A Study Offers Clues...will conservatives deny the science?

WHen you tell us that increasing life expectancy over the lat 100 yera sis due to more CO2 in the atmosphere you are automatically a dumbass

It wasn't me that said it. It was Drs. C.D. & S.B. Idso
Craig D. Idso is the founder and chairman of the board of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.
Now who is against scientists?
It is amazing that you think claiming CO2 is responsible for the increase in life expectances since 1900 is something intellegent

Then talk about them not me. It's their research.
I notice you are ignoring that our whole solar system is changing.
The whole solar system is changing, I don't think that our pollution is reaching our moon, mars and the rest of planets that are changing.
It wasn't me that said it. It was Drs. C.D. & S.B. Idso
Craig D. Idso is the founder and chairman of the board of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.
Now who is against scientists?
It is amazing that you think claiming CO2 is responsible for the increase in life expectances since 1900 is something intellegent

Then talk about them not me. It's their research.
I notice you are ignoring that our whole solar system is changing.
The whole solar system is changing, I don't think that our pollution is reaching our moon, mars and the rest of planets that are changing.
Only idiots like you think that other planets changing means humans aren't responsble for earths changes
It is amazing that you think claiming CO2 is responsible for the increase in life expectances since 1900 is something intellegent

Then talk about them not me. It's their research.
I notice you are ignoring that our whole solar system is changing.
The whole solar system is changing, I don't think that our pollution is reaching our moon, mars and the rest of planets that are changing.
Only idiots like you think that other planets changing means humans aren't responsble for earths changes

Did you read post # 18?
To blame pollution only and not ask why the whole system is changing is pretty blind ideology.
Then talk about them not me. It's their research.
I notice you are ignoring that our whole solar system is changing.
The whole solar system is changing, I don't think that our pollution is reaching our moon, mars and the rest of planets that are changing.
Only idiots like you think that other planets changing means humans aren't responsble for earths changes

Did you read post # 18?
To blame pollution only and not ask why the whole system is changing is pretty blind ideology.

Yes to believe reality is totally blind ideology
They didn't get it right in the 1970's and sold us all into believing that we were going into a mini ice age.

example number 1: When asked who is 'they' the conservatives who deny science expose themselves.

Who said we were going into a mini ice age?

and why doesn't Peach174 know: By 1980 the predictions about ice ages had ceased, due to the overwhelming evidence contained in an increasing number of reports that warned of global warming.
btw, Peach174's 'they' equals "some scientists suggested"

NASA NOAA = left :laugh2:
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Warming Shmarming....

Can anyone out there possibly defend pumping more pollution in to our environment?

Cleaner is better. The rest shouldn't matter. It's common courtesy... WE should be willing to give up profits in the now so that our kids have less of a mess in the future. And it's not like those to whom the profits in question matter the most couldn't stand to loose a few pounds.

you say cleaner air and Peach174 hears cleaner fuel

Ideology trumps reality every time.

NASA NOAA = left :laugh2:
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Warming Shmarming....

Can anyone out there possibly defend pumping more pollution in to our environment?

Cleaner is better. The rest shouldn't matter. It's common courtesy... WE should be willing to give up profits in the now so that our kids have less of a mess in the future. And it's not like those to whom the profits in question matter the most couldn't stand to loose a few pounds.

What a moron. Cleaner is not always better. A 0.00001% reduction in pollution that means everything we buy costs twice as much is not better. You behave as if these costs will have no impact on you but only on "corporate profits." Ideas like that are the sure indication of an economic ignoramus. The cost of pollution control impacts the price of everything you buy. It means a lower standard of living for you and your children and your grand children.

Face it: you're too stupid too vote.

The sure sign of a liberal is someone who never considers the cost of their idiotic schemes to improve the world.
WHen you tell us that increasing life expectancy over the lat 100 yera sis due to more CO2 in the atmosphere you are automatically a dumbass

It wasn't me that said it. It was Drs. C.D. & S.B. Idso
Craig D. Idso is the founder and chairman of the board of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.
Now who is against scientists?
It is amazing that you think claiming CO2 is respsonble for the increase in life expectances since 1900 is something intellegent

The use of fossil fuels definitely is responsible for part of the increase in our life expectency. Fossil fuels make all manner of techological miricals possible. they have vastly improved our standard of living.

