A Rare Moment Of Honesty From D-Diane Feinstein: NO EVIDENCE


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Dianne Feinstein Says She Has Not Seen Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion [VIDEO]

"A top Democratic member of the Senate Intelligence Committee says she has yet to see evidence of collusion between Donald Trump advisers and the Russian government.

“Do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign?” CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked California Sen. Dianne Feinstein during an interview on Wednesday.

“Not at this time,” she responded."

10+ Months of multiple investigations

The Directors of the NSA and FBI have testified there was NO EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY

The FBI has declared 3 (THREE) times now there is NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION

Obama's Ex-CIA Director James Clapper has already declared there is NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION

Now a DNC Member on the Intel Committee, after 100+ Months, has come out to declare NO EVIDENCE produced / seen

... but Hillary, Barry, Democrats, and snowflakes still be like:

Dianne Feinstein Says She Has Not Seen Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion [VIDEO]

"A top Democratic member of the Senate Intelligence Committee says she has yet to see evidence of collusion between Donald Trump advisers and the Russian government.

“Do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign?” CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked California Sen. Dianne Feinstein during an interview on Wednesday.

“Not at this time,” she responded."

10+ Months of multiple investigations

The Directors of the NSA and FBI have testified there was NO EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY

The FBI has declared 3 (THREE) times now there is NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION

Obama's Ex-CIA Director James Clapper has already declared there is NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION

Now a DNC Member on the Intel Committee, after 100+ Months, has come out to declare NO EVIDENCE produced / seen

... but Hillary, Barry, Democrats, and snowflakes still be like:

View attachment 124696
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.


Everything Republican, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Democratic, good, good, good.



Works either way, doesn't it?

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