A road to wealth for Blacks

There isn't one for blacks, only whites.

you forgot about Jackson, Sharpton, Joy Reid, Michael Eric Dyson, and DeRay McKisson and that's just for starters

No I didn't. The people you mention have nothing to do with the racism industry.

you people?!?!

that's racist

Since I didn't say that it can't be. Please stop trying to pretend that everything said by blacks about whites has the same meaning as when whites say it about blacks.

why would it not be the same only in reverse?

Mainly because I never said you people and then we have the history between the races whereby things have not been the same.
Is it racist to know there is only one, human, race?

Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?
Why haven't you noticed that it has been?

Because it hasn't
"IM2, postbly
Is it racist to know there is only one, human, race?

Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

: 20045477, member: 53913"]
Is it racist to know there is only one, human, race?

Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

Here's some dishonesty; it was pointed out in a post just after IM2's first question, a post he did not have the integrity to answer and you ignore:
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.

You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
Why Black America Calls SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas “Uncle Tom”-ish

Okay, most Black folk ‘hate’ Clarence Thomas is a strong thing to imply.

Let’s just say most African Americans are repulsed by the very thought of him and his history, as well as his work as a Supreme Court Justice for the United States of America.

His last atrocious behavior is tied into his anti-affirmative action work, and Thomas has never made a secret of the fact that he hates Affirmative Action with a passion.

The truth is that even though Thomas was admitted, through affirmative-action, to Holy Cross College, Notre Dame, Indiana, following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., he has done everything in his power to ‘derace’ himself, notwithstanding the blatant display of a confederate flag in his office when he was hired as Assistant Attorney General under then-Attorney General of Missouri, John Danforth.

His history in the Supreme Court, as well as his prior offerings, show that he makes no hidden matter of his personal issues with African-Americans, or his lack of a spine when it comes to matters of discrimination against minorities.

Some would say that maybe Thomas thought he was appointed to the Supremacy Court instead of the Supreme Court. His words “We can seek revenge or we can seek prosperity” are sketchy, seeing as to how his meaning of prosperity is diametrically opposed to anything beneficial to the Black community.

It appears that Clarence Thomas has never really figured out, in the midst of all this political posturing, who he is as a man, let alone as a Black man. He can talk the talk about the equalizing factor of individual merit, but he can’t walk the walk.

To this day and time, he still comes off in public as a very needy and highly insecure child-minded sort, having never surpassed that which he claims to be true of other persons–having never gotten over his own total dependency on proving himself ‘white enough’ in spite of the color of his skin.

Even his wife’s aunt Opal said of Thomas “I can guarantee you I was surprised when I found out . . . [Virginia] was going out with a black man. . . But he was so nice, we forgot he was black and he treated her so well, all of his other qualities made up for his being black.” To add to that, Thomas’ causes were once spearheaded and championed by some of the most notoriously racist whites with a national face in the history of civil rights, folk like Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, and David Duke, former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Why Black America Calls SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas "Uncle Tom"-ish | Urban Intellectuals

But white racists love him and tell us he's the type we need to be.
Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?
Why haven't you noticed that it has been?

Because it hasn't
"IM2, postbly
Is it racist to know there is only one, human, race?

Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

: 20045477, member: 53913"]
Is it racist to know there is only one, human, race?

Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

Here's some dishonesty; it was pointed out in a post just after IM2's first question, a post he did not have the integrity to answer and you ignore:
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.

You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
But you ARE a racist. It's plain for everyone to see.

So, you never answered my question: do blacks take ANY responsibility for today's black condition?
Why haven't you noticed that it has been?

Because it hasn't
"IM2, postbly
Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

: 20045477, member: 53913"]
Is it racist to know there is only one, human, race?

Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

Here's some dishonesty; it was pointed out in a post just after IM2's first question, a post he did not have the integrity to answer and you ignore:
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.

You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
But you ARE a racist. It's plain for everyone to see.

So, you never answered my question: do blacks take ANY responsibility for today's black condition?

According to who am I am racist? A bunch of whites who believe all Africans live in mud huts?

Fuck you and your question. Whites like you apparently don't want to take responsibility for what they have caused.
Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?
Why haven't you noticed that it has been?

Because it hasn't
"IM2, postbly
Is it racist to know there is only one, human, race?

Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

: 20045477, member: 53913"]
Is it racist to know there is only one, human, race?

Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

Here's some dishonesty; it was pointed out in a post just after IM2's first question, a post he did not have the integrity to answer and you ignore:
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.
You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.[/QUOTE]
Not being 'racist' in their own mind is very common among racists. The meaning of words is very democratic, however; language is what the majority says.
You are outvoted and pleading denials can't change that. You only degrade the valid arguments against racism.
Last edited:
Why haven't you noticed that it has been?

Because it hasn't
"IM2, postbly
Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

: 20045477, member: 53913"]
Is it racist to know there is only one, human, race?

Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

Here's some dishonesty; it was pointed out in a post just after IM2's first question, a post he did not have the integrity to answer and you ignore:
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.

You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
Not being 'racist' in their own mind is very common among racists. The meaning of words is very democratic, however; language is what the majority says.
You are outvoted and pleading denials can't change that. You only degrade the valid arguments against racism.

Well my life shows that I am not a racist, Out voted by who? Your vote doesn't count. A majority can be wrong. You're talking crazy. Go get some coffee.
Because it hasn't
"IM2, postbly
: 20045477, member: 53913"]Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

Here's some dishonesty; it was pointed out in a post just after IM2's first question, a post he did not have the integrity to answer and you ignore:
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.

You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
Not being 'racist' in their own mind is very common among racists. The meaning of words is very democratic, however; language is what the majority says.
You are outvoted and pleading denials can't change that. You only degrade the valid arguments against racism.

Well my life shows that I am not a racist, Out voted by who? Your vote doesn't count. A majority can be wrong. You're talking crazy. Go get some coffee.
Again, you return to in your own mind. No one here can see your life, we only witness your hypocritical words.
P.S. it's outvoted by whom.
May 2, 2013
Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”

I have been called “racist” by White people whenever I specifically reject a legislative, political, media/film/art, or cultural manifestation of White supremacy. I’ve also been called “racist” for recounting any experience that I have had with racism. The actual act of naming what I heard or experienced is deemed “racist.” The naming, deconstruction and discussion of experiences of this nature is important, however. As Black feminist scholar Patricia Hill Collins notes:

Naming daily life by applying language to everyday experience infuses it with the new meaning of consciousness. Naming becomes a way of transcending the limitations of intersecting oppressions.
Apparently, what I actually heard or experienced is of no concern or consequence to Whites seeking to call Black people or other people of colour racist.

There’s two reasons why Whites call people of colour (especially Black people) “racist.” First of all, it comes from a lack of understanding of the term (through ignorance or willful ignorance and hatred), its history and its consequences. As long as “racism” is viewed solely as “one person being mean to another person because of their race” or basically solely as an individual and arbitrary instance of prejudice with equal social capital between the individuals, Whites can obscure or ignore the ramifications of the historical (whether implied, microaggressions or overt racism), institutional, structural and systemic manifestations of White supremacy (which does NOT require extremism to exist) and racism.

A Black person being insulted based on slurs that facilitate(d)(s) oppression and genocide for centuries and that same sentiment behind that slur facilitates the denial of a plethora of opportunities as well as supports a plethora of types of discrimination and punishment represents a different magnitude and scope of an insult versus a Black person “hurting” a White person’s feelings, even if the former is rude. Oppression is about more than hurt feelings. The latter doesn’t even begin to encapsulate what the former is. Further, individual acts of harm from a person of colour to a White person may be an insult, a tort or a crime—but it does not connect to violence (which is more than just physical) used to facilitate the oppression of an entire people. (Even so, because the criminal justice system is about punishing Blacks and “protecting” Whites, a White person wouldn’t have to have the expectation that a Black person would go unpunished for harming them. More convictions and harsher sentences are factors. Even Black adolescents face more punishment than White adolescents. In fact, Whites should fear Whites, in regards to the criminal justice system.)

Many times an insult is not occurring—it’s just a Black person adamantly rejecting White supremacy. The rejection of White supremacy and racism themselves is not “reverse racism.” Rejecting White supremacy is not then telling Whites to be “ashamed” of Whiteness, as they should be able to live and thrive without the lie that is the claim of inherent superiority.

