than everyone else. Only to find out that most just BS better than others. Now is this liberal journalist the one that has actually seen the light? Don't know, don't care, I'm just tired of the BS.

T.....he can't be the only one waking up.

Go look up the Hodgetwins reparations on youtube. I can't get to them this morning, or I would include it here.
Hodgetwins reparations - Bing video
hilarious. So now we have Diamond and Silk and the Hodgetwins telling their black brothers and sisters to open their fking eyes and see that the demoRats are still the KKK. hahahahahahaha They were on Joe Pags show yesterday. amazing.
When Liberals are in charge:

5. “Parents opted their children out of standardized tests, which they deemed “structurally biased, even racist, because nonwhite students had the lowest scores.” Without tests, there was no way to measure the progress of the student body.

6. The school, without telling parents, changed all of its bathrooms, “from kindergarten to fifth grade,” from single-sex to gender-neutral. At a Parent–Teacher Association meeting, families split into warring factions. One side was furious at the school for making such an important decision arbitrarily and autonomously. “The parents in the other camp argued that gender labels — and not just on the bathroom doors — led to bullying and that the real problem was the patriarchy. One called for the elimination of urinals.”

7. “By age 10 he had studied the civilizations of ancient China, Africa, the early Dutch in New Amsterdam, and the Mayans. He learned about the genocide of Native Americans and slavery. But he was never taught about the founding of the republic.”
Packer notes that Richard Carranza, the far-left chancellor of New York City schools, mandated anti-bias instruction for school employees that categorized “perfectionism,” “individualism,” “objectivity,” and “worship of the written word” as hallmarks of “white supremacy culture.”

8. …radicals have displaced liberals only because the liberals, wracked with guilt, lack the will to stop them.
“Watching your children grow up gives you a startlingly vivid image of the world you’re going to leave them,” Packer writes. “I can’t say I’m sanguine.” George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

Any wonder the Liberal-occupied schools no longer teach????

Any wonder why American children fail international exam.

Anything Liberals get their claws into suffers as a result.
As with their conviction that guns are the cause of violence, low test scores can only be the fault of the tests.

I tell ya ... it's a vicious cycle. We fail to educate 'em and they continue to grow up to be world-class STUPID "progressives."
Last edited:
What happens when you are a Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, and you become aware of what your party has become?

You write an expose, hoping to shake other Liberals into consciousness.

1.“The Atlantic reporter’s liberalism comes face-to-face with the radical left’s transformation of American public education.

2. Few journalists are as respected by, and respectable to, liberals as The Atlantic’s George Packer…His latest piece for The Atlantic, “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,” is essential reading…. it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.

3. … his son had made it off the wait list at their preferred public school. … “It was a liberal white family’s dream.” He, his wife, and his son became invested in the institution. “The school’s approach — …. caught his imagination, while the mix of races and classes gave him something even more precious: an unselfconscious belief that no one was better than anyone else, that he was everyone’s equal and everyone was his.”

Then, Packer says, “Things began to change.”

4. …left-wing cultural politics developed toward the close of the Obama presidency.
“At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity.”
Theories of intersectionality and of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” seeped into business, politics, media, and education. “Its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.”

The new progressivism, … “It was as a father, at our son’s school, that I first understood the meaning of the new progressivism, and what I disliked about it,” he writes."
George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

This Liberal was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.

Seems many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth.
showing how the demoRats are becoming the new Nazi Party eh?
BTW, let's don't forget the part about take you guns and coming after them if you don't cooperate with any buy back of guns the government never owned. Folks, the evidence is quite PRONOUNCED the NAZI Left. And, they don't care that they've been exposed.
When Liberals are in charge:

5. “Parents opted their children out of standardized tests, which they deemed “structurally biased, even racist, because nonwhite students had the lowest scores.” Without tests, there was no way to measure the progress of the student body.

