A Reality Check For All Candidates


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
America has never had so many candidates on the ballot who deny and are hostile to reality.

Being out-of-touch with reality is a serious impediment for any politician, but when a delusion manifests itself in the form of an irrational denial of an American democratic election, it is a conspicuous disqualifier.

Answering a simple question that has often been use to ascertain mental competence should be mandatory.

"Who is the President of the United States as determined by the most recent presidential election?"
Trump, regardless of the last presidential election having been confirmed by the certified electoral votes of all fifty states (and the District of Columbia) persists in whining that the election was "rigged" or "stolen" from him. Despite the loser's phony claims, no evidence has emerged showing the 2020 election was fraudulent. To the contrary, dozens of legal challenges brought by the loser and his lickspittles failed in state and federal courts. Meanwhile, audits and recounts consistently reaffirmed Biden's win. Top Trump administration officials and prominent Republicans have repeatedly said that there is no evidence that the election was stolen. Former Attorney General William Barr, who was widely viewed as one of Trump's most loyal Cabinet members, has called the claims of widespread voter fraud "Bullshit!"
Most Americans, whether they are happy with it or not, accept the reality. As a minimal indicator of competence, all seekers of public office should be asked to publicly state whether they also accept reality. It's really a minimal threshold.


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You think you're smart!
Any candidate who denies reality and fantasizes that Joe Biden isn't the elected president should by allowed to cite all the votes totals, recounts, audits, and court adjudications that lead them to believe otherwise.

Being able to confront reality is essential, but points can be earned by imaginative creativity.

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