Here's just one example. Before the invention of the automobile, our streets were covered with mountains of horse manure. Flies fed on this manure and as a result our cities were infested with vast blizzards of these pests. Flies spread disease like typhus. Replacing horses with automobiles therefore vastly reduced the incidence of certain diseases. It thereby directly increased our life expectency.
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Warming Shmarming....

Can anyone out there possibly defend pumping more pollution in to our environment?

Cleaner is better. The rest shouldn't matter. It's common courtesy... WE should be willing to give up profits in the now so that our kids have less of a mess in the future. And it's not like those to whom the profits in question matter the most couldn't stand to loose a few pounds.

What a moron. Cleaner is not always better. A 0.00001% reduction in pollution that means everything we buy costs twice as much...

cost benefit analysis as ideology? :rofl:

how pathetic. social engineering masked as conservative principle
Warming Shmarming....

Can anyone out there possibly defend pumping more pollution in to our environment?

Cleaner is better. The rest shouldn't matter. It's common courtesy... WE should be willing to give up profits in the now so that our kids have less of a mess in the future. And it's not like those to whom the profits in question matter the most couldn't stand to loose a few pounds.

What a moron. Cleaner is not always better. A 0.00001% reduction in pollution that means everything we buy costs twice as much...

cost benefit analysis as ideology? :rofl:

how pathetic. social engineering masked as conservative principle

In other words, price is no object?

What an imbecile. It's simple economics. Anyone who is willing to pay an infinite price for improvements that have no detectable impact on anything is an imbecile.

You are too stupid to vote. Crawl back into your hole.
will conservatives deny the science?

You mean "still"?

Or "again"?
What a moron. Cleaner is not always better. A 0.00001% reduction in pollution that means everything we buy costs twice as much...

cost benefit analysis as ideology? :rofl:

how pathetic. social engineering masked as conservative principle

In other words, price is no object?

What an imbecile. It's simple economics. Anyone who is willing to pay an infinite price for improvements that have no detectable impact on anything is an imbecile.

You are too stupid to vote. Crawl back into your hole.

In the pathetic whack-a-doodle world cost benefit analysis as ideology, things are always either or. :eusa_shifty:

Talking points: simple economics, infinite price, no detectable impact,..
cost benefit analysis as ideology? :rofl:

how pathetic. social engineering masked as conservative principle

In other words, price is no object?

What an imbecile. It's simple economics. Anyone who is willing to pay an infinite price for improvements that have no detectable impact on anything is an imbecile.

You are too stupid to vote. Crawl back into your hole.

In the pathetic whack-a-doodle world cost benefit analysis as ideology, things are always either or. :eusa_shifty:

Talking points: simple economics, infinite price, no detectable impact,..

So you reject economics? Is that really what you're saying?

And you call those who believe in applying cost-benefit analysis to government policy "whack-a-doodle?." The cost of a policy and its tangible benefits should never be a consideration?

You just proved you're a moron.
Yes to believe reality is totally blind ideology

So what is your theory, as to why all of our planets climates are changing ?

spam/diversion alert: this thread is NOT about other planets

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uSTOHa4Im4&feature=related]Muttley laugh-mix - YouTube[/ame]

It is about the fault in Calif, which is about climate change and about global warming.
Why is our Earth having more quakes, more volcano eruptions and a change in the climate.
Reasoning also should be asked why all of our planets climates are changing.
Warming Shmarming....

Can anyone out there possibly defend pumping more pollution in to our environment?

Cleaner is better. The rest shouldn't matter. It's common courtesy... WE should be willing to give up profits in the now so that our kids have less of a mess in the future. And it's not like those to whom the profits in question matter the most couldn't stand to loose a few pounds.

Yes, we all want cleaner fuel.
It's just that the technology isn't there yet. We are getting there, it's just going to take about 15 or 20 years (maybe a little less) but we will get cheap and cleaner fuel, just not right now.
Forcing the ones that we have now (like solar and wind) is just too expensive and most do not really work very well.

Bullshit. If the horse and buggy lobby had nearly the influence that carbon based transportation has today the streets would have stunk through the 60's.

I say we favor NO industry in our tax code. Not one. No special treatment in the tax code at all. Fair and simple taxes.

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