A Warning From an Informed Leftist About the Power of Rightwing Militants


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is exactly what I have been trying to tell people for yeas, and this guy has apparently seen some of the same stuff I have as well.

Marc MacYoung
* I knew last year there was a peace accord signed by multiple violent, criminal and racist organizations. It scared the fuck out out me when I heard about it. Here's a hint, it's a LOT bigger than Charlottesville or even the State of Virginia.

And since biker gangs are involved, it involves gun running and drugs to finance the barking moonbats acquiring military grade hardware. Why the FUCK do you think I've been trying to warn people about the growing danger of the 'savage right' and to back off from being such hostile, antagonistic shitheads?

But NOOOOOOoooooo "We're too righteous in our anger and cause. Oh and we're right about what ignorant wretches the rest of the country is. So we're going to keep on kicking that dog." (Yeah, remember that article?)

You think these asshats came prepared for murder? Oh HELL no. Did you see the squad of guys with long guns and long guns? Did you see how they were moving in coordinated action? If they opened up the body count would have been in the hundreds. How many bombs went off? Snipers on the roof? RPGs taking out police armored vehicles? Coordinated firefights with the cops? 'Cause that's the level of shit I am absolutely terrified of happening and what the batshit crazy motherfuckers are gearing up for.

I also took one look at the equipment, tactics, coordinated action and chain of command on the part of the right wing assholes. That shit didn't happen in just a week. In fact, if you pay attention you'll see me and a few other folks talking about things we saw that seriously concern us. (So maybe instead of you opining about murderous bastards you can ask violence professionals what we saw. And most of all, why it concerns us -- because there are indicators of some next level shit.) I want you to stop and SERIOUSLY consider this next statement: Just like the Battle for Berkeley were dry runs for extremists on the other side, Charlottesville was a test run for these assholes.

Yeah, you've got more reasons than you know to be concerned.

Having said all this. That doesn't mean there wasn't organization and planned violence by the counter protestors. They too showed up looking 'for a fight.' They just weren't as good at violence, as coordinated and organized. There were just more of them, lots and lots more. Yet, despite superior numbers when violence occurred they were the ones who came out on the short end. (Now I want to know who on that side has been pushing them to 'charge the machine guns.')

Speaking as a guy who has broken up more than my fair share of fights, I can tell you when Asshole #1 and Asshole #2 go at it, someone is going to lose if it isn't broken up in time. That does NOT mean that the guy who lost is a "victim," much less Sweet Innocent Little Bo Peep. Every shred of evidence I have seen indicates A-1 and A-2 went looking for a fight and went out of their ways to find each other.

So let's stop and recap. You have citizens launching at each other with religious fanaticism levels of zealotry. These groups are convinced they're 'right' and are acting in 'self-defense.' They have ideological agendas, rhetoric anger and perceived victimhood to not just fuel their violence, but makes them right with God. They're hiding behind their 'right to free speech.' They out number the cops and are gaming the system. And most of all, beyond their own private echo chambers they have a fuckin' grandstand full of people unwittingly cheering them on.

I have been trying to warn people to back off from encouraging this course of action for a few years now. The virtue signalling, the politics, the pushing agendas, the insulting, condemning and demanding, all this has been pushing towards this shitstorm. I have been pleading people to stop with the hatred and venom.

And you know what? I have taken untold levels of shit about it -- particularly from people on the coasts. It's their RIGHT to hate and abuse their fellow citizens because of ______ism. Those terrible people DESERVE the abuse, scorn, and hatred they're being targeted with because of 'wrong think.' Oh and now that "Animal" is talking like this, he must be a ____ wing asshole so he deserves it too.

Well guess what? You still don't realize how scary and dangerous these fuckers really are. Murderous? That's just a word to you right now. I pray to the gawds, bodies don't start stacking.

Worse, there is a self-righteous myopia from people have been provoking them, spitting on them and sneering at them. But now that someone has finally died, let's turn that person into a martyr, and up the volume and outrage. In short, keep doing the same behavior that's been pissing these crazy fucks off, but louder.

So let's agree to knock of the blaming the other side, start pulling support from the assholes on 'our side' and realize that pretty much everyone is either pissed off, scared, hurt or concerned about shit kicking off before it actually does kick off.

*This was in response to an outraged someone
This is exactly what I have been trying to tell people for yeas, and this guy has apparently seen some of the same stuff I have as well.

Marc MacYoung
* I knew last year there was a peace accord signed by multiple violent, criminal and racist organizations. It scared the fuck out out me when I heard about it. Here's a hint, it's a LOT bigger than Charlottesville or even the State of Virginia.

