a question for the left . Who do you blame for the ass whipping your party suffered ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
is it because Colorado and North Carolina are now racist women hating states ? why did your party get the shit kicked out of them ? it can't be the money that was spent yall spent more money in the history of mid term elections.. or media bias yall have msnbs , cnn , nbc , abc , in your corner ! ... so why in the hell did you loose ?
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is it because Colorado and North Carolina are now racist women hating states ? why did your party get the shit kicked out of them ? it can't be the money that was spent yall spent more money in the history of mid term elections.. or media bias yall have msnbs , cnn , nbc , abc , in your corner ! ... so why in the hell did you loose ?

Dems did not run on their record. They had a good record to run on but they ran away from it as well as Obama. The unemployment rate has dropped from over 10% to under 6%. The federal deficit has been slashed by nearly 70% and is now at a lower level as a percentage of GDP than the average of the past 40 years. The stock market has more than doubled since it bottomed out under the Bush crash. The economy is growing at a very good rate. Gas prices are dropping as if the bottom fell out. Domestic energy production is at its highest level in decades and energy imports have dropped to their lowest level in decades. It's all great economic news, yet somehow Dems allowed Republicans to convince everyone that everything is horrible. All in all, it should be an interesting two years leading up to 2016. Something tells me Dems will run on their record in 2016. The other thing is that with a presidential election in two years, younger people will vote in much larger numbers. Looking at voter turnout for those aged 18 to 29, it was pathetic.
"Damn," says the left, "Hate has worked so well for us these past six years. What happened?"
Actually, it appears to have worked wonders for the Repugs. Guess we'll have to try the obstruction, hatred, scorched earth route the repugs have pioneered and so masterfully used.

In 18 months, Dems running for House and Senate seats will be asking one big question; what have the Republicans been doing for the past 16 months? About the only thing I expect them to accomplish is to keep any of Obama's nominees from being confirmed, but they will call that a victory.
"Damn," says the left, "Hate has worked so well for us these past six years. What happened?"
Actually, it appears to have worked wonders for the Repugs. Guess we'll have to try the obstruction, hatred, scorched earth route the repugs have pioneered and so masterfully used.

In 18 months, Dems running for House and Senate seats will be asking one big question; what have the Republicans been doing for the past 16 months? About the only thing I expect them to accomplish is to keep any of Obama's nominees from being confirmed, but they will call that a victory.

And what would you call it if not a Republican victory? That's a rather strange post. Did you think about it before you hit the maroon button?
is it because Colorado and North Carolina are now racist women hating states ? why did your party get the shit kicked out of them ? it can't be the money that was spent yall spent more money in the history of mid term elections.. or media bias yall have msnbs , cnn , nbc , abc , in your corner ! ... so why in the hell did you loose ?

Dems did not run on their record. They had a good record to run on but they ran away from it as well as Obama. The unemployment rate has dropped from over 10% to under 6%. The federal deficit has been slashed by nearly 70% and is now at a lower level as a percentage of GDP than the average of the past 40 years. The stock market has more than doubled since it bottomed out under the Bush crash. The economy is growing at a very good rate. Gas prices are dropping as if the bottom fell out. Domestic energy production is at its highest level in decades and energy imports have dropped to their lowest level in decades. It's all great economic news, yet somehow Dems allowed Republicans to convince everyone that everything is horrible. All in all, it should be an interesting two years leading up to 2016. Something tells me Dems will run on their record in 2016. The other thing is that with a presidential election in two years, younger people will vote in much larger numbers. Looking at voter turnout for those aged 18 to 29, it was pathetic.

Median family income has dropped every year since 1999.....and has dropped most quickly under Obama. When the average American is worse off...that is the only stat that matters. The rest is basically crap.
is it because Colorado and North Carolina are now racist women hating states ? why did your party get the shit kicked out of them ? it can't be the money that was spent yall spent more money in the history of mid term elections.. or media bias yall have msnbs , cnn , nbc , abc , in your corner ! ... so why in the hell did you loose ?
is it because Colorado and North Carolina are now racist women hating states ? why did your party get the shit kicked out of them ? it can't be the money that was spent yall spent more money in the history of mid term elections.. or media bias yall have msnbs , cnn , nbc , abc , in your corner ! ... so why in the hell did you loose ?

