A short guide to the charges facing Manafort and Gates


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The charges below (so far) is what Manafort and Gates will be facing. Several right wing nitwits claim that these charges are just a minor "setback" for these 2 men.......perhaps "forgetting" the why Gates choice to sing a few arias about his involvement within the Trump administration......

COUNT ONE: Conspiracy Against the United States

Both men are charged with conspiring together and with others to knowingly and intentionally defraud and commit crimes against the United States between 2006 and 2017. If found guilty of this count, each potentially faces up to five years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

COUNT TWO: Conspiracy to Launder Money

Both men are charged with conspiring together and with others to transfer funds from outside the United States to and through places inside the country without properly disclosing the transactions or paying required federal taxes. Penalties for this count include up to 20 years in federal prison and a fine of either $500,000 or twice the monetary value of the property involved in the transaction, whichever is greater.

COUNTS THREE THROUGH SIX: Failure to File Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts

The indictment alleges that for each calendar year between 2012 and 2015, Manafort failed to disclose to the U.S. Treasury Department that he had a financial interest in and authority over bank accounts in a foreign country involving more than $10,000. Penalties include up to 10 years in federal prison for each of the four counts and fines of up to $100,000, or up to 50 percent of the total value for the transactions, for each of the four years encompassed in the counts.

COUNTS SEVEN THROUGH NINE: Failure to File Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts

The indictment also alleges that between 2012 and 2014 Gates failed to disclose to the U.S. Treasury Department that he had a financial interest in and authority over bank accounts in a foreign country involving more than $10,000. Penalties include up to 10 years in federal prison for each of the four counts and fines of up to $100,000, or up to 50 percent of the total value for the transactions, for each of the four years encompassed in the counts.

COUNT TEN: Unregistered Agent of a Foreign Principal

Prosecutors allege that both men failed to register with the U.S. attorney general as foreign agents of the government of Ukraine, the Part of Regents and Yanukovych between 2008 and 2014. Penalties include up to five years in federal prison and up to $10,000 in fines.
COUNT ELEVEN: False and misleading statements under the Foreign Agents Registration Act

The indictment alleges that both men made multiple false statements to federal officials in relation to their failure to register as foreign agents of the Ukrainian government. Penalties include up to five yearsin federal prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

COUNT TWELVE: False Statements

Prosecutors allege that between November 2016 and February 2017 that Manafort and Gates conspired together and caused others to make false statements and conceal crimes against the United States. The penalty for this count is up to five years in prison.

A guide to all of the charges against Manafort and Gates
A short guide to the charges facing Manafort and Gates

NOBODY GIVES A FLYING CRAP about your list of charges against these guys! They were two unknowns who only became heard of because of the failed fishnet to dredge up anything against Trump! You got two guppies on penny-ante charges which Justice is now trying to throw the book at.

Conspiracy Against the United States? Don't make me laugh while you have Hillary Clinton walking around a free woman who conspired to use her government position to charge foreign nations millions for favors from State and sold secrets to the Chinese in the '90s.

Conspiracy to Launder Money? Same charge. Can you say Clinton Global Initiative and Foundation? C'mon.

False Statements? Comey gave a whole list of false statements from Hillary to the FBI on July 5, 2017. So long as things like this go unpunished, no one can take the investigations, or consequences of the two above with much interest. It's nothing more than a side show created to give you Trump haters something to hang onto.

Mark Levin says these charges are bogus and will be dropped....Manafort will either plea or be pardoned
A short guide to the charges facing Manafort and Gates

NOBODY GIVES A FLYING CRAP about your list of charges against these guys! They were two unknowns who only became heard of because of the failed fishnet to dredge up anything against Trump! You got two guppies on penny-ante charges which Justice is now trying to throw the book at.

Conspiracy Against the United States? Don't make me laugh while you have Hillary Clinton walking around a free woman who conspired to use her government position to charge foreign nations millions for favors from State and sold secrets to the Chinese in the '90s.

Conspiracy to Launder Money? Same charge. Can you say Clinton Global Initiative and Foundation? C'mon.

False Statements? Comey gave a whole list of false statements from Hillary to the FBI on July 5, 2017. So long as things like this go unpunished, no one can take the investigations, or consequences of the two above with much interest. It's nothing more than a side show created to give you Trump haters something to hang onto.