And since biker gangs are involved, it involves gun running and drugs to finance the barking moonbats acquiring military grade hardware. Why the FUCK do you think I've been trying to warn people about the growing danger of the 'savage right' and to back off from being such hostile, antagonistic shitheads?

But NOOOOOOoooooo "We're too righteous in our anger and cause. Oh and we're right about what ignorant wretches the rest of the country is. So we're going to keep on kicking that dog." (Yeah, remember that article?)

You think these asshats came prepared for murder? Oh HELL no. Did you see the squad of guys with long guns and long guns? Did you see how they were moving in coordinated action? If they opened up the body count would have been in the hundreds. How many bombs went off? Snipers on the roof? RPGs taking out police armored vehicles? Coordinated firefights with the cops? 'Cause that's the level of shit I am absolutely terrified of happening and what the batshit crazy motherfuckers are gearing up for.

I also took one look at the equipment, tactics, coordinated action and chain of command on the part of the right wing assholes. That shit didn't happen in just a week. In fact, if you pay attention you'll see me and a few other folks talking about things we saw that seriously concern us. (So maybe instead of you opining about murderous bastards you can ask violence professionals what we saw. And most of all, why it concerns us -- because there are indicators of some next level shit.) I want you to stop and SERIOUSLY consider this next statement: Just like the Battle for Berkeley were dry runs for extremists on the other side, Charlottesville was a test run for these assholes.

Yeah, you've got more reasons than you know to be concerned.

Having said all this. That doesn't mean there wasn't organization and planned violence by the counter protestors. They too showed up looking 'for a fight.' They just weren't as good at violence, as coordinated and organized. There were just more of them, lots and lots more. Yet, despite superior numbers when violence occurred they were the ones who came out on the short end. (Now I want to know who on that side has been pushing them to 'charge the machine guns.')

Speaking as a guy who has broken up more than my fair share of fights, I can tell you when Asshole #1 and Asshole #2 go at it, someone is going to lose if it isn't broken up in time. That does NOT mean that the guy who lost is a "victim," much less Sweet Innocent Little Bo Peep. Every shred of evidence I have seen indicates A-1 and A-2 went looking for a fight and went out of their ways to find each other.

So let's stop and recap. You have citizens launching at each other with religious fanaticism levels of zealotry. These groups are convinced they're 'right' and are acting in 'self-defense.' They have ideological agendas, rhetoric anger and perceived victimhood to not just fuel their violence, but makes them right with God. They're hiding behind their 'right to free speech.' They out number the cops and are gaming the system. And most of all, beyond their own private echo chambers they have a fuckin' grandstand full of people unwittingly cheering them on.

I have been trying to warn people to back off from encouraging this course of action for a few years now. The virtue signalling, the politics, the pushing agendas, the insulting, condemning and demanding, all this has been pushing towards this shitstorm. I have been pleading people to stop with the hatred and venom.

And you know what? I have taken untold levels of shit about it -- particularly from people on the coasts. It's their RIGHT to hate and abuse their fellow citizens because of ______ism. Those terrible people DESERVE the abuse, scorn, and hatred they're being targeted with because of 'wrong think.' Oh and now that "Animal" is talking like this, he must be a ____ wing asshole so he deserves it too.

Well guess what? You still don't realize how scary and dangerous these fuckers really are. Murderous? That's just a word to you right now. I pray to the gawds, bodies don't start stacking.

Worse, there is a self-righteous myopia from people have been provoking them, spitting on them and sneering at them. But now that someone has finally died, let's turn that person into a martyr, and up the volume and outrage. In short, keep doing the same behavior that's been pissing these crazy fucks off, but louder.

So let's agree to knock of the blaming the other side, start pulling support from the assholes on 'our side' and realize that pretty much everyone is either pissed off, scared, hurt or concerned about shit kicking off before it actually does kick off.

*This was in response to an outraged someone
The guy who wrote that is a pussy.

Liberals, arm yourselves.
Its hard to not want to put these assholes down like the one in this video. The man paying respect showed much restraint


This is exactly what I have been trying to tell people for yeas, and this guy has apparently seen some of the same stuff I have as well.

Marc MacYoung
* I knew last year there was a peace accord signed by multiple violent, criminal and racist organizations. It scared the fuck out out me when I heard about it. Here's a hint, it's a LOT bigger than Charlottesville or even the State of Virginia.

And since biker gangs are involved, it involves gun running and drugs to finance the barking moonbats acquiring military grade hardware. Why the FUCK do you think I've been trying to warn people about the growing danger of the 'savage right' and to back off from being such hostile, antagonistic shitheads?

But NOOOOOOoooooo "We're too righteous in our anger and cause. Oh and we're right about what ignorant wretches the rest of the country is. So we're going to keep on kicking that dog." (Yeah, remember that article?)