“Reverse racism,” as well as “misandry” and “heterophobia” are not forms of oppression. The oppressed deconstructing, rejecting and fighting oppression does not then make the privileged become oppressed. The privileged have no “right” to oppress, so losing the opportunity to oppress does not make the privileged become oppressed. If the privileged measure their freedom based on how much they can oppress or not, the know nothing of actual freedom. Nothing.

Whites ignore how White privilege protects them from racial oppression but does not for people of colour, especially Black people. They retreat to examining intersections where they may be oppressed (if they aren’t cisgender, heterosexual, White men in the socioeconomic 1% and living in the Western world)—intersections based on gender, class, sexual orientation, being trans*, weight and ability, while not realizing that despite any or all of these areas where oppression can manifest, they STILL have White privilege. Some Whites will ignore the experiences of people of colour who are women, poor, LGBTQ, considered overweight or have a challenge with a particular ability and by doing so, they can focus on how they themselves experience oppression while ignoring White privilege and matters of race. No country for nuance and intersectionality?

The second reason why Whites call people of colour “racist” is quite different. I’ve been in several graduate-level psychology classes where White students stated that being called “racist” is the absolute worse thing that could happen to them. I always wondered why saying or doing a racist thing didn’t scare them more than being called “racist.” What I realized is that some Whites will call a person of colour who called out their racism “racist” in an “I know you are but what am I” reductionist retreat. The defense mechanisms of projection and denial are to protect their egos. If there’s nothing they fear more than being called “racist,” then the best thing to do is to get that label “away” from them as soon as possible. By deciding that a person of colour rejecting racism is the “real” “racist” act, not the racist act that they or another White person was called out on, they can deflect and derail. A common derailment tactic is to assert in a whiny voice “all Whites aren’t like this.” Who said they are? Again, racism is not solely about individual to individual relationships; even when the discussion or action is between two people, it speaks to a greater experience impacted by institutional, systemic and structural factors. Further, an individual White person does not have to be racist in any way to benefit from White privilege living in a White supremacist society. As Mychal Denzel Smith writes In White People Have To Give Up Racism:

Not every white person is a racist, but the genius of racism is that you don’t have to participate to enjoy the spoils. If you’re white, you can be completely oblivious, passively accepting the status quo, and reap the rewards.

A lack of understanding regarding what racism actually is, the belief that White supremacy is “normal” in society, the inability to see the manifestations of racism because they do not experience them and are shielded by White privilege, as well as self-protection from the label that they fear most is why Whites call people of colour “racist” and from my experience, seem to take great pleasure in doing so when that person of colour is Black.

Gradient Lair - Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”
you forgot about Jackson, Sharpton, Joy Reid, Michael Eric Dyson, and DeRay McKisson and that's just for starters

No I didn't. The people you mention have nothing to do with the racism industry.

you people?!?!

that's racist

Since I didn't say that it can't be. Please stop trying to pretend that everything said by blacks about whites has the same meaning as when whites say it about blacks.

why would it not be the same only in reverse?

Mainly because I never said you people and then we have the history between the races whereby things have not been the same.

that still does not entitle blacks to a payoff or and other special treatment including kissing your asses
Because it hasn't
"IM2, postbly
: 20045477, member: 53913"]Why doesn't that question ever get asked in threads started by whites who make rude, incorrect and wrong racist comments all the time?

Here's some dishonesty; it was pointed out in a post just after IM2's first question, a post he did not have the integrity to answer and you ignore:
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.

You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
But you ARE a racist. It's plain for everyone to see.

So, you never answered my question: do blacks take ANY responsibility for today's black condition?

According to who am I am racist? A bunch of whites who believe all Africans live in mud huts?

Fuck you and your question. Whites like you apparently don't want to take responsibility for what they have caused.
I never caused anything towards blacks, but you're giving them a really bad name by being such a racist.

Btw, your brain lives in a mud hut.

Here's some dishonesty; it was pointed out in a post just after IM2's first question, a post he did not have the integrity to answer and you ignore:
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.

You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
But you ARE a racist. It's plain for everyone to see.

So, you never answered my question: do blacks take ANY responsibility for today's black condition?

According to who am I am racist? A bunch of whites who believe all Africans live in mud huts?

Fuck you and your question. Whites like you apparently don't want to take responsibility for what they have caused.
I never caused anything towards blacks, but you're giving them a really bad name by being such a racist.

