A Republican trying to save Baltimore from democrat party criminal justice policies...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Democrats create violence and chaos in the cities they control...they release violent, repeat gun offenders, then spend all of their money and time trying to take guns away from law abiding people...the victims of the criminals the democrats keep releasing....

This guy is trying to save the city from the democrat party...

Maryland Governor Hogan Provides Blueprint For Chicago Violence

Hogan gets it. There is not much that the government can do to fix the dysfunctional black underclass culture that causes most of the violence in Baltimore. Pouring money into midnight basketball, after school programs, second chance crime reduction programs will do absolutely nothing to fix the urban pathologies of ineffective parenting, absent fathers, and flawed lifestyle choices like dropping out of school, joining gangs, illegal gun possession, fathering kids in their early to mid-teens along with drug and alcohol abuse.

The Democrat liberal approach that has been tried over and over again has failed miserably. Simply pouring money into these failed soft behavioral modification programs has only exasperated the problem. No amount of money will get people to change their dysfunctional behavior. We can’t make parents, for example, be good parents, but we can punish them for the responsibility of not being better at raising their kids and we can punish their offspring for their violent anti-social behavior
They indoctrinated criminal justice practitioners including prosecutors, police and probation and parole agents about some inane idea about inherent bias theory.

That led to discouraging prosecutors from issuing charges against drug dealers and gun-toting repeat offenders. They urged judges away from high bail and lengthy sentences even though these are some of the tactics at the heart of the great crime declines of the 1980s to the mid-2000s.

There is no argument about that. It has been proven over and over by criminologists and economists on either side of what works best argument, programming or incarceration.

The solution...

What Hogan realizes and as I have long pointed out is that job one is to get control of the city streets. Criminals are operating in plain sight and with no fear of an embattled police department still reeling from their political all activist State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby who is more determined to get indictments on police officers for doing their job than on prosecuting career criminals.

Hogan pointed out that 85% of homicide suspects had a prior criminal record and had been arrested an average of seven times. So much for second chances. Additionally, over 50% have been arrested for violent offenses. So much for giving second chances for low-level offenders and 40% had previously been arrested for a crime committed with a gun. The plan is correctly heavy on providing millions for resources like additional officers for street patrols, prosecutors, judges, probation and parole agents all focused on going after career criminals.

The key will be changing the culture in the prosecutor’s office to actually bring criminal charges, keeping them in jail with high bail while awaiting trial and getting lenient judges to not accept watered-down prosecutions in exchange for plea bargains and sentencing them to long periods of incarceration.
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