You think these asshats came prepared for murder? Oh HELL no. Did you see the squad of guys with long guns and long guns? Did you see how they were moving in coordinated action? If they opened up the body count would have been in the hundreds. How many bombs went off? Snipers on the roof? RPGs taking out police armored vehicles? Coordinated firefights with the cops? 'Cause that's the level of shit I am absolutely terrified of happening and what the batshit crazy motherfuckers are gearing up for.

I also took one look at the equipment, tactics, coordinated action and chain of command on the part of the right wing assholes. That shit didn't happen in just a week. In fact, if you pay attention you'll see me and a few other folks talking about things we saw that seriously concern us. (So maybe instead of you opining about murderous bastards you can ask violence professionals what we saw. And most of all, why it concerns us -- because there are indicators of some next level shit.) I want you to stop and SERIOUSLY consider this next statement: Just like the Battle for Berkeley were dry runs for extremists on the other side, Charlottesville was a test run for these assholes.

Yeah, you've got more reasons than you know to be concerned.

Having said all this. That doesn't mean there wasn't organization and planned violence by the counter protestors. They too showed up looking 'for a fight.' They just weren't as good at violence, as coordinated and organized. There were just more of them, lots and lots more. Yet, despite superior numbers when violence occurred they were the ones who came out on the short end. (Now I want to know who on that side has been pushing them to 'charge the machine guns.')

Speaking as a guy who has broken up more than my fair share of fights, I can tell you when Asshole #1 and Asshole #2 go at it, someone is going to lose if it isn't broken up in time. That does NOT mean that the guy who lost is a "victim," much less Sweet Innocent Little Bo Peep. Every shred of evidence I have seen indicates A-1 and A-2 went looking for a fight and went out of their ways to find each other.

So let's stop and recap. You have citizens launching at each other with religious fanaticism levels of zealotry. These groups are convinced they're 'right' and are acting in 'self-defense.' They have ideological agendas, rhetoric anger and perceived victimhood to not just fuel their violence, but makes them right with God. They're hiding behind their 'right to free speech.' They out number the cops and are gaming the system. And most of all, beyond their own private echo chambers they have a fuckin' grandstand full of people unwittingly cheering them on.

I have been trying to warn people to back off from encouraging this course of action for a few years now. The virtue signalling, the politics, the pushing agendas, the insulting, condemning and demanding, all this has been pushing towards this shitstorm. I have been pleading people to stop with the hatred and venom.

And you know what? I have taken untold levels of shit about it -- particularly from people on the coasts. It's their RIGHT to hate and abuse their fellow citizens because of ______ism. Those terrible people DESERVE the abuse, scorn, and hatred they're being targeted with because of 'wrong think.' Oh and now that "Animal" is talking like this, he must be a ____ wing asshole so he deserves it too.

Well guess what? You still don't realize how scary and dangerous these fuckers really are. Murderous? That's just a word to you right now. I pray to the gawds, bodies don't start stacking.

Worse, there is a self-righteous myopia from people have been provoking them, spitting on them and sneering at them. But now that someone has finally died, let's turn that person into a martyr, and up the volume and outrage. In short, keep doing the same behavior that's been pissing these crazy fucks off, but louder.

So let's agree to knock of the blaming the other side, start pulling support from the assholes on 'our side' and realize that pretty much everyone is either pissed off, scared, hurt or concerned about shit kicking off before it actually does kick off.

*This was in response to an outraged someone
The guy who wrote that is a pussy.

Liberals, arm yourselves.

Yes, that would be wise and prudent

This is exactly what I have been trying to tell people for yeas, and this guy has apparently seen some of the same stuff I have as well.

Marc MacYoung
* I knew last year there was a peace accord signed by multiple violent, criminal and racist organizations. It scared the fuck out out me when I heard about it. Here's a hint, it's a LOT bigger than Charlottesville or even the State of Virginia.

And since biker gangs are involved, it involves gun running and drugs to finance the barking moonbats acquiring military grade hardware. Why the FUCK do you think I've been trying to warn people about the growing danger of the 'savage right' and to back off from being such hostile, antagonistic shitheads?

But NOOOOOOoooooo "We're too righteous in our anger and cause. Oh and we're right about what ignorant wretches the rest of the country is. So we're going to keep on kicking that dog." (Yeah, remember that article?)

You think these asshats came prepared for murder? Oh HELL no. Did you see the squad of guys with long guns and long guns? Did you see how they were moving in coordinated action? If they opened up the body count would have been in the hundreds. How many bombs went off? Snipers on the roof? RPGs taking out police armored vehicles? Coordinated firefights with the cops? 'Cause that's the level of shit I am absolutely terrified of happening and what the batshit crazy motherfuckers are gearing up for.