Btw, your brain lives in a mud hut.


The blacks who are here don't seem to share your view. So again you don't want to take responsibility for what whites have done You've just admitted it.
Here's some dishonesty; it was pointed out in a post just after IM2's first question, a post he did not have the integrity to answer and you ignore:
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.

You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
But you ARE a racist. It's plain for everyone to see.

So, you never answered my question: do blacks take ANY responsibility for today's black condition?

According to who am I am racist? A bunch of whites who believe all Africans live in mud huts?

Fuck you and your question. Whites like you apparently don't want to take responsibility for what they have caused.
I never caused anything towards blacks, but you're giving them a really bad name by being such a racist.

Btw, your brain lives in a mud hut.


Gradient Lair - Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.

You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
But you ARE a racist. It's plain for everyone to see.

So, you never answered my question: do blacks take ANY responsibility for today's black condition?

According to who am I am racist? A bunch of whites who believe all Africans live in mud huts?

Fuck you and your question. Whites like you apparently don't want to take responsibility for what they have caused.
I never caused anything towards blacks, but you're giving them a really bad name by being such a racist.

Btw, your brain lives in a mud hut.


The blacks who are here don't seem to share your view. So again you don't want to take responsibility for what whites have done You've just admitted it.
I don't take responsibility for what whites did because the whole white race didn't do those things to blacks, it was SOME white people, and some BLACK people. My ancestors had ZERO to do with any of that.
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.

You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
But you ARE a racist. It's plain for everyone to see.

So, you never answered my question: do blacks take ANY responsibility for today's black condition?

According to who am I am racist? A bunch of whites who believe all Africans live in mud huts?

Fuck you and your question. Whites like you apparently don't want to take responsibility for what they have caused.
I never caused anything towards blacks, but you're giving them a really bad name by being such a racist.

Btw, your brain lives in a mud hut.


The blacks who are here don't seem to share your view. So again you don't want to take responsibility for what whites have done You've just admitted it.

I'm not TAZ, but why should anyone give a shit what "blacks who are here" think or say.

You insist on blaming individual whites collectively.

Do you really want to go down that road?

because "blacks" collectively are far from blameless
Entirely incorrect. I have pointed out the fact in many threads. Just one example.
White Advocacy, and the Holocaust
Your apology is awaited.

You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
But you ARE a racist. It's plain for everyone to see.

So, you never answered my question: do blacks take ANY responsibility for today's black condition?

According to who am I am racist? A bunch of whites who believe all Africans live in mud huts?

Fuck you and your question. Whites like you apparently don't want to take responsibility for what they have caused.
I never caused anything towards blacks, but you're giving them a really bad name by being such a racist.

Btw, your brain lives in a mud hut.


Gradient Lair - Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”
Ya, but you ARE a racist. Don't even try to say that no blacks can be racist ever, that's bullshit. And you know it.
You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
But you ARE a racist. It's plain for everyone to see.

So, you never answered my question: do blacks take ANY responsibility for today's black condition?

According to who am I am racist? A bunch of whites who believe all Africans live in mud huts?

Fuck you and your question. Whites like you apparently don't want to take responsibility for what they have caused.
I never caused anything towards blacks, but you're giving them a really bad name by being such a racist.

Btw, your brain lives in a mud hut.


The blacks who are here don't seem to share your view. So again you don't want to take responsibility for what whites have done You've just admitted it.
I don't take responsibility for what whites did because the whole white race didn't do those things to blacks, it was SOME white people, and some BLACK people. My ancestors had ZERO to do with any of that.

Since I've never said this is about all whites. You are just making excuses to not take responsibility. You see you bloody tampon, you asked me do blacks take responsibility. Not some blacks. And some blacks did not make racist laws or polices denying some blacks of opportunity. And those laws and policies were not limited to ust some whites, Your ancestors benefitted from these things. But we are well past that excuse.
You're not going to call me a racist and get an apology. That's dishonest, calling a person a racist for pointing out the racism whites have done.
But you ARE a racist. It's plain for everyone to see.

So, you never answered my question: do blacks take ANY responsibility for today's black condition?

According to who am I am racist? A bunch of whites who believe all Africans live in mud huts?

Fuck you and your question. Whites like you apparently don't want to take responsibility for what they have caused.
I never caused anything towards blacks, but you're giving them a really bad name by being such a racist.

