A Successful Scam by Liberals That is By the Book


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
As many of us predicted, the latest tactic of the left to vilify Confederate flag owners is already resulting in people reacting with violence at the site of the flag. It started with people taking down flags and destroying them, but has quickly escalated to flag owners getting hurt.

The left has been fueling race wars to the point where false cases of racism were twisted into national stories. The Ferguson riots went on and on, with help from liberal groups who bussed in demonstrators. It didn't matter that the facts didn't support their narrative as they used the situation to increase tensions.

With a serious lack of real cases of racism to push their agenda, the left has been forced to get creative. Of course, they need to rely heavily on a grossly misinformed and uneducated base. They have been pushing 'white privilege', but only some indoctrinated young adults are buying into that. They needed simple cases that the useful idiots can grasp and bashing racist cops did the trick.

Crying racist cops has been effective, but it's no easy feat gathering paid protesters to bus around the country. Of course, failing to pay the last bunch has created some issues and threats of lawsuits to the liberal organizations that hired them. To avoid all the difficulties of organizing protests and riots, the left came up with a better plan. Declare all Confederate flag owners as racist. Now they don't have to go through the trouble of sending Sharpton and hired thugs to cities to incite riots.

The left was waiting for the opportune time to turn their attention on the Confederate flag. They swiftly moved to declare the flag a symbol of racism, as if it had anything to do with the attack on the church. They knew they had to move with their plan while people were still in shock. They know how to capitalize on people's vulnerabilities and emotions. They managed to rekindle the flames of race warfare, only this time with something that was everywhere and easily identifiable. (Well, at least to everyone but Sheila Jackson Lee, who presented a flag that was similar, but not the Confederate Flag, in one of her recent rants.) Libs everywhere are now dutifully following the talking points to go along with the notion that most southerners are racists and the flag is pointed to as proof of the accusations. Stroke of genius to point at a common item and encourage people to become outraged at the very site of it. I know some fire-breathing radicals are patting each other on the back now that their plan seems to be working.

They effectively poured gas all over the South and lit a single match. They just need to sit back and let the misinformed mobs do the dirty work. Never mind that it's all just another ruse. Some have been trained to become outraged in an instant and no amount of logic or common sense will penetrate the intense anger that the left has fueled for years.

I don't expect anyone from the Obama administration or liberal media to condemn the actions of those commiting violence against the flag owners. They will handle it the way they deal with radical Muslims who attack those who offend them- blame the victim. If you think you can exercise free speech in America these days, you are the problem, according to them. The sheeple, especially protected groups, are not expected to take criticism or insults lightly these days. It's become acceptable, or at least predictable, to lash out violently against those who say things you don't like. And the left knows there are millions of people who will continue to defend their right to free speech, so that means an endless stream of "racists" to keep people riled. Even with the absence of racist words or deeds, the number of accusations will increase dramatically. Just the sight of a simple flag will bring on the accusations and the 'instant justice' that is the new trend. The race wars continue stronger than ever. Well played, liberals. The dumbed-down suckers you've created over these last few decades are starting to work out for you. And it will never be politically correct to call out liberal dependent thugs who beat or kill people for no reason.

The left needs victims and villains and they just brilliantly made people believe there are plenty of both. Liberals are the real villains here and their actions have nothing to do with social justice or equal rights. They are following the plan to the letter and it's a pity more people aren't aware of Rules for Radicals, Cloward-Piven or any other successful plan that has bought many countries to their knees.



"He says the flag is being attacked in a "wave of political correctness" that is vilifying Southern culture."

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Maybe people should hang the ultimate Democrat flag up around town and see what happens... It could be interesting to watch!!!
Gay rebel flag.jpg
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I notice that you have mentioned "Rules for Radicals." I suggest people on the right read that book, and you will know EXACTLY why these things are happening. If you read it, you will be in shock. How they lay it out is EXACTLY what is happening; and when you come to the realization that our President was an Alinskyite and actually as a community organizer followed these principals, everything will become instantly clear of who/whom, what, and why most of this stuff is happening.

I am not a big fan of supporting Marxists or their books, but try to get "Rules for Radicals" from a library, or borrow one. It will be the single best educational thing you can do if you want to understand the elite liberal.

And when I say the "elite liberal," I am not speaking of the liberal screamers on here, they are just falling for the dogma. I am speaking of the people high up who feed them this crap and brainstorm for their new "buzzwords." And trust me when I tell you that if you are really into politics, this book will not be boring at all. After reading the theories, you will know, before the liberal screamers on here know, what is coming next, and what the elites will say to send them into a tizzy.

How to spot a liberal...................hint.............remember that flag they now hate? If you listened to the elites, they said, and I quote, "that is a racist symbol of our past, and it belongs in a museum!"

Now, if you listen to virtually every lib screamer, or those who do not scream, what do you hear them say? QUOTE, "the flag belongs in a museum." It is easy. Every lib screamer uses the buzzwords created by their fearless leaders.


A. Income inequality

b. Far right wingnuts

c. Racist

d. homophobe

e. fairshare

etc, etc.