I also took one look at the equipment, tactics, coordinated action and chain of command on the part of the right wing assholes. That shit didn't happen in just a week. In fact, if you pay attention you'll see me and a few other folks talking about things we saw that seriously concern us. (So maybe instead of you opining about murderous bastards you can ask violence professionals what we saw. And most of all, why it concerns us -- because there are indicators of some next level shit.) I want you to stop and SERIOUSLY consider this next statement: Just like the Battle for Berkeley were dry runs for extremists on the other side, Charlottesville was a test run for these assholes.

Yeah, you've got more reasons than you know to be concerned.

Having said all this. That doesn't mean there wasn't organization and planned violence by the counter protestors. They too showed up looking 'for a fight.' They just weren't as good at violence, as coordinated and organized. There were just more of them, lots and lots more. Yet, despite superior numbers when violence occurred they were the ones who came out on the short end. (Now I want to know who on that side has been pushing them to 'charge the machine guns.')

Speaking as a guy who has broken up more than my fair share of fights, I can tell you when Asshole #1 and Asshole #2 go at it, someone is going to lose if it isn't broken up in time. That does NOT mean that the guy who lost is a "victim," much less Sweet Innocent Little Bo Peep. Every shred of evidence I have seen indicates A-1 and A-2 went looking for a fight and went out of their ways to find each other.

So let's stop and recap. You have citizens launching at each other with religious fanaticism levels of zealotry. These groups are convinced they're 'right' and are acting in 'self-defense.' They have ideological agendas, rhetoric anger and perceived victimhood to not just fuel their violence, but makes them right with God. They're hiding behind their 'right to free speech.' They out number the cops and are gaming the system. And most of all, beyond their own private echo chambers they have a fuckin' grandstand full of people unwittingly cheering them on.

I have been trying to warn people to back off from encouraging this course of action for a few years now. The virtue signalling, the politics, the pushing agendas, the insulting, condemning and demanding, all this has been pushing towards this shitstorm. I have been pleading people to stop with the hatred and venom.

And you know what? I have taken untold levels of shit about it -- particularly from people on the coasts. It's their RIGHT to hate and abuse their fellow citizens because of ______ism. Those terrible people DESERVE the abuse, scorn, and hatred they're being targeted with because of 'wrong think.' Oh and now that "Animal" is talking like this, he must be a ____ wing asshole so he deserves it too.

Well guess what? You still don't realize how scary and dangerous these fuckers really are. Murderous? That's just a word to you right now. I pray to the gawds, bodies don't start stacking.

Worse, there is a self-righteous myopia from people have been provoking them, spitting on them and sneering at them. But now that someone has finally died, let's turn that person into a martyr, and up the volume and outrage. In short, keep doing the same behavior that's been pissing these crazy fucks off, but louder.

So let's agree to knock of the blaming the other side, start pulling support from the assholes on 'our side' and realize that pretty much everyone is either pissed off, scared, hurt or concerned about shit kicking off before it actually does kick off.

*This was in response to an outraged someone
The guy who wrote that is a pussy.

Liberals, arm yourselves.

So you have two choices: You buy weapons from legitimate gun dealers, most of whom are Trump-supporters.

Or you buy them from street thugs, drug dealers, thieves, or other criminals.

Either way is fine with me, but I'll be laughing my ass off when I watch you idiots burn like the Symbionese Liberation Army did in '74. Or in Philadelphia when the MOVE group was bombed and burned out by the police...

Symbionese Liberation Army - Wikipedia
MOVE - Wikipedia

Or the BLM shithead the Dallas cops blew up with a robot. That was really entertaining...

Dallas cops use military robot to blow up cornered suspect
Do please. Entertain us some more.
So you have two choices: You buy weapons from legitimate gun dealers, most of whom are Trump-supporters.

Or you buy them from street thugs, drug dealers, thieves, or other criminals.

Either way is fine with me, but I'll be laughing my ass off when I watch you idiots burn like the Symbionese Liberation Army did in '74. Or in Philadelphia when the MOVE group was bombed and burned out by the police...

Symbionese Liberation Army - Wikipedia
MOVE - Wikipedia

Or the BLM shithead the Dallas cops blew up with a robot. That was really entertaining...

Dallas cops use military robot to blow up cornered suspect
Do please. Entertain us some more.
Blackflag is a keyboard Superhero, no worries.

Blackflag, you should charge these machine guns! Yeeeehhhaaawwww!
So you have two choices: You buy weapons from legitimate gun dealers, most of whom are Trump-supporters.