Btw, your brain lives in a mud hut.


The blacks who are here don't seem to share your view. So again you don't want to take responsibility for what whites have done You've just admitted it.

I'm not TAZ, but why should anyone give a shit what "blacks who are here" think or say.

You insist on blaming individual whites collectively.

Do you really want to go down that road?

because "blacks" collectively are far from blameless

Drop the weak individual and collective excuses junior. I'll be more than happy to go down that road.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion

A Long History of Affirmative Action - For Whites

Many middle-class white people, especially those of us from the suburbs, like to think that we got to where we are today by virtue of our merit - hard work, intelligence, pluck, and maybe a little luck. And while we may be sympathetic to the plight of others, we close down when we hear the words "affirmative action" or "racial preferences." We worked hard, we made it on our own, the thinking goes, why don't 'they'? After all, the Civil Rights Act was enacted almost 40 years ago.

What we don't readily acknowledge is that racial preferences have a long, institutional history in this country - a white history. Here are a few ways in which government programs and practices have channeled wealth and opportunities to white people at the expense of others.

Early Racial Preferences

We all know the old history, but it's still worth reminding ourselves of its scale and scope. Affirmative action in the American "workplace" first began in the late 17th century when European indentured servants - the original source of unfree labor on the new tobacco plantations of Virginia and Maryland - were replaced by African slaves. In exchange for their support and their policing of the growing slave population, lower-class Europeans won new rights, entitlements, and opportunities from the planter elite.

White Americans were also given a head start with the help of the U.S. Army. The 1830 Indian Removal Act, for example, forcibly relocated Cherokee, Creeks and other eastern Indians to west of the Mississippi River to make room for white settlers. The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

The 1790 Naturalization Act permitted only "free white persons" to become naturalized citizens, thus opening the doors to European immigrants but not others. Only citizens could vote, serve on juries, hold office, and in some cases, even hold property. In this century, Alien Land Laws passed in California and other states, reserved farm land for white growers by preventing Asian immigrants, ineligible to become citizens, from owning or leasing land. Immigration restrictions further limited opportunities for nonwhite groups. Racial barriers to naturalized U.S. citizenship weren't removed until the McCarran-Walter Act in 1952, and white racial preferences in immigration remained until 1965.

In the South, the federal government never followed through on General Sherman's Civil War plan to divide up plantations and give each freed slave "40 acres and a mule" as reparations. Only once was monetary compensation made for slavery, in Washington, D.C. There, government officials paid up to $300 per slave upon emancipation - not to the slaves, but to local slaveholders as compensation for loss of property.

When slavery ended, its legacy lived on not only in the impoverished condition of Black people but in the wealth and prosperity that accrued to white slaveowners and their descendents. Economists who try to place a dollar value on how much white Americans have profited from 200 years of unpaid slave labor, including interest, begin their estimates at $1 trillion.

Jim Crow laws, instituted in the late 19th and early 20th century and not overturned in many states until the 1960s, reserved the best jobs, neighborhoods, schools and hospitals for white people.

The Advantages Grow, Generation to Generation

Less known are more recent government racial preferences, first enacted during the New Deal, that directed wealth to white families and continue to shape life opportunities and chances.

The landmark Social Security Act of 1935 provided a safety net for millions of workers, guaranteeing them an income after retirement. But the act specifically excluded two occupations: agricultural workers and domestic servants, who were predominately African American, Mexican, and Asian. As low-income workers, they also had the least opportunity to save for their retirement. They couldn't pass wealth on to their children. Just the opposite. Their children had to support them.

Like Social Security, the 1935 Wagner Act helped establish an important new right for white people. By granting unions the power of collective bargaining, it helped millions of white workers gain entry into the middle class over the next 30 years. But the Wagner Act permitted unions to exclude non-whites and deny them access to better paid jobs and union protections and benefits such as health care, job security, and pensions. Many craft unions remained nearly all-white well into the 1970s. In 1972, for example, every single one of the 3,000 members of Los Angeles Steam Fitters Local #250 was still white.

