A Threesome, No More????

The contempt that the master class really feel for people in uniform is fairly obvious.

Oh theyll say all the right things, naturally when there's a photoOP to be had, but when it becomes an issue of paying these people, then they suddenly remember they're fiscal conservatives.
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The contempt that the master class really feel for people in uniform is fairly obvious.
Unless, of course, they're expected to show-up in one.



"A group of nine 9/11 first responders who arrived in Washington, DC, to pressure Congress into passing a health care bill were met with an unwelcome surprise: A police escort, courtesy of Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.

Collins called Capitol Police when she heard the activists were planning to arrive on the Hill and stay in senators' offices until they had the 60 votes needed to overcome a GOP filibuster of the health care bill for 9/11 responders, the New York Daily News reports.

But Collins's office apparently sensed the bad publicity a move like that would no doubt cause, because her staffers soon offered tepid support for the bill, telling the responders it will pass if it comes onto the Senate floor."

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