Or you buy them from street thugs, drug dealers, thieves, or other criminals.

Either way is fine with me, but I'll be laughing my ass off when I watch you idiots burn like the Symbionese Liberation Army did in '74. Or in Philadelphia when the MOVE group was bombed and burned out by the police...

Symbionese Liberation Army - Wikipedia
MOVE - Wikipedia

Or the BLM shithead the Dallas cops blew up with a robot. That was really entertaining...

Dallas cops use military robot to blow up cornered suspect
Do please. Entertain us some more.
Blackflag is a keyboard Superhero, no worries.

Blackflag, you should charge these machine guns! Yeeeehhhaaawwww!

I think I found a pic of Blackfag on the internet


This is exactly what I have been trying to tell people for yeas, and this guy has apparently seen some of the same stuff I have as well.

Marc MacYoung
* I knew last year there was a peace accord signed by multiple violent, criminal and racist organizations. It scared the fuck out out me when I heard about it. Here's a hint, it's a LOT bigger than Charlottesville or even the State of Virginia.

And since biker gangs are involved, it involves gun running and drugs to finance the barking moonbats acquiring military grade hardware. Why the FUCK do you think I've been trying to warn people about the growing danger of the 'savage right' and to back off from being such hostile, antagonistic shitheads?

But NOOOOOOoooooo "We're too righteous in our anger and cause. Oh and we're right about what ignorant wretches the rest of the country is. So we're going to keep on kicking that dog." (Yeah, remember that article?)

You think these asshats came prepared for murder? Oh HELL no. Did you see the squad of guys with long guns and long guns? Did you see how they were moving in coordinated action? If they opened up the body count would have been in the hundreds. How many bombs went off? Snipers on the roof? RPGs taking out police armored vehicles? Coordinated firefights with the cops? 'Cause that's the level of shit I am absolutely terrified of happening and what the batshit crazy motherfuckers are gearing up for.

I also took one look at the equipment, tactics, coordinated action and chain of command on the part of the right wing assholes. That shit didn't happen in just a week. In fact, if you pay attention you'll see me and a few other folks talking about things we saw that seriously concern us. (So maybe instead of you opining about murderous bastards you can ask violence professionals what we saw. And most of all, why it concerns us -- because there are indicators of some next level shit.) I want you to stop and SERIOUSLY consider this next statement: Just like the Battle for Berkeley were dry runs for extremists on the other side, Charlottesville was a test run for these assholes.

Yeah, you've got more reasons than you know to be concerned.

Having said all this. That doesn't mean there wasn't organization and planned violence by the counter protestors. They too showed up looking 'for a fight.' They just weren't as good at violence, as coordinated and organized. There were just more of them, lots and lots more. Yet, despite superior numbers when violence occurred they were the ones who came out on the short end. (Now I want to know who on that side has been pushing them to 'charge the machine guns.')

Speaking as a guy who has broken up more than my fair share of fights, I can tell you when Asshole #1 and Asshole #2 go at it, someone is going to lose if it isn't broken up in time. That does NOT mean that the guy who lost is a "victim," much less Sweet Innocent Little Bo Peep. Every shred of evidence I have seen indicates A-1 and A-2 went looking for a fight and went out of their ways to find each other.

So let's stop and recap. You have citizens launching at each other with religious fanaticism levels of zealotry. These groups are convinced they're 'right' and are acting in 'self-defense.' They have ideological agendas, rhetoric anger and perceived victimhood to not just fuel their violence, but makes them right with God. They're hiding behind their 'right to free speech.' They out number the cops and are gaming the system. And most of all, beyond their own private echo chambers they have a fuckin' grandstand full of people unwittingly cheering them on.

I have been trying to warn people to back off from encouraging this course of action for a few years now. The virtue signalling, the politics, the pushing agendas, the insulting, condemning and demanding, all this has been pushing towards this shitstorm. I have been pleading people to stop with the hatred and venom.

And you know what? I have taken untold levels of shit about it -- particularly from people on the coasts. It's their RIGHT to hate and abuse their fellow citizens because of ______ism. Those terrible people DESERVE the abuse, scorn, and hatred they're being targeted with because of 'wrong think.' Oh and now that "Animal" is talking like this, he must be a ____ wing asshole so he deserves it too.

Well guess what? You still don't realize how scary and dangerous these fuckers really are. Murderous? That's just a word to you right now. I pray to the gawds, bodies don't start stacking.

Worse, there is a self-righteous myopia from people have been provoking them, spitting on them and sneering at them. But now that someone has finally died, let's turn that person into a martyr, and up the volume and outrage. In short, keep doing the same behavior that's been pissing these crazy fucks off, but louder.