Dems did not run on their record. They had a good record to run on but they ran away from it as well as Obama. The unemployment rate has dropped from over 10% to under 6%. The federal deficit has been slashed by nearly 70% and is now at a lower level as a percentage of GDP than the average of the past 40 years. The stock market has more than doubled since it bottomed out under the Bush crash. The economy is growing at a very good rate. Gas prices are dropping as if the bottom fell out. Domestic energy production is at its highest level in decades and energy imports have dropped to their lowest level in decades. It's all great economic news, yet somehow Dems allowed Republicans to convince everyone that everything is horrible. All in all, it should be an interesting two years leading up to 2016. Something tells me Dems will run on their record in 2016. The other thing is that with a presidential election in two years, younger people will vote in much larger numbers. Looking at voter turnout for those aged 18 to 29, it was pathetic.

OK To sum it up, in your book every thing was just too good. So the Democrats had to go.
I guess I'd blame the same entity which saw Bush's last 2 years go from Republican House/Senate to Democratic House/Senate, the same entity which has Clinton a Republican House/Senate in his last 2 years, the same entity which had Bush senior with Democratic House/Senate in his last 2 years, the same entity which saw Reagan have Democratic House/Senate in his last 2 years.

The last president not to have this was CARTER. Well he must have been doing a fine job to have Democratic House/Senate, best pressie ever, right?

It's quite bizarre the lack of history most people have.

So who is this entity?
Well it's the voters. The voters, as a whole, as so damn stupid, that they can't see the difference between the legislature and executive. They can't understand why things are as they are. They will vote based on popularity and after 6 years the president just isn't that popular any more. People want a new person every 2 years, not every 8. Seeing the same guy in the media for EIGHT YEARS, I mean, not even Justin "I'm a bit of a.." Beaver will be going for 8 years.
"Damn," says the left, "Hate has worked so well for us these past six years. What happened?"
Actually, it appears to have worked wonders for the Repugs. Guess we'll have to try the obstruction, hatred, scorched earth route the repugs have pioneered and so masterfully used.

Get busy, then. The american people just proved they see right through all that BS...it should be comical to see you try to sell it again...
"Damn," says the left, "Hate has worked so well for us these past six years. What happened?"
Actually, it appears to have worked wonders for the Repugs. Guess we'll have to try the obstruction, hatred, scorched earth route the repugs have pioneered and so masterfully used.

In 18 months, Dems running for House and Senate seats will be asking one big question; what have the Republicans been doing for the past 16 months? About the only thing I expect them to accomplish is to keep any of Obama's nominees from being confirmed, but they will call that a victory.

And what would you call it if not a Republican victory? That's a rather strange post. Did you think about it before you hit the maroon button?
The partisans are so confused and upset now...and here they are trying to predict the future and creating imaginary scenarios where they vanquish the evil right and everyone loves them again...LMAO...comical.
I guess I'd blame the same entity which saw Bush's last 2 years go from Republican House/Senate to Democratic House/Senate, the same entity which has Clinton a Republican House/Senate in his last 2 years, the same entity which had Bush senior with Democratic House/Senate in his last 2 years, the same entity which saw Reagan have Democratic House/Senate in his last 2 years.

The last president not to have this was CARTER. Well he must have been doing a fine job to have Democratic House/Senate, best pressie ever, right?

It's quite bizarre the lack of history most people have.

So who is this entity?
Well it's the voters. The voters, as a whole, as so damn stupid, that they can't see the difference between the legislature and executive. They can't understand why things are as they are. They will vote based on popularity and after 6 years the president just isn't that popular any more. People want a new person every 2 years, not every 8. Seeing the same guy in the media for EIGHT YEARS, I mean, not even Justin "I'm a bit of a.." Beaver will be going for 8 years.

Yeah...you guys go ahead and run on "the voters are too stupid..."
Get obama to confirm it, too...He thinks we're stupid. I'm sure dear leader would be up for a chance to lecture us again...
great party platform.for the dems.

"Elect us because we think you're stupid."
is it because Colorado and North Carolina are now racist women hating states ? why did your party get the shit kicked out of them ? it can't be the money that was spent yall spent more money in the history of mid term elections.. or media bias yall have msnbs , cnn , nbc , abc , in your corner ! ... so why in the hell did you loose ?

Dems did not run on their record. They had a good record to run on but they ran away from it as well as Obama. The unemployment rate has dropped from over 10% to under 6%. The federal deficit has been slashed by nearly 70% and is now at a lower level as a percentage of GDP than the average of the past 40 years. The stock market has more than doubled since it bottomed out under the Bush crash. The economy is growing at a very good rate. Gas prices are dropping as if the bottom fell out. Domestic energy production is at its highest level in decades and energy imports have dropped to their lowest level in decades. It's all great economic news, yet somehow Dems allowed Republicans to convince everyone that everything is horrible. All in all, it should be an interesting two years leading up to 2016. Something tells me Dems will run on their record in 2016. The other thing is that with a presidential election in two years, younger people will vote in much larger numbers. Looking at voter turnout for those aged 18 to 29, it was pathetic.
I have to ask are you an addict?
I guess I'd blame the same entity which saw Bush's last 2 years go from Republican House/Senate to Democratic House/Senate, the same entity which has Clinton a Republican House/Senate in his last 2 years, the same entity which had Bush senior with Democratic House/Senate in his last 2 years, the same entity which saw Reagan have Democratic House/Senate in his last 2 years.

