A Vote For Obamney Is a Wasted Vote, Gary Johnson Only One Who Stands for Liberty

Ad populum fallacy. Popularity doesn't determine what is right.

If you lived in Germany in the 40s you would be saying we should vote for Hitler because he is the most popular and the opposing decent candidate is an unpopular nerd.

as a politician Hilter was really good, this usually freaks out our teachers, but because he was a good politician he was a popular choice and at the time Germany, much like us, ignored evidence and went with the feel good but in hilters case , a good politician.

Hey, way to point out the obvious. Of course Hitler was a great politician. He was a master at manipulating the masses, gained near unanimous support, executing every policy he desired, of course he was good at it, he was a masterful politician. He was also a murdering eugenecist monster fascist dictator funded by the Rothschild's and Bush's.

and the democrat side of you has come out.
and the democrat side of you has come out.

You are so brainwashed into the false left-right paradigm that you think everything is about Democrat or Republican. You can't see that I am not enslaved into the two-party dictatorship like you.

No democrat I have seen ever points out Prescott Bush funding the Nazis. If I was Democrat, you think I would be anti-Obama and anti-Clinton? Explain that.

Hey since youre so smart, tell me what party I'm in for opposing Rothschild?
Or you can join the 47% who are not voting at all. That sends a message, too. A message that says, "You fuckers didn't EARN my vote."

Not voting only sends the message that Americans are too lazy to vote.
Now if on the ballot, there was a choice to "reject all candidates and try again" that might say, "You fuckers didn't EARN my vote."
However that is not going to happen.
What can happen is that the 47% who are not voting at all, get up and vote for anyone other than Obama or Romney. That would show
the 2 major parties that they have not earned your vote.
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"The only way you can be free is if you agree with me"

And you wonder why you don't win.
Anything to protest the criminal division of the country into two parties that only form one political concept, the DemReps.

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