So let's agree to knock of the blaming the other side, start pulling support from the assholes on 'our side' and realize that pretty much everyone is either pissed off, scared, hurt or concerned about shit kicking off before it actually does kick off.

*This was in response to an outraged someone
The guy who wrote that is a pussy.

Liberals, arm yourselves.

Yeah, that's going to do you a lot of good when the other guys are disciplined and have been practicing with guns for decades. :cuckoo:

I thought leftists were for gun control, what's up?
It has to happen. The left intends on destroying the country so that it can be transformed. Just like obama said. It has to be transformed.
This is exactly what I have been trying to tell people for yeas, and this guy has apparently seen some of the same stuff I have as well.

Marc MacYoung
* I knew last year there was a peace accord signed by multiple violent, criminal and racist organizations. It scared the fuck out out me when I heard about it. Here's a hint, it's a LOT bigger than Charlottesville or even the State of Virginia.

And since biker gangs are involved, it involves gun running and drugs to finance the barking moonbats acquiring military grade hardware. Why the FUCK do you think I've been trying to warn people about the growing danger of the 'savage right' and to back off from being such hostile, antagonistic shitheads?

But NOOOOOOoooooo "We're too righteous in our anger and cause. Oh and we're right about what ignorant wretches the rest of the country is. So we're going to keep on kicking that dog." (Yeah, remember that article?)

You think these asshats came prepared for murder? Oh HELL no. Did you see the squad of guys with long guns and long guns? Did you see how they were moving in coordinated action? If they opened up the body count would have been in the hundreds. How many bombs went off? Snipers on the roof? RPGs taking out police armored vehicles? Coordinated firefights with the cops? 'Cause that's the level of shit I am absolutely terrified of happening and what the batshit crazy motherfuckers are gearing up for.

I also took one look at the equipment, tactics, coordinated action and chain of command on the part of the right wing assholes. That shit didn't happen in just a week. In fact, if you pay attention you'll see me and a few other folks talking about things we saw that seriously concern us. (So maybe instead of you opining about murderous bastards you can ask violence professionals what we saw. And most of all, why it concerns us -- because there are indicators of some next level shit.) I want you to stop and SERIOUSLY consider this next statement: Just like the Battle for Berkeley were dry runs for extremists on the other side, Charlottesville was a test run for these assholes.

Yeah, you've got more reasons than you know to be concerned.

Having said all this. That doesn't mean there wasn't organization and planned violence by the counter protestors. They too showed up looking 'for a fight.' They just weren't as good at violence, as coordinated and organized. There were just more of them, lots and lots more. Yet, despite superior numbers when violence occurred they were the ones who came out on the short end. (Now I want to know who on that side has been pushing them to 'charge the machine guns.')

Speaking as a guy who has broken up more than my fair share of fights, I can tell you when Asshole #1 and Asshole #2 go at it, someone is going to lose if it isn't broken up in time. That does NOT mean that the guy who lost is a "victim," much less Sweet Innocent Little Bo Peep. Every shred of evidence I have seen indicates A-1 and A-2 went looking for a fight and went out of their ways to find each other.

So let's stop and recap. You have citizens launching at each other with religious fanaticism levels of zealotry. These groups are convinced they're 'right' and are acting in 'self-defense.' They have ideological agendas, rhetoric anger and perceived victimhood to not just fuel their violence, but makes them right with God. They're hiding behind their 'right to free speech.' They out number the cops and are gaming the system. And most of all, beyond their own private echo chambers they have a fuckin' grandstand full of people unwittingly cheering them on.

I have been trying to warn people to back off from encouraging this course of action for a few years now. The virtue signalling, the politics, the pushing agendas, the insulting, condemning and demanding, all this has been pushing towards this shitstorm. I have been pleading people to stop with the hatred and venom.

And you know what? I have taken untold levels of shit about it -- particularly from people on the coasts. It's their RIGHT to hate and abuse their fellow citizens because of ______ism. Those terrible people DESERVE the abuse, scorn, and hatred they're being targeted with because of 'wrong think.' Oh and now that "Animal" is talking like this, he must be a ____ wing asshole so he deserves it too.

Well guess what? You still don't realize how scary and dangerous these fuckers really are. Murderous? That's just a word to you right now. I pray to the gawds, bodies don't start stacking.

Worse, there is a self-righteous myopia from people have been provoking them, spitting on them and sneering at them. But now that someone has finally died, let's turn that person into a martyr, and up the volume and outrage. In short, keep doing the same behavior that's been pissing these crazy fucks off, but louder.

So let's agree to knock of the blaming the other side, start pulling support from the assholes on 'our side' and realize that pretty much everyone is either pissed off, scared, hurt or concerned about shit kicking off before it actually does kick off.