But it was another racialized New Deal program, the Federal Housing Administration, that helped generate much of the wealth that so many white families enjoy today. These revolutionary programs made it possible for millions of average white Americans - but not others - to own a home for the first time. The government set up a national neighborhood appraisal system, explicitly tying mortgage eligibility to race. Integrated communities were ipso facto deemed a financial risk and made ineligible for home loans, a policy known today as "redlining." Between 1934 and 1962, the federal government backed $120 billion of home loans. More than 98% went to whites. Of the 350,000 new homes built with federal support in northern California between 1946 and 1960, fewer than 100 went to African Americans.

These government programs made possible the new segregated white suburbs that sprang up around the country after World War II. Government subsidies for municipal services helped develop and enhance these suburbs further, in turn fueling commercial investments. Freeways tied the new suburbs to central business districts, but they often cut through and destroyed the vitality of non-white neighborhoods in the central city.

Today, Black and Latino mortgage applicants are still 60% more likely than whites to be turned down for a loan, even after controlling for employment, financial, and neighborhood factors. According to the Census, whites are more likely to be segregated than any other group. As recently as 1993, 86% of suburban whites still lived in neighborhoods with a black population of less than 1%.

Reaping the Rewards of Racial Preference

One result of the generations of preferential treatment for whites is that a typical white family today has on average eight times the assets, or net worth, of a typical African American family, according to economist Edward Wolff. Even when families of the same income are compared, white families have more than twice the wealth of Black families. Much of that wealth difference can be attributed to the value of one's home, and how much one inherited from parents.

But a family's net worth is not simply the finish line, it's also the starting point for the next generation. Those with wealth pass their assets on to their children - by financing a college education, lending a hand during hard times, or assisting with the down payment for a home. Some economists estimate that up to 80 percent of lifetime wealth accumulation depends on these intergenerational transfers. White advantage is passed down, from parent to child to grand-child. As a result, the racial wealth gap - and the head start enjoyed by whites - appears to have grown since the civil rights days.

In 1865, just after Emancipation, it is not surprising that African Americans owned 0.5 percent of the total worth of the United States. But by 1990, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Americans still possessed only a meager 1 percent of national wealth.

Rather than recognize how "racial preferences" have tilted the playing field and given us a head start in life, many whites continue to believe that race does not affect our lives. Instead, we chastise others for not achieving what we have; we even invert the situation and accuse non-whites of using "the race card" to advance themselves.

Or we suggest that differential outcomes may simply result from differences in "natural" ability or motivation. However, sociologist Dalton Conley's research shows that when we compare the performance of families across racial lines who make not just the same income, but also hold similar net worth, a very interesting thing happens: many of the racial disparities in education, graduation rates, welfare usage and other outcomes disappear. The "performance gap" between whites and nonwhites is a product not of nature, but unequal circumstances.

Colorblind policies that treat everyone the same, no exceptions for minorities, are often counter-posed against affirmative action. But colorblindness today merely bolsters the unfair advantages that color-coded practices have enabled white Americans to long accumulate.

It's a little late in the game to say that race shouldn't matter.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage
But you ARE a racist. It's plain for everyone to see.

So, you never answered my question: do blacks take ANY responsibility for today's black condition?

According to who am I am racist? A bunch of whites who believe all Africans live in mud huts?

Fuck you and your question. Whites like you apparently don't want to take responsibility for what they have caused.
I never caused anything towards blacks, but you're giving them a really bad name by being such a racist.

Btw, your brain lives in a mud hut.


The blacks who are here don't seem to share your view. So again you don't want to take responsibility for what whites have done You've just admitted it.
I don't take responsibility for what whites did because the whole white race didn't do those things to blacks, it was SOME white people, and some BLACK people. My ancestors had ZERO to do with any of that.

Since I've never said this is about all whites. You are just making excuses to not take responsibility. You see you bloody tampon, you asked me do blacks take responsibility. Not some blacks. And some blacks did not make racist laws or polices denying some blacks of opportunity. And those laws and policies were not limited to ust some whites, Your ancestors benefitted from these things. But we are well past that excuse.
Blacks sold your family into slavery, to whites, so blacks DO have a responsibility there. As for me or my ancestors, we have nothing to feel bad about, we did nothing. Being alive doesn't make you guilty.
no white people were around 200 years ago to benefit from , so-called , white racial preference.

as for net worth? perhaps white people are just better at accumulating wealth. You need to prove that whitey is keeping you down and not simply out competing you

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