A well known Democrat that voted for Obama says Obama is out to lunch (so to speak)

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ1wyvwcWcA&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Jon Lovitz: Obama A "F*cking A**hole" With His Tax Talk [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE] - YouTube[/ame]

Too fucking funny and spot on.

And don't you lefties come in here and blast him as "only a comedian" because that's exactly what Bill Mahr is and you defend his radical speech.
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Jon Lovitz: Obama A "F*cking A**hole" With His Tax Talk [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE] - YouTube

Too fucking funny and spot on.

And don't you lefties come in here and blast him as "only a comedian" because that's exactly what Bill Mahr is and you defend his radical speech.

He's not even a good comedian. He's crazy like Victoria Jackson, too many drugs during their SNL days.

You can have both of them.

So his tax opinion, considering he actually pays them unlike some, is discounted because he was on snl?

Lol ok
whatever happened to "comedians can be nasty cause they're comedians" aka Bill big mouth Mahr? that down the shitter now?
Jon Lovitz: Obama A "F*cking A**hole" With His Tax Talk [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE] - YouTube

Too fucking funny and spot on.

And don't you lefties come in here and blast him as "only a comedian" because that's exactly what Bill Mahr is and you defend his radical speech.

He's not even a good comedian. He's crazy like Victoria Jackson, too many drugs during their SNL days.

You can have both of them.
Good comparison, Lovitz and Victoria Jackson.
Nikki Sixx has come out and says he "off Obama" as well. I know a lot of celebrity Dems will still vote for Obama like Matt Damon, but there are many that are disappointed in track record.

Makes sense. Many are anti war, anti Gitmo etc and promises have been broken.

Knocking Obama for keeping up with celebrities, Sixx tweeted on Saturday, “Our president is commenting on Kanye, having Lindsey at his party and failing our economy."

Read more: Motley Crue's Nikki Sixx says he's off Obama | Times 247
Jon Lovitz: Obama A "F*cking A**hole" With His Tax Talk [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE] - YouTube

Too fucking funny and spot on.

And don't you lefties come in here and blast him as "only a comedian" because that's exactly what Bill Mahr is and you defend his radical speech.

He's not even a good comedian. He's crazy like Victoria Jackson, too many drugs during their SNL days.

You can have both of them.
Yeah well, if his monologue was anti Republican, anti Romney, and pro Obama, he would be the greatest hottest comedian ever. All the nightly news and talk shows would be booking him, just to broadcast his hate and divide America and turn it into a European socialist country shtick to all of America.
Jon Lovitz: Obama A "F*cking A**hole" With His Tax Talk [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE] - YouTube

Too fucking funny and spot on.

And don't you lefties come in here and blast him as "only a comedian" because that's exactly what Bill Mahr is and you defend his radical speech.

He's not even a good comedian. He's crazy like Victoria Jackson, too many drugs during their SNL days.

You can have both of them.

So his tax opinion, considering he actually pays them unlike some, is discounted because he was on snl?

Lol ok

That's not what I said, you might want to revisit the post.
Lovitz is speaking the truth. Obama is trying to create class warfare in a society that doesn't have classes. In America everyone has the opportunity to become successful. In Obama's America only the "correct" people should be successful. The rest should be reliant upon government from womb to tomb.....Lovitz is simply stating what all successful people feel - we pay more than our "fair share".
Jon Lovitz: Obama A "F*cking A**hole" With His Tax Talk [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE] - YouTube

Too fucking funny and spot on.

And don't you lefties come in here and blast him as "only a comedian" because that's exactly what Bill Mahr is and you defend his radical speech.

Post after post after post you strive for attention by posting childish gibberish; childish gibberish not even of your own making - you're really pitiful.

Thanks for providing me another opportunity to neg your stupid ass.
Jon Lovitz: Obama A "F*cking A**hole" With His Tax Talk [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE] - YouTube

Too fucking funny and spot on.

And don't you lefties come in here and blast him as "only a comedian" because that's exactly what Bill Mahr is and you defend his radical speech.

He's not even a good comedian. He's crazy like Victoria Jackson, too many drugs during their SNL days.

You can have both of them.

So his tax opinion, considering he actually pays them unlike some, is discounted because he was on snl?

Lol ok


Al Franken.
Jon Lovitz: Obama A "F*cking A**hole" With His Tax Talk [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE] - YouTube

Too fucking funny and spot on.

And don't you lefties come in here and blast him as "only a comedian" because that's exactly what Bill Mahr is and you defend his radical speech.

He's not even a good comedian. He's crazy like Victoria Jackson, too many drugs during their SNL days.

You can have both of them.
Good comparison, Lovitz and Victoria Jackson.

And they ran circles around Al Franken.
He's not even a good comedian. He's crazy like Victoria Jackson, too many drugs during their SNL days.

You can have both of them.
Good comparison, Lovitz and Victoria Jackson.

And they ran circles around Al Franken.

That's because Franken is a comedian in name only. One of the unfunniest people I've ever watched. Anyone that says "well, you just don't get his humour" is full of it. Any comedian who says his comedy is too smart for you is a twit. Monty Python was incredibly smart and blisteringly funny.

That's because they were funny...and smart....and didn't need to tell you how smart they were.

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