*This was in response to an outraged someone
The guy who wrote that is a pussy.

Liberals, arm yourselves.

Liberals voluntarily disarm themselves and their friends.
This is exactly what I have been trying to tell people for yeas, and this guy has apparently seen some of the same stuff I have as well.

Marc MacYoung
* I knew last year there was a peace accord signed by multiple violent, criminal and racist organizations. It scared the fuck out out me when I heard about it. Here's a hint, it's a LOT bigger than Charlottesville or even the State of Virginia.

And since biker gangs are involved, it involves gun running and drugs to finance the barking moonbats acquiring military grade hardware. Why the FUCK do you think I've been trying to warn people about the growing danger of the 'savage right' and to back off from being such hostile, antagonistic shitheads?

But NOOOOOOoooooo "We're too righteous in our anger and cause. Oh and we're right about what ignorant wretches the rest of the country is. So we're going to keep on kicking that dog." (Yeah, remember that article?)

You think these asshats came prepared for murder? Oh HELL no. Did you see the squad of guys with long guns and long guns? Did you see how they were moving in coordinated action? If they opened up the body count would have been in the hundreds. How many bombs went off? Snipers on the roof? RPGs taking out police armored vehicles? Coordinated firefights with the cops? 'Cause that's the level of shit I am absolutely terrified of happening and what the batshit crazy motherfuckers are gearing up for.

I also took one look at the equipment, tactics, coordinated action and chain of command on the part of the right wing assholes. That shit didn't happen in just a week. In fact, if you pay attention you'll see me and a few other folks talking about things we saw that seriously concern us. (So maybe instead of you opining about murderous bastards you can ask violence professionals what we saw. And most of all, why it concerns us -- because there are indicators of some next level shit.) I want you to stop and SERIOUSLY consider this next statement: Just like the Battle for Berkeley were dry runs for extremists on the other side, Charlottesville was a test run for these assholes.

Yeah, you've got more reasons than you know to be concerned.

Having said all this. That doesn't mean there wasn't organization and planned violence by the counter protestors. They too showed up looking 'for a fight.' They just weren't as good at violence, as coordinated and organized. There were just more of them, lots and lots more. Yet, despite superior numbers when violence occurred they were the ones who came out on the short end. (Now I want to know who on that side has been pushing them to 'charge the machine guns.')

Speaking as a guy who has broken up more than my fair share of fights, I can tell you when Asshole #1 and Asshole #2 go at it, someone is going to lose if it isn't broken up in time. That does NOT mean that the guy who lost is a "victim," much less Sweet Innocent Little Bo Peep. Every shred of evidence I have seen indicates A-1 and A-2 went looking for a fight and went out of their ways to find each other.

So let's stop and recap. You have citizens launching at each other with religious fanaticism levels of zealotry. These groups are convinced they're 'right' and are acting in 'self-defense.' They have ideological agendas, rhetoric anger and perceived victimhood to not just fuel their violence, but makes them right with God. They're hiding behind their 'right to free speech.' They out number the cops and are gaming the system. And most of all, beyond their own private echo chambers they have a fuckin' grandstand full of people unwittingly cheering them on.

I have been trying to warn people to back off from encouraging this course of action for a few years now. The virtue signalling, the politics, the pushing agendas, the insulting, condemning and demanding, all this has been pushing towards this shitstorm. I have been pleading people to stop with the hatred and venom.

And you know what? I have taken untold levels of shit about it -- particularly from people on the coasts. It's their RIGHT to hate and abuse their fellow citizens because of ______ism. Those terrible people DESERVE the abuse, scorn, and hatred they're being targeted with because of 'wrong think.' Oh and now that "Animal" is talking like this, he must be a ____ wing asshole so he deserves it too.

Well guess what? You still don't realize how scary and dangerous these fuckers really are. Murderous? That's just a word to you right now. I pray to the gawds, bodies don't start stacking.

Worse, there is a self-righteous myopia from people have been provoking them, spitting on them and sneering at them. But now that someone has finally died, let's turn that person into a martyr, and up the volume and outrage. In short, keep doing the same behavior that's been pissing these crazy fucks off, but louder.

So let's agree to knock of the blaming the other side, start pulling support from the assholes on 'our side' and realize that pretty much everyone is either pissed off, scared, hurt or concerned about shit kicking off before it actually does kick off.

*This was in response to an outraged someone
The guy who wrote that is a pussy.

Liberals, arm yourselves.

Come out to play a yaaah.

Do you really want to push these people to start another civil war?
This is exactly what I have been trying to tell people for yeas, and this guy has apparently seen some of the same stuff I have as well.

