A Summary timeline of Hillary and The Russians


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
shes so sure the fix is in that she does not campaign in several key state right at the end Because...
She has created a fake GPS Fusion report, paid for by her, establishing a non existent relationship between Trump and the Russians And falsely obtained a FISA warrant from it on Trumps people
Then the midnight meltdown happens, she loses, the media weeps, she is so stumbling fit throwing drunk that she sends Peedesperate to give her concession speech
By next morning Libbies have lost it soooo bad that they promise never ending disruptions to Trumps ability to govern. Hillary chips in by assisting with transferring the "Russians" issue from her to Trump and the media laps it up and makes sure it sticks
Robert Mueller gets appointed to investigate the "Russians" with the predetermined intent to seek to remove Trump from office. The Russian baloney goes nowhere so a porn stars gets throw into the mix and the next rabbit hole is that she resulted in campaign financing violations. Conservatives question what happened to Russians and liberals respond Mueller can investigate anything and everything forever
I think we are up to date

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