A shameful week for America's liberal elites. The top 10 most ridiculous liberal atta

I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

Actually, it's about the media publishing accusations with no basis in fact. But don't let the facts get in the way of more total fucking bullshit.

Facts? What facts? All I hear is opinion. The right's opinion Loughner is "nuts" and was not influenced by anyone or anything but for marijuana; the left's opinion that Laughner is "nuts" and was influenced by the the angry rhetoric from the right.

There is one fact however. Both the right and left agree Laughner is mentally ill. The fact is, if both the left and right are correct a mentally ill/unstable man was able to buy a firearm, legally carry a firearm, purchase a couple of large capacity magazines and kill six human beings.
Isn't that the real issue here?


Someone who was universally recognized as being mentally ill had no problem buying a Glock with an extended clip
I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

The left made them the victims when they started accusing them, purely for political gain, of having connections to this slaughter, when they knew fully well that they didn't. So if you're upset that the focus has shifted off the real tragedy, well, you have only yourselves to blame.

The left turned them into a bunch of whiny little girls. How many were arrested? How many served time?


Their feelings were hurt? Right wing talk radio and FoxNews spend more time whining about how their dignity was besmirched than about the fact that 6 Americans lost their lives

They are an embarassment

Naturally, because we all know had Gabrielle Giffords been a Republican and Rush Limbaugh and RedState started shooting off their mouths immediately accusing left wing talking heads like Keith Olbermann of being responsible for the tragedy because of his rhetoric you'd all just sit there and shut up and not push back, right?

Don't be such a tool.

The whole thing became political right out of the door because of dishonest and tactless people in the media and everybody should be offended by it.

Then you are going to tell me liberals (LIKE TRUTHMATTERS) aren't trying to shamelessly profit off this tragedy?

Reaganomics caused this tragedy??????????

You might as well say Detente or "Whip Inflation Now" caused the Tragedy. Or how about Jimmy Carter's "Malaise" speech?

It makes about as much sense!

Not only are liberals proving they are completely shameless in trying to profit politically from this tragedy, they are proving shamelessless breeds total stupidity. Because, honestly, would a smart person come up with this rationalization?

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"Reaganomics"...is that the RW trickle down wealth nonsense?

What a croc of shutyomouth!

Its been destructive yes, far more than this recent event...but not specifically it.
The amount of crap the liberals have dredged up from who knows where to blame the Tucson shooting on past the point of absurdity long ago. Now it's simply a ridiculous parade of pathetic, moronic buffoons.
What I found to be dredged up crap was the RWer in the video w ho's example of "a bunch of libs using the term Blood Libel" was just ONE guy...in 2001.

The left made them the victims when they started accusing them, purely for political gain, of having connections to this slaughter, when they knew fully well that they didn't. So if you're upset that the focus has shifted off the real tragedy, well, you have only yourselves to blame.

The left turned them into a bunch of whiny little girls. How many were arrested? How many served time?


Their feelings were hurt? Right wing talk radio and FoxNews spend more time whining about how their dignity was besmirched than about the fact that 6 Americans lost their lives

They are an embarassment

Naturally, because we all know had Gabrielle Giffords been a Republican and Rush Limbaugh and RedState started shooting off their mouths immediately accusing left wing talking heads like Keith Olbermann of being responsible for the tragedy because of his rhetoric you'd all just sit there and shut up and not push back, right?

Don't be such a tool.

The whole thing became political right out of the door because of dishonest and tactless people in the media and everybody should be offended by it.


Everyone should be offended that a United States Congresswoman was shot in the streets of America while doing her job.

That is the story, not that a bunch of whiny Conservatives had their feelings hurt
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The left turned them into a bunch of whiny little girls. How many were arrested? How many served time?


Their feelings were hurt? Right wing talk radio and FoxNews spend more time whining about how their dignity was besmirched than about the fact that 6 Americans lost their lives

They are an embarassment

Naturally, because we all know had Gabrielle Giffords been a Republican and Rush Limbaugh and RedState started shooting off their mouths immediately accusing left wing talking heads like Keith Olbermann of being responsible for the tragedy because of his rhetoric you'd all just sit there and shut up and not push back, right?

Don't be such a tool.

The whole thing became political right out of the door because of dishonest and tactless people in the media and everybody should be offended by it.


Everyone should be offended that a United States Congresswoman was shot in the streets of America while doing her job.

That is the story, not that a bunch of whiny Conservatives had their feelings hurt

Yea, that's the story and that IS what we should be offended about. So, explain to me how - less than an hour after the shooting, the NYT was running with the 'right wing extremist' accusation. Where the hell is your outrage about the media's bullshit? The fucking liberal media started this bullshit. Not the right wing. We aren't complaining because our feelings are hurt.... we're complaining because a bunch of moronic lefties decided we were responsible.... without a shred of evidence. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature would be blaming the media for the accusation, not the right wing for objecting to being labeled as accessories.
I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

Let me tell you something s0n............the left cleaned its own clock on this one. Simply more exposure to reasonable Americans at how vile and hateful people on the left are..........will say and do anything to achieve their goals. Its all good...........
oh good a blog

You just can't call a spade a spade can you? The OP clearly shows that the Left blogosphere is as wrong as wrong can be and you refuse to debate honestly.

There is not ONE shred of fact that corroborates any of the Left's whining about Palin/Rush/Beck et.al as to any of the causes of the shootings.

I'm waiting for the Right to start hammering on Loughner's drug use and how marijuana needs to be banned, seriously banned, with mandatory drug tests. Forget about legalizing marijuana.

Smoking marijuana ups risk of schizophrenia: study | Reuters

We need to be sure that druggies get treatment, and don't get guns or ammo. Those are the facts. Its not rhetoric...its drug abuse.