Marc MacYoung
* I knew last year there was a peace accord signed by multiple violent, criminal and racist organizations. It scared the fuck out out me when I heard about it. Here's a hint, it's a LOT bigger than Charlottesville or even the State of Virginia.

And since biker gangs are involved, it involves gun running and drugs to finance the barking moonbats acquiring military grade hardware. Why the FUCK do you think I've been trying to warn people about the growing danger of the 'savage right' and to back off from being such hostile, antagonistic shitheads?

But NOOOOOOoooooo "We're too righteous in our anger and cause. Oh and we're right about what ignorant wretches the rest of the country is. So we're going to keep on kicking that dog." (Yeah, remember that article?)

You think these asshats came prepared for murder? Oh HELL no. Did you see the squad of guys with long guns and long guns? Did you see how they were moving in coordinated action? If they opened up the body count would have been in the hundreds. How many bombs went off? Snipers on the roof? RPGs taking out police armored vehicles? Coordinated firefights with the cops? 'Cause that's the level of shit I am absolutely terrified of happening and what the batshit crazy motherfuckers are gearing up for.

I also took one look at the equipment, tactics, coordinated action and chain of command on the part of the right wing assholes. That shit didn't happen in just a week. In fact, if you pay attention you'll see me and a few other folks talking about things we saw that seriously concern us. (So maybe instead of you opining about murderous bastards you can ask violence professionals what we saw. And most of all, why it concerns us -- because there are indicators of some next level shit.) I want you to stop and SERIOUSLY consider this next statement: Just like the Battle for Berkeley were dry runs for extremists on the other side, Charlottesville was a test run for these assholes.

Yeah, you've got more reasons than you know to be concerned.

Having said all this. That doesn't mean there wasn't organization and planned violence by the counter protestors. They too showed up looking 'for a fight.' They just weren't as good at violence, as coordinated and organized. There were just more of them, lots and lots more. Yet, despite superior numbers when violence occurred they were the ones who came out on the short end. (Now I want to know who on that side has been pushing them to 'charge the machine guns.')

Speaking as a guy who has broken up more than my fair share of fights, I can tell you when Asshole #1 and Asshole #2 go at it, someone is going to lose if it isn't broken up in time. That does NOT mean that the guy who lost is a "victim," much less Sweet Innocent Little Bo Peep. Every shred of evidence I have seen indicates A-1 and A-2 went looking for a fight and went out of their ways to find each other.

So let's stop and recap. You have citizens launching at each other with religious fanaticism levels of zealotry. These groups are convinced they're 'right' and are acting in 'self-defense.' They have ideological agendas, rhetoric anger and perceived victimhood to not just fuel their violence, but makes them right with God. They're hiding behind their 'right to free speech.' They out number the cops and are gaming the system. And most of all, beyond their own private echo chambers they have a fuckin' grandstand full of people unwittingly cheering them on.

I have been trying to warn people to back off from encouraging this course of action for a few years now. The virtue signalling, the politics, the pushing agendas, the insulting, condemning and demanding, all this has been pushing towards this shitstorm. I have been pleading people to stop with the hatred and venom.

And you know what? I have taken untold levels of shit about it -- particularly from people on the coasts. It's their RIGHT to hate and abuse their fellow citizens because of ______ism. Those terrible people DESERVE the abuse, scorn, and hatred they're being targeted with because of 'wrong think.' Oh and now that "Animal" is talking like this, he must be a ____ wing asshole so he deserves it too.

Well guess what? You still don't realize how scary and dangerous these fuckers really are. Murderous? That's just a word to you right now. I pray to the gawds, bodies don't start stacking.

Worse, there is a self-righteous myopia from people have been provoking them, spitting on them and sneering at them. But now that someone has finally died, let's turn that person into a martyr, and up the volume and outrage. In short, keep doing the same behavior that's been pissing these crazy fucks off, but louder.

So let's agree to knock of the blaming the other side, start pulling support from the assholes on 'our side' and realize that pretty much everyone is either pissed off, scared, hurt or concerned about shit kicking off before it actually does kick off.

*This was in response to an outraged someone
The guy who wrote that is a pussy.

Liberals, arm yourselves.
Please arm yourselves. Our stockpiles of munitions are gowing to unsustainable levels and a thousand rounds a week isn't enough to get them down fast enough!

I hear that, ahem, derringers are really good combat weapons....assault derringers I hear them called every day......

Oh, and air rifles are very quiet, no one will hear you shoot them......

I think Double Tap makes those combat derringers...and I hear the Special Forces and spies in movies talking about how important Double Taps are in life and death situations...we should definitely get one of those...

DoubleTap Defense - Creators of DoubleTap™


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