A record number of Americans now believe in Climate change

It's so fucking obvious to anyone that looks up at the sky occasionally.
Do you take your foil hat off to do it?
Unfortunately mgt allows Dale-the-Crazy-Chemtrails-Clown to TROLL/Sneak his Wacked posts/pix into Climate threads with his Off topic psychosis.
Chemtrails is Conspiracy section on ANY Decent board.

LMAO!!! The IPCC works at the leisure of the U.N, dumb ass. I know more than you. Feel free to push your "CARBON DIOXIDE IS CAUSING MAN MADE GLOBAL...I MEAN CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!" bullshit to your heart's content. This forum isn't your personal soapbox where you can simply spew bullshit without rebuttal. Geo-engineering is REAL.....deal with it and until it is factored into the weather anomalies and weird weather patterns, the science isn't settled...not by a long shot, kiddo.
Americans believe in climate change. They believe it is damn fucking cold and colder than last year.
The Ameican people are finally catching on to all the bullshit, schemes and deceptions the deniers and their minions have been peddling for years. The evidence is overwhelming of climate change. The debate is over. Support for taking action to halt climate change will grow and grow. It will become the number one issue in about 5 years.

Where is the evidence of that s0n?

Links please!!:113::113::113:
Have you taken the time to read the OP's link ? Read the article then get back to me.

As the effects of climate change manifests itself even more in the coming years momentum will build for greater action.
Of course you will be able to convince China, India and Africa of all this warming and they will change their ways because you said so.

The truth is, it is getting colder because the sun is in minima. It will get much colder. Global warming will be welcome in about 70 years.
When it’s a minus 12 degrees of freezing cold wind, even the beautiful Venice sunset won’t get tourists to crowd outside.

climate change my ass!
The majority of people on this planet believe global warming is taking place, that humans are primarily responsible and that it is a threat. That has nothing to do with the science, but that is what this thread is about.

More fake facts simply pulled out of your ass. Any actual evidence to support that claim?
Post #50 and post #68

First, post 50 provided no link...and the question was, is climate change a serious problem...it doesn't even mention what the possible cause of climate change might be..

you claimed the majority of people on this planet believe global warming is taking place, that humans are primarily responsible and that it is a threat. Post 50 doesn't even come close to supporting that claim

Second, in post 68..again, there were only a few that asked about the cause of climate change and in those, they only asked if humans were "partly" responsible..a far cry from your claim that almost everyone believes that humans are the primary cause...

So like I said...a fake fact pulled out of your ass with no actual evidence in support. Let me guess..it was good enough to fool you though...you looked at those articles....if you bothered to even look...and were fooled into thinking that almost everyone on earth thinks that humans are the primary cause of climate change and that it is a threat.

And when you look at the actual evidence, if and that is a bit IF everyone actually did believe that climate change...(the change we actually have seen vs the wild fairy tales presented by activists and their partners in the media)...is a threat of any serious proportion, then your surveys demonstrate how uninformed most people are on the topic.
Post 68 is the link for post 50

Your other objections are bullshit. Your last sentence is the best expression of a reaction from someone of your position to this news. Yes, most of the people on this planet think you're a fool
Post 68 is the link for post 50

Your other objections are bullshit. Your last sentence is the best expression of a reaction from someone of your position to this news. Yes, most of the people on this planet think you're a fool

My objections are the crux of the matter...you made a claim that your links don't support. Do I need to go through them one by one pointing out how they questions they ask differ from the claim you made? You want your dishonesty and stupidity put on that sort of display...I will be glad to oblige...
Most Americans Believe in Climate Change, Polls Say - The Atlantic

The old fart trump will be dead when the sea water creeps into downtown Miami. He will be dust when Manhattan needs sand bags to keep high tide out of their streets.

Republicans are and will always be out of touch with reality. Don't they realize that their grandchildren and great grandchildren will be the ones that suffer from their ignorance today...
Has climate ever been stable?

We are not talking weather...we are talking climate. The changes we are about to endure may be generationally disruptive....
Most Americans Believe in Climate Change, Polls Say - The Atlantic

The old fart trump will be dead when the sea water creeps into downtown Miami. He will be dust when Manhattan needs sand bags to keep high tide out of their streets.