Then throw Hillary into the cell next to them so we can all be happy.

At this point I think it'll help my sanity to throw her in prison. Then conservatives can stop using her as an excuse for any crime republicans commit.
A short guide to the charges facing Manafort and Gates

NOBODY GIVES A FLYING CRAP about your list of charges against these guys! They were two unknowns who only became heard of because of the failed fishnet to dredge up anything against Trump! You got two guppies on penny-ante charges which Justice is now trying to throw the book at.

Conspiracy Against the United States? Don't make me laugh while you have Hillary Clinton walking around a free woman who conspired to use her government position to charge foreign nations millions for favors from State and sold secrets to the Chinese in the '90s.

Conspiracy to Launder Money? Same charge. Can you say Clinton Global Initiative and Foundation? C'mon.

False Statements? Comey gave a whole list of false statements from Hillary to the FBI on July 5, 2017. So long as things like this go unpunished, no one can take the investigations, or consequences of the two above with much interest. It's nothing more than a side show created to give you Trump haters something to hang onto.

Then throw Hillary into the cell next to them so we can all be happy.

At this point I think it'll help my sanity to throw her in prison. Then conservatives can stop using her as an excuse for any crime republicans commit.

What's your timeline to forgive treason? At what point does it become "too late" to remember past offenses and becomes "time to move on?" I want to be sure your timetable when these guys are let go and Trump goes unscathed so that after that I no longer want to hear you bitch about it.

OTHERWISE: if they can prosecute guys 25 years after the fact on the word of some women for alleged improper workplace advances, and IF the FBI can keep looking for an uncaptured escapee fleeing from justice for 60 years and still be looking for Nazi criminals from 1945, then it will never be too late to see to it justice is served and a traitor and mobster like Hillary Clinton will be hounded until the day she dies or is finally brought before a court willing to throw the key away on that piece of dirt.
A short guide to the charges facing Manafort and Gates

NOBODY GIVES A FLYING CRAP about your list of charges against these guys! They were two unknowns who only became heard of because of the failed fishnet to dredge up anything against Trump! You got two guppies on penny-ante charges which Justice is now trying to throw the book at.

Conspiracy Against the United States? Don't make me laugh while you have Hillary Clinton walking around a free woman who conspired to use her government position to charge foreign nations millions for favors from State and sold secrets to the Chinese in the '90s.

Conspiracy to Launder Money? Same charge. Can you say Clinton Global Initiative and Foundation? C'mon.

False Statements? Comey gave a whole list of false statements from Hillary to the FBI on July 5, 2017. So long as things like this go unpunished, no one can take the investigations, or consequences of the two above with much interest. It's nothing more than a side show created to give you Trump haters something to hang onto.

Then throw Hillary into the cell next to them so we can all be happy.

At this point I think it'll help my sanity to throw her in prison. Then conservatives can stop using her as an excuse for any crime republicans commit.

What's your timeline to forgive treason? At what point does it become "too late" to remember past offenses and becomes "time to move on?" I want to be sure your timetable when these guys are let go and Trump goes unscathed so that after that I no longer want to hear you bitch about it.

OTHERWISE: if they can prosecute guys 25 years after the fact on the word of some women for alleged improper workplace advances, and IF the FBI can keep looking for an uncaptured escapee fleeing from justice for 60 years and still be looking for Nazi criminals from 1945, then it will never be too late to see to it justice is served and a traitor and mobster like Hillary Clinton will be hounded until the day she dies or is finally brought before a court willing to throw the key away on that piece of dirt.

25 years? The charges being listed only go back 10 years. What the fuck are you rambling about?
The judge told Manafort that he's looking at living the rest of his life in jail.

Trumpsters : " this is no big deal. "
Nothing mentioned here involves the campaign.
Lmao. Who was Trump's CAMPAIGN manager?
God save us all from these buffoons.


Chairman of the Hillary campaign.. John Podesta

Russia Scandal Befalls Two Brothers: John and Tony Podesta
NOBODY GIVES A FLYING CRAP about your list of charges against these guys!

Interesting........what the fuck, then, are you doing on this thread ??? You must have SOME crap to give.....LOL

(P.S. Those are not MY charges; they're what Manafort and Gates are facing......)

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