If the right were going to start "hammering" as you say, they would have already done it.

It is proof positive that the saying "republicans and democrats are all the same" is bogus.

Democrats jumped right on the blood of the victims to try and profit politically.

Republicans haven't done anything but be respectful of the dead.
I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

I think we see the drama queens.

Liberals jump right into the fresh blood of the victims to try and profit politically and the minute anyone points OUT that's exactly what liberals are doing its:

"Oh how dare you fight back!"

"Don't you point out how shameless we are being, that's not fair!"

You know damn well that if this smear by the liberals had WORKED, they wouldn't be WHINING like this.

But, now that's obvious it failed with the American people what do they do? They WHINE!!!!!!!!!!

It's no fair it didn't work with the American People. It would have if you mean conservatives hadn't fought back!

How dare you "insert" yourself in the tragedy. Just because we sougyht to smear you doesn't mean you should "insert" yourselves by fighting back!!!!

Yadda yadda yadda. You guys tried a shameless attempt to profit politically after losing big on an election and it came off exactly that way.

And what do liberals do after they lose on something like this? They BLAME EVERYBODY ELSE BUT THEMSELVES IN TYPICAL LIBERAL FASHION.


I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

Actually, it's about the media publishing accusations with no basis in fact. But don't let the facts get in the way of more total fucking bullshit.

So you admit that to you it isn't about a shooting with dead and wounded victims.

Yeah, how dare conservatives not try to shameless profit politically from soemthing like that! :cuckoo:
LOL, see how the left now want to sweep under the Rug all the shit they and the Lamestream media stirred up by ACCUSING the Republicans, Palins map, the Tea party, violent speech for having a hand in this shooting.

but they sure DID agree with them ALL WEEK. we have the threads here to PROVE IT.

And it wasn't just the media either.

Like we are to now forget all the Democrats who have jumped on this to try and push the liberal agenda?

John Kery has even proposed pushing cap and tax again based on the shooting.

Or how about all the Democrats now jumping on the "Fairness Doctrine" bandwagon?
It looks like its about to be at least a full week with wails from The Right claiming victimhood.

I wonder if the powers that be will consider these romp material.

Another liberal whining it's no fair for conservatives to fight back!

Poor baby!

It's Journalistic Standards to bash a side of the Political spectrum with a no-holds-barred, unapologetic bias?
I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

Actually, it's about the media publishing accusations with no basis in fact. But don't let the facts get in the way of more total fucking bullshit.

So you admit that to you it isn't about a shooting with dead and wounded victims.

No, do you admit to being stupid?

I have, quite clearly, stated - more than once - that we should focus on the actual victims. Don't deflect. This is a fuck up of major proportions by the liberal media. We're sorry that you don't like it but don't deflect the blame onto conservatives for reacting to the bullshit and lies in your media. Your media made this about the right wing. Bitch at them for making it about us, and not about the actual victims. Do you have the courage to do that?
I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

Actually, it's about the media publishing accusations with no basis in fact. But don't let the facts get in the way of more total fucking bullshit.

What a bunch of drama queens...

People are lying dead in the streets of Tucson and the right wing thinks the tragedy is that they were called names

He says as he ignores what the left said after this tragedy!

1. Paul Krugman, The New York Times, January 8, 2011
We don’t have proof yet that this was political, but the odds are that it was. She’s been the target of violence before. And for those wondering why a Blue Dog Democrat, the kind Republicans might be able to work with, might be a target, the answer is that she’s a Democrat who survived what was otherwise a GOP sweep in Arizona, precisely because the Republicans nominated a Tea Party activist.

You know that Republicans will yell about the evils of partisanship whenever anyone tries to make a connection between the rhetoric of Beck, Limbaugh, etc. and the violence I fear we’re going to see in the months and years ahead. But violent acts are what happen when you create a climate of hate.
LOL, see how the left now want to sweep under the Rug all the shit they and the Lamestream media stirred up by ACCUSING the Republicans, Palins map, the Tea party, violent speech for having a hand in this shooting.

but they sure DID agree with them ALL WEEK. we have the threads here to PROVE IT.

Its been a week and the Conservatives are still whining like little children. What a bunch of pussies.

Listen to Rush, Hannity and Beck and the Tragedy in Tucson was that they were blamed.....

Breaks my heart

2. Keith Olbermann, MSNBC, January 8, 2011
This morning in Arizona, this time of the ever-escalating, borderline-ecstatic invocation of violence in fact or in fantasy in our political discourse, closed. It is essential tonight not to demand revenge, but to demand justice; to insist not upon payback against those politicians and commentators who have so irresponsibly brought us to this time of domestic terrorism, but to work to change the minds of them and their supporters – or if those minds tonight are too closed, or if those minds tonight are too unmoved, or if those minds tonight are too triumphant, to make sure by peaceful means that those politicians and commentators and supporters have no further place in our system of government.

If Sarah Palin, whose website put and today scrubbed bullseye targets on 20 Representatives including Gabby Giffords, does not repudiate her own part in amplifying violence and violent imagery in politics, she must be dismissed from politics – she must be repudiated by the members of her own party, and if they fail to do so, each one of them must be judged to have silently defended this tactic that today proved so awfully foretelling, and they must in turn be dismissed by the responsible members of their own party.

A shameful week for America's liberal elites. The top 10 most ridiculous left-wing attacks on US conservatives following the Arizona shootings – Telegraph Blogs
Oh it's not whining dear, it's NOT going to sit here and turn the other cheek this time while you all LIBEL and SLANDER OTHERS.

You will be HELD RESPONSIBLE. We will make sure of that.


They did their week load of smear and now they want us to shut up and not fight back or hold them responsibible for their actions.

I think all ten articles/comments quoted were over the line, except that I agree with #3.

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