Republicans are and will always be out of touch with reality. Don't they realize that their grandchildren and great grandchildren will be the ones that suffer from their ignorance today...
Has climate ever been stable?

We are not talking weather...we are talking climate. The changes we are about to endure may be generationally disruptive....

But only those who tend to the hysterical concur. How do we know? Because so few are calling for action on the climate. The evidence is staggering.

@ www.whosnotwinning.com
From "We've entered a new era" of public concern about climate change, survey finds

Americans are growing more convinced than ever that climate change is having an impact on our world, and the issue is becoming a more important part of their lives. That is the conclusion of a new report by the Yale Program on Climate Communication and George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, based on a survey of Americans nationwide.

About 72 percent of Americans now say that climate change is important to them, an increase of 9 percentage points since last March, and a 16-point increase since March 2015.

In addition, the number of Americans convinced that climate change is mostly caused by humans has spiked to 62 percent, a jump of 8 points in just one year.

"My bet is that we've entered a new era of public concern about climate change" says Dr. Ed Maibach, director of the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication.

An October 2018 CBS News poll found a similar result, with 61 percent of Americans saying global warming is human-caused, up 7 percent from April 2018. Four years earlier, an AP-GFK poll found only 33 percent were extremely or very confident that was true.

Professor Michael B. Gerrard, the director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University, is cautiously encouraged. "Sometimes public opinion shifts quickly, as it did with smoking and same-sex marriage," he said.

Maibach feels that may be happening now with climate change. "We appear to have reached an inflection point in that half of Americans now see climate change as happening here, now, to us — and they feel that they and/or members of their family will be harmed by it."

Climate change has often been thought of as a distant problem whose impact might appear decades or centuries in the future. But recent studies show that extreme weatherover the past few years has been supercharged by climate change. People are connecting the dots through their real-life experience.
From "We've entered a new era" of public concern about climate change, survey finds

Americans are growing more convinced than ever that climate change is having an impact on our world, and the issue is becoming a more important part of their lives. That is the conclusion of a new report by the Yale Program on Climate Communication and George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, based on a survey of Americans nationwide.

About 72 percent of Americans now say that climate change is important to them, an increase of 9 percentage points since last March, and a 16-point increase since March 2015.

In addition, the number of Americans convinced that climate change is mostly caused by humans has spiked to 62 percent, a jump of 8 points in just one year.

"My bet is that we've entered a new era of public concern about climate change" says Dr. Ed Maibach, director of the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication.

An October 2018 CBS News poll found a similar result, with 61 percent of Americans saying global warming is human-caused, up 7 percent from April 2018. Four years earlier, an AP-GFK poll found only 33 percent were extremely or very confident that was true.

Professor Michael B. Gerrard, the director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University, is cautiously encouraged. "Sometimes public opinion shifts quickly, as it did with smoking and same-sex marriage," he said.

Maibach feels that may be happening now with climate change. "We appear to have reached an inflection point in that half of Americans now see climate change as happening here, now, to us — and they feel that they and/or members of their family will be harmed by it."

Climate change has often been thought of as a distant problem whose impact might appear decades or centuries in the future. But recent studies show that extreme weatherover the past few years has been supercharged by climate change. People are connecting the dots through their real-life experience.

About 72 percent of Americans now say that climate change is important to them, an increase of 9 percentage points since last March, and a 16-point increase since March 2015.

You have any recent polls about how much Americans are willing to spend to stop the climate from ever changing again?
No. Neither do I have a survey of how much they would spend for a wall on the southern border, peace in the Middle East or sexual equality in the work place.
No. Neither do I have a survey of how much they would spend for a wall on the southern border, peace in the Middle East or sexual equality in the work place.

The survey results also suggest that the amount that people are willing to pay monthly varies. Fifty-seven percent are willing to pay at least $1 per month. The share declines with the monthly cost: 23 percent would pay at least $40 monthly, and 16 percent would pay at least $100 each month. However, the fact that 43 percent are unwilling to pay anything underscores the polarization about climate change. Party identification and acceptance of climate change are the main correlates of whether people are willing to pay, with Democrats being consistently more inclined to pay a fee.

New Poll: Nearly Half Of Americans Are More Convinced Than They Were Five Years Ago That Climate Change Is Happening, With Extreme Weather Driving Their Views | Energy Policy Institute at University of Chicago

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