The last president not to have this was CARTER. Well he must have been doing a fine job to have Democratic House/Senate, best pressie ever, right?

It's quite bizarre the lack of history most people have.

So who is this entity?
Well it's the voters. The voters, as a whole, as so damn stupid, that they can't see the difference between the legislature and executive. They can't understand why things are as they are. They will vote based on popularity and after 6 years the president just isn't that popular any more. People want a new person every 2 years, not every 8. Seeing the same guy in the media for EIGHT YEARS, I mean, not even Justin "I'm a bit of a.." Beaver will be going for 8 years.

Yeah...you guys go ahead and run on "the voters are too stupid..."
Get obama to confirm it, too...He thinks we're stupid. I'm sure dear leader would be up for a chance to lecture us again...
great party platform.for the dems.

"Elect us because we think you're stupid."

Try reading what I wrote. You try and mock me for saying voters are stupid, then you go off onto the partisan track straight away, trying to attack Obama. Also trying to claim I'm Democrat too, what on earth?

You don't see that EVERY time a president comes into his last 2 years, in the last 30 years, we've had opposite parties? Doesn't suggest anything to you?

Most voters of Republicans and Democrats vote them because they don't know any better.
Dems did not run on their record. They had a good record to run on but they ran away from it as well as Obama. The unemployment rate has dropped from over 10% to under 6%. The federal deficit has been slashed by nearly 70% and is now at a lower level as a percentage of GDP than the average of the past 40 years. The stock market has more than doubled since it bottomed out under the Bush crash. The economy is growing at a very good rate. Gas prices are dropping as if the bottom fell out. Domestic energy production is at its highest level in decades and energy imports have dropped to their lowest level in decades. It's all great economic news, yet somehow Dems allowed Republicans to convince everyone that everything is horrible. All in all, it should be an interesting two years leading up to 2016. Something tells me Dems will run on their record in 2016. The other thing is that with a presidential election in two years, younger people will vote in much larger numbers. Looking at voter turnout for those aged 18 to 29, it was pathetic.[/QUOTE]

:crybaby: :boohoo:
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I guess I'd blame the same entity which saw Bush's last 2 years go from Republican House/Senate to Democratic House/Senate, the same entity which has Clinton a Republican House/Senate in his last 2 years, the same entity which had Bush senior with Democratic House/Senate in his last 2 years, the same entity which saw Reagan have Democratic House/Senate in his last 2 years.

The last president not to have this was CARTER. Well he must have been doing a fine job to have Democratic House/Senate, best pressie ever, right?

It's quite bizarre the lack of history most people have.

So who is this entity?
Well it's the voters. The voters, as a whole, as so damn stupid, that they can't see the difference between the legislature and executive. They can't understand why things are as they are. They will vote based on popularity and after 6 years the president just isn't that popular any more. People want a new person every 2 years, not every 8. Seeing the same guy in the media for EIGHT YEARS, I mean, not even Justin "I'm a bit of a.." Beaver will be going for 8 years.

Yeah...you guys go ahead and run on "the voters are too stupid..."
Get obama to confirm it, too...He thinks we're stupid. I'm sure dear leader would be up for a chance to lecture us again...
great party platform.for the dems.

"Elect us because we think you're stupid."

Try reading what I wrote. You try and mock me for saying voters are stupid, then you go off onto the partisan track straight away, trying to attack Obama. Also trying to claim I'm Democrat too, what on earth?

You don't see that EVERY time a president comes into his last 2 years, in the last 30 years, we've had opposite parties? Doesn't suggest anything to you?

Most voters of Republicans and Democrats vote them because they don't know any better.

Oh...you're a moderate now....no allegiance to either party suddenly..:laugh2:

.. you threw down your weapon, discarded your uniform and are now trying to blend in....LMAO... No one is fooled.
Oh...you're a moderate now....no allegiance to either party suddenly..:laugh2:

.. you threw down your weapon, discarded your uniform and are now trying to blend in....LMAO... No one is fooled.

So you don't know anything about me, and you're trying to just play the partisan attack game with me?

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