6. The school, without telling parents, changed all of its bathrooms, “from kindergarten to fifth grade,” from single-sex to gender-neutral. At a Parent–Teacher Association meeting, families split into warring factions. One side was furious at the school for making such an important decision arbitrarily and autonomously. “The parents in the other camp argued that gender labels — and not just on the bathroom doors — led to bullying and that the real problem was the patriarchy. One called for the elimination of urinals.”

7. “By age 10 he had studied the civilizations of ancient China, Africa, the early Dutch in New Amsterdam, and the Mayans. He learned about the genocide of Native Americans and slavery. But he was never taught about the founding of the republic.”
Packer notes that Richard Carranza, the far-left chancellor of New York City schools, mandated anti-bias instruction for school employees that categorized “perfectionism,” “individualism,” “objectivity,” and “worship of the written word” as hallmarks of “white supremacy culture.”

8. …radicals have displaced liberals only because the liberals, wracked with guilt, lack the will to stop them.
“Watching your children grow up gives you a startlingly vivid image of the world you’re going to leave them,” Packer writes. “I can’t say I’m sanguine.” George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

Any wonder the Liberal-occupied schools no longer teach????

Any wonder why American children fail international exam.

Anything Liberals get their claws into suffers as a result.
As with their conviction that guns are the cause of violence, low test scores can only be the fault of the tests.

I tell ya ... it's a vicious cycle. We fail to educate 'em and then wonder why they grow up to be world-class STUPID "progressives."
I was watching a youtube of Gates yesterday from 2008 where he claims in his statement that our kids are not educated well. at 3:11 of the video. amazing shit. just how bad our public school system really is. right here, all the stats!!!!

What happens when you are a Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, and you become aware of what your party has become?

You write an expose, hoping to shake other Liberals into consciousness.

1.“The Atlantic reporter’s liberalism comes face-to-face with the radical left’s transformation of American public education.

2. Few journalists are as respected by, and respectable to, liberals as The Atlantic’s George Packer…His latest piece for The Atlantic, “When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,” is essential reading…. it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.

3. … his son had made it off the wait list at their preferred public school. … “It was a liberal white family’s dream.” He, his wife, and his son became invested in the institution. “The school’s approach — …. caught his imagination, while the mix of races and classes gave him something even more precious: an unselfconscious belief that no one was better than anyone else, that he was everyone’s equal and everyone was his.”

Then, Packer says, “Things began to change.”

4. …left-wing cultural politics developed toward the close of the Obama presidency.
“At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity.”
Theories of intersectionality and of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” seeped into business, politics, media, and education. “Its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.”

The new progressivism, … “It was as a father, at our son’s school, that I first understood the meaning of the new progressivism, and what I disliked about it,” he writes."
George Packer NYC Public Schools Story: Liberalism Meets Radicals’ Transformation of American Education | National Review

This Liberal was smart enough to understand the insanity that has taken over the Progressive/Democrat Party.

Seems many are just too ignorant, or cowardly to admit the truth.

A Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, dang does that even exist?

Read what this Liberal journalist writes before you indict all of 'em.

He is painfully admitting the truth about Progressives/Liberals/Democrats

My guess is you've been hearing, at least as long as I have, how libs are smarter than everyone else. Only to find out that most just BS better than others. Now is this liberal journalist the one that has actually seen the light? Don't know, don't care, I'm just tired of the BS.

T.....he can't be the only one waking up.

LOL, that's true, although if USMB is any indication he may be the only one.

True....we do seem to have a bumper crop of imbeciles.
A Liberal with awareness, one who actually thinks, dang does that even exist?

Read what this Liberal journalist writes before you indict all of 'em.

He is painfully admitting the truth about Progressives/Liberals/Democrats

My guess is you've been hearing, at least as long as I have, how libs are smarter than everyone else. Only to find out that most just BS better than others. Now is this liberal journalist the one that has actually seen the light? Don't know, don't care, I'm just tired of the BS.

T.....he can't be the only one waking up.

LOL, that's true, although if USMB is any indication he may be the only one.

True....we do seem to have a bumper crop of imbeciles.
oh god, it's actually hard to believe.

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