They are all into GROUP THINK, and I believe (no I don't but it sounds good) that all the lib screamers call up their fearless leaders in the morning each and every day to get their list of buzzwords, lol.

Wait for it, wait for it!!!!!!!! I predict within 3 weeks time, we will be back to.........are you ready? Are you sure? THE WAR ON WOMEN!!!!!!!!!! Yes, the fabricated war on women, because we have to keep our mindless troops in a tizzy, so lets activate the females this time, lololol!

I have no doubt, that even as I type this, somewhere in Florida, Debbie Wasserman (I know nothing, nothing) Shultz is in a meeting on the phone with liberal elites, planning to start talking about how we evil conservatives want to take all womens birth control pills away from them. I AM SERIOUS! Watch, you will hear it if we have a lull.

It is sooo funny and obvious, most Americans should be laughing at them. Were it not for the mindless minions of the left who fall for this group think crapola, we probably would be thinking the libs are all comedians, lololol!
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I notice that you have mentioned "Rules for Radicals." I suggest people on the right read that book, and you will know EXACTLY why these things are happening. If you read it, you will be in shock. How they lay it out is EXACTLY what is happening; and when you come to the realization that our President was an Alinskyite and actually as a community organizer followed these principals, everything will become instantly clear of who/whom, what, and why most of this stuff is happening.

I am not a big fan of supporting Marxists or their books, but try to get "Rules for Radicals" from a library, or borrow one. It will be the single best educational thing you can do if you want to understand the elite liberal.

And when I say the "elite liberal," I am not speaking of the liberal screamers on here, they are just falling for the dogma. I am speaking of the people high up who feed them this crap and brainstorm for their new "buzzwords." And trust me when I tell you that if you are really into politics, this book will not be boring at all. After reading the theories, you will know, before the liberal screamers on here know, what is coming next, and what the elites will say to send them into a tizzy.
The people who are being controlled seriously aren't about reading. I see that day in and day out here, where they're caught repeatedly in big fat mistakes that if they had taken two seconds to google just a word or click on a link, they wouldn't have made. They truly are sheep.
All this hubbub about the Confederate flag is no more than the impotent rage the left feels, because they can't pass any serious anti-gun legislation. It's really the guns they hate but being unable to do anything about them, so they take their frustration out on a brightly-colored piece of cloth. How childish and pathetic.
All this hubbub about the Confederate flag is no more than the impotent rage the left feels, because they can't pass any serious anti-gun legislation. It's really the guns they hate but being unable to do anything about them, so they take their frustration out on a brightly-colored piece of cloth. How childish and pathetic.
They also need to outrace blue state defaults.
Have liberals shot up any churches yet?

No, just blew up some universities and police stations, and committed a bunch of political assassinations.

Liberals tend to avoid churches. Those crosses and bibles are like sunlight on vampires.
Have liberals shot up any churches yet?

No, just blew up some universities and police stations, and committed a bunch of political assassinations.

Liberals tend to avoid churches. Those crosses and bibles are like sunlight on vampires.

So now you're expressing your admiration for Dylann Roof. That's the least surprising thing I've read here today.
Have liberals shot up any churches yet?

No, just blew up some universities and police stations, and committed a bunch of political assassinations.

Liberals tend to avoid churches. Those crosses and bibles are like sunlight on vampires.

So now you're expressing your admiration for Dylann Roof. That's the least surprising thing I've read here today.

Your perception and reading skills are minimal. What did you not understand about my statement that every political assassination in this country was carried out by left-wingers? What did you not understand about my statement that the left has a long history of violence, including murder, terrorist, kidnapping, extortion, vandalism, and destruction of public and private property?

Just how did you read that I had anything but disgust for that shithead whose name I won't even invoke? Honestly, your skills at the utilization of Alisnky's "Rules for Radicals" really sucks. You must have flunked out of Radicalism 101 in college.
Aw, the poor racists are sad. They can't use their "get out racism free by calling it heritage" card anymore.

Racist confederate-flag-loving crybabies, we're all laughing at you now. What are you going to do about it? I mean, other than whining and crying even louder. I suggest you all read pull out your little red books of sayings from your DearLeaderAlinksy and learn what he instructs to do in such situations. JGalt here seems to be an especially avid Alinksy knobgobbler.
Aw, the poor racists are sad. They can't use their "get out racism free by calling it heritage" card anymore.

Racist confederate-flag-loving crybabies, we're all laughing at you now. What are you going to do about it? I mean, other than whining and crying even louder. I suggest you all read pull out your little red books of sayings from your DearLeaderAlinksy and learn what he instructs to do in such situations. JGalt here seems to be an especially avid Alinksy knobgobbler.

Actually we're laughing at you lefturds. The sales of Confederate merchandise soared up 3000% thanks to you people...

Confederate flag sales are skyrocketing - Business Insider

You've also forgotten how after your failed attempt to pass any gun legislation, gun and ammunition sales were the highest in recorded history.

Good going, lefturds! :banana:
So JGalt is bragging about being scammed by gun and ammo sellers who jacked up the prices in response to your panic?

Why would you think it bothers me that you were scammed by gun and ammo sellers? That just means more reasons to laugh at you.

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