A time to be grateful and in awe


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
Carrabelle, fl. 60 miles s of tallahassee
Sometimes one has to admit his blessings and the wonder of technology. Thursday I went in to have a cyst removed in my lower vertebrae that was pressing against the nerves and causing intermittent severe pain. At the same time the neurosurgeon in stalled a coflex device. This is really nothing more,than a spring that adds support and flexibility to the vertebrae. It is not as invasive as fusion surgery and has been available in Europe for ten years but has just recently been approved for use in the us. There are only 200 surgeons qualified to do,this surgery in the country. The procedure went fine and I can already feel the benefits even while on some heavy pain meds I was home the same night.

The point is, thanks to modern medicine I will not be sitting on a porch somewhere in my cups trying to drink enough to dull the pain. I will not be dying sooner because of prostate cancer cause the thing is gone. My life will be longer and the quality of my life will be better thanks to unbelievable advances in medical technology. We should all,tip our hats to such liberating progress for our bodies. I am grateful and in awe to be a beneficiary of such medical miracles.

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