News: It's OK To Kill The Bald Eagle


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
for Green purposes. Without the exemption, it's a federal crime. I've not heard of such an exemption for other businesses, even those with success behind their belts:

Eagle Permits; Changes in the Regulations Governing Eagle Permitting

A Proposed Rule by the Fish and Wildlife Service on 04/13/2012


We propose to revise the regulations for permits for nonpurposeful take of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) and bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) where the take is associated with, but not the purpose of, an activity. We propose to extend the maximum term for programmatic permits to 30 years. The permits must incorporate conditions specifying additional measures that may be necessary to ensure the preservation of eagles, should monitoring data indicate the need for the measures. This change will facilitate the responsible development of renewable energy and other projects designed to operate for many decades, while continuing to protect eagles consistent with statutory mandates. For a permit valid for 5 years or more, we propose to charge an application processing fee sufficient to offset the estimated costs associated with working with the applicants to develop site plans and conservation measures, and prepare applications, and for us to review applications. For any project that is deemed likely to take eagles, we also propose to collect an additional administration fee when we grant a permit. The proposed change does not affect the tenure of any other migratory bird or eagle permit type.
The green killer: Scores of protected golden eagles dying after colliding with wind turbines


California's attempts to switch to green energy have inadvertently put the survival of the state’s golden eagles at risk.

Scores of the protected birds have been dying each year after colliding with the blades of about 5,000 wind turbines.

Now the drive for renewable power sources, such as wind and the sun, being promoted by President Obama and state Governor Jerry Brown has raised fears that the number of newborn golden eagles may not be able to keep pace with the number of turbine fatalities.

The death count along the ridgelines of the Bay Area’s Altamount Pass Wind Resource Area has averaged 67 a year for three decades.

The 200ft high turbines, which have been operating since the 1980s, lie in the heart of the grassy canyons that are home to one of the highest densities of nesting golden eagles in the US.

‘It would take 167 pairs of local nesting golden eagles to produce enough young to compensate for their mortality rate related to wind energy production,’ field biologist Doug Bell, manager of East Bay Regional Park District's wildlife programme, told the Los Angeles Times. ‘We only have 60 pairs,’ he added

Read more: The green killer: Scores of protected golden eagles dying after colliding with wind turbines | Mail Online
Sounds to me like an engineering problem. A noise maker on the blades, or some kind of light or paint pattern to warn off the eagles.
Because the release of mercury and lead into the atmosphere is not a good thing for the young of a certain species that I value. Also, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere right now is the equivelant of that of 15 million years ago when the sea level was 25 meters higher than today. And we are already seeing consequences in the form of more frequent and violent weather events. Both Swiss Re and Munich Re confirm this with real time records for the last 50 years.
Sounds to me like an engineering problem. A noise maker on the blades, or some kind of light or paint pattern to warn off the eagles.

One more think you don't know jack about. When an eagle hunts, he is focused very tightly on his prey. An eagle sees as if he were looking through binoculars, that is why they hunt from such a great altitude.

Tell you what, how about you go a day or so walking about your town only looking through binoculars and let me know how that works out for you.

The fact is that greens are willing to see eagles, vultures, migratory birds, etc go extinct rather than acknowlege that wind energy saw its zeneth 300 years ago and is a pointless waste of money today.
Because the release of mercury and lead into the atmosphere is not a good thing for the young of a certain species that I value. Also, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere right now is the equivelant of that of 15 million years ago when the sea level was 25 meters higher than today. And we are already seeing consequences in the form of more frequent and violent weather events. Both Swiss Re and Munich Re confirm this with real time records for the last 50 years.

Rocks you idiot, we aren't seeing anything like consequences. We are seeing nothing unusual or unprecedented in the climate. The only consequence I can see is that of letting people like you out of their cages to spew your bile all around.
Because the release of mercury and lead into the atmosphere is not a good thing for the young of a certain species that I value. Also, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere right now is the equivelant of that of 15 million years ago when the sea level was 25 meters higher than today. And we are already seeing consequences in the form of more frequent and violent weather events. Both Swiss Re and Munich Re confirm this with real time records for the last 50 years.

Rocks you idiot, we aren't seeing anything like consequences. We are seeing nothing unusual or unprecedented in the climate. The only consequence I can see is that of letting people like you out of their cages to spew your bile all around.

He can't help it, he's a brainwashed clone
Because the release of mercury and lead into the atmosphere is not a good thing for the young of a certain species that I value. Also, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere right now is the equivelant of that of 15 million years ago when the sea level was 25 meters higher than today. And we are already seeing consequences in the form of more frequent and violent weather events. Both Swiss Re and Munich Re confirm this with real time records for the last 50 years.

I won't disagree with your concerns regarding lead and mercury, but those compounds are far less prevalent today because of pollution controls and efficiencies of production. There's much room for improvement, so how about focusing on improvements rather than the absolute cessation of production? These risks are manageable and to an extent, acceptable considering the benefits.

I think the focus of this thread is the total acceptance of the risks of alternative energies production to the point of embracing the deaths of eagles and other birds to the extent of granting waivers for wanton slaughter.

As for Co2, I'm not as versed as you or others on this board to the pro or con but from what I've read the debate can go either way. I've stated before that I'm "on the fence". There are many other sources of Co2 emissions most notably ethanol plants and... breweries. Don't